After a decade away, I'm returning to Norrath

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Akon, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. SuicidalDwarfPally New Member

    Quest reward armor being that in the tutorial?
    I actually created a second dwarf pally and wood elf ranger so that I could start them in their normal home lands. But now that I know about the "ready to leave" I will delete them.
    I dont know much about the Hero's Journey... is it better today to do it or go back to Butcherblock?
    Are there still homes that you can make furniture to put into and keep your stuff in?
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    September 19, 2006. Which is truly amazing, given how well it still stands up today. Gloomingdeep has been updated a couple of times since then, mostly recently to upgrade the quest rewards to Defiant equivalent, although I don't have any record of when that was done.
  3. Akon Elder

    Suicidal.... I hear ya. Yeah, I'll create a character on Xegony in addition to FV. My new box is due here on Thursday. I'll be in game then, finally. You doing the Hero's Journey or strictly old school stuff?
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    Yes, I was referring to the rewards from the quests in Gloomingdeep. Excellent quality; I typically complete that and level to ten or twelve in there, then do the start of the Hero's Journey. But I basically will only change out items for what drops for me, and then at 59-65 swap out with Bazaar bought Elaborate Defiant and at 65 SoF tier 1 weapons.

    As for the Hero's Journey, it really has a couple of purposes: encourages older players to experience the "new" TSS content (which is excellent, by the way), and completing groups of quests will update your gear, including weapons, ears and fingers, what otherwise can be hard to do from your own killing.

    Crescent Reach or Butcherblock? That's your call: CR is faster and is interesting content that is new to you; BB has the nostalgia attraction. But there's time enough to switch between as you wish.
    SuicidalDwarfPally and Akon like this.
  5. Akon Elder

    Yeah the tutorial armor is what you want... and then probably go for the Hero's Journey. The Butcherblock route evidently doesn't give you nearly as good armor as Hero's Journey. Having said that, I would like to go to Butcherblock some just to see the place again :)
    SuicidalDwarfPally likes this.
  6. Akon Elder

    Hey Borek
  7. Akon Elder

    Ahhhh.... the original EQ..... I remember starting as a High Elf and having to zone just to get through to the castle/city. And then finally being able to zone through that cave into Butcherblock. By then you thought you were hot stuff... haha.... What was the name of that big Orge and his girlfriend that chased you in Butcherblock? LOL
    SuicidalDwarfPally likes this.
  8. Akon Elder

    ..... oh and... with the technology of those days.... those crashes when zoning... good grief... lol
    SuicidalDwarfPally likes this.
  9. Pristine Oakwynd

    Yeah, I already have my old two accounts on Xegony, so I am still poking around there. I still roll up the Rathe to make a warrior there just to check it out. The thing I am looking into now is to see if I can find anyone lower level to level with on Xegony.
    Akon likes this.
  10. Akon Elder

    Pristine, hey... not sure where I'll end up. Suicidal and I rolled on FV but are also checking out Xegony. Or, I will be in the next day or so. Just trying to get a handle on population strengths before committing. I'm a little nostalgic about the whole thing and want this to be a great adventure, this return to Norrath. OK, so I'm getting old and soft now. ;-P
  11. Pristine Oakwynd

    Oh, it is all good. I rolled up a warrior on the The Rathe server and even have been poking around FV in much the same way. I am already on Xegony so have a few toons there from the old accounts that are still lower level as well as my old 'main' ones. Personally, I am the same way as you with wanting to take my time and enjoy returning to Norrath. I was just saying that I am looking to see if Xegony will also work to still find groups in leveling at lower levels, and that's true on any server really. I was not trying to hint or anything, though if you all find yourself some place where I am, all good too! But no worries. ;)
    SuicidalDwarfPally and Akon like this.
  12. Romuluas New Member

    Hey guys. I'm just returning after a 7 yr vacation as well originally on the rate. I have been trying out a few servers myself. If you guys want to hook up on server I'm willing to try any of them. Not many people I used to know still play from what I can tell.
    SuicidalDwarfPally and Akon like this.
  13. Akon Elder

    Hiya, Romuluas.... and welcome back. Yeah several of us are just now returning after many years. Heck, we almost could start our own guild. LOL. Joke ;-P

    I'm not quite in game yet. I had to order a new PC and it's taking a bit longer than I thought. But I should be on in the next couple of days (the monitor came today).
    Let us know your thoughts on the different servers.... As for me, I have no clue yet. But when I do decide, I'll strictly be on just one server. I'm a one-server kind of guy.. lol. Actually, I'm a one character kind of guy as well.

    Anyway, keep us posted on what you find or decide.
  14. Akon Elder

    Keep in touch, Pristine. I'm sure we'll probably connect in game at some point. Have you discovered anything about the "inflated" economy on FV yet? Just curious.
  15. Akon Elder

    Been reading that "paid is worth it" thread.... seems like All Access is the way to go. *shrugs*
  16. Romuluas New Member

    Well I tried Emarr for a few days but didn't see many new players in the few days I spent on the server. And I tries flippy but same thing there, last few days I have just been on test trying out different combos for boxing to see what I can use well, but I too am a 1 server/toon guy. Played eq from 2000 - 07 on the rathe only and only on my SK for 6.5 years.

    Knowing me I will probably make another SK, I always need to be the bad guys that is hated in this game for some reason lol.. It would be nice to have a goto group of people again tho, was always nice to have people to do quests and stuff with back in the day. I may try out FV and see how that is.
    Akon likes this.
  17. Romuluas New Member

    For sure, but being the crack head Ive always been it only took me 2 days before I started paying for 2 accounts again /sigh, What have I gotten myself into.....Again.
    Akon likes this.
  18. Roxxanna Augur

    Try us out guys, nothing to lose but a little time.
    Akon likes this.
  19. Pristine Oakwynd

    Being low level, I have not had to buy anything, but, yeah, the economy does seem to be that way from when I checked it out on FV. The server did not seem bad, but that could be something to consider.

    I still have my level 10 warrior on the Rathe as I wanted to check it out and, admittedly, at seeing a post by Roxxanna and with her guild. I still have the characters on Xegony, but I have been curious about some other servers too. I do not mind starting over either as I have. I did get a necromancer out of the starter zone on Bristlebane, I think it was, and that server did not seem too bad either so far. But, yeah, I like playing with nice people and having a group with some fun. So that is what I am looking at and into these days.

    On all access, I have gone paid on the main account at least. The other account that I had characters on I have not really touched much yet.
    Akon likes this.
  20. Romuluas New Member

    Pristine, look me up on the rathe under this name, if Im on shoot me a tell Im sure I got some gear or something that you can have on there, also I can always log on my shammy box to buff you up.