Summoning Mobs/Test server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. qsnoopyjr Lorekeeper

    Swarm kiting in ANY non instanced zone that causes disruption to other players should be eliminated. Good on the Dev's for recognizing this as a problem for the majority of players and starting to do something about it.
  2. doktartp Augur

    Farners ? how far are you from a zone in, complaining is getting you help, so I guess you can keep it up.
  3. Tarrin Augur

    Yep. If there is some collateral damage along the way to the people that had absolutely nothing to do with it..well..too bad! At least these specific zones will be swarm free, and the swarmers will just go to one of the zones not yet effected!
  4. qsnoopyjr Lorekeeper

    There have always been summoning mobs. We all know how to manage our toons with them around. The only collateral damage I see is requiring you to know your mobs and play smart. Too much easy mode in this game, nowadays, any way.
  5. Tarrin Augur

    And this will completely disrupt my style of kiting.

    Why should *I* have to pay for other people's misuse of abilities?
    silku, Leerah and Sinestra like this.
  6. qsnoopyjr Lorekeeper

    Umm ... go to the other zones where it still works? Kill mobs that don't summon?

    I don't know what your playstyle is but I'll guess a zone lagging out because of swarming will affect your ability to do what you do.
  7. doktartp Augur

    Beamers were using the best xp zones of non summoning mobs, so when kiters do the same, they got hit up.

    What kiters can do is simply skip some trash and be ok, beamers will have issues swerving among the trash to do this, so you can stay in the old zones and work whats left (without dealing with beamers)

    I think having them move on is worth working with 50-75% of the mobs you had before, when you had 0.
  8. Tarrin Augur

    Unfortunately, to quint kite and get the most bang for your buck, I am pulling at least 10-15 mobs at a time, and keeping that many in my group until I am done. Due to the changes in places like Evantil, it means that zone will be worthless for me to get even close to my most worthwhile xp in. Druids do not kite 1 mob at a time at 100 for worthwhile xp. Druids do not root rot for worthwhile xp. Being able to snipe a mob here and there while ducking out of the summoning mobs is not useful to me.

    This will force me to use zones like EW, which I suspect will be the next beaming spot people will try to use since it is the only zone i can think of with large amount of non-summoning mobs remaining.

    When the problem is merely being shifted to another zone ( and giving people not disrupting zones much fewer options )....what is the point?
  9. Tarrin Augur

    So, when the people lagging out Evantil move to one of the very few zones remaining to kite in...what is the plan then?

    What is the problem with dealing with the abilities that make it profitable to lag out a zone..rather than make it to where no one ( regardless if you were disrupting the zone or not ) pay for it?
    Lenowill, silku and Leerah like this.
  10. doktartp Augur

    if they made 25% summon, grab 20, then dot the 5 you need, another 5, another 5, leave the summoning 5 alive, evac, repeat.

    it is manageable for kiters more then it is for beamers.
  11. Gladare Augur

    Druids don't dot when they kite.
    Thiefboy777 likes this.
  12. Tarrin Augur

    Druids quint. ( the new quad kiting ). When I pull, lets say 10 mobs. My targeted AE hits 5. I do not get to pick which 5 it hits. If I pull 5 mobs and start nuking with my targeted AE, then a 6th or 7th joins, it can very well switch from the 5 I was hitting to a different set of 5 that includes the new ones. This means I must carefully kite 5-10 mobs ~around~ all the potential summoning mobs. Not something that can be reliably done. If I am trying to get reliable solo xp ( lessons, potions burning, etc )..I would never step foot in a zone that could be so unreliable in terms of kiting.

    The reason for pulling more than 5 at a time is due to efficiency. It can take a good few minutes to even get 5 rounded up. Having that next set ready is vital to worthwhile xp. Also due to resists, crits, etc..the mobs will die at uneven rates. Having a new mob there ready to go and not waste part of your targeted AE nuke is vital to worthwhile xp.
  13. GaryDgeorge New Member

    this is a completely horrible idea this will cause many players to quite. this will only effect ranger hsing minoly as they just won't pull as many at a time to avoid dying fro mthe summons big hudge nefr to the beamers. one thing I think to do to make this less horrible is to if they do implement this make the nonstatic zones ie instances mobs not summon. like the fall of the tae ew mission. this is somewhat already implemented but in reverse. what I mean by that is if you run the mission the mobs on the island half of them summon you when damaged in the non instance version ie regular static zone none of the npcs summon atm sept the names so it would be a simple code fix to make the static zones summon and not the instance zones.

    that way people can' disrupt zones and can still xp how they want with out others whining too much no matter what you do people will still whine but something like this is major and will cause many people to leave the game.

    AND to you others that keep whining I hope you get it throwen back at you 10 fold cause I can think of at least 2-3 if not more things that each class has atm that is op using (YOUR perpective) that said class shouldn't have/be able to do you all won't be satisfied till every class can do the same thing or not do anything in which case that would make the game stupid and boring. classes need to have abilities and things that others don't that what makes CLASSES. if your gona make things all the same why even have difffrent classes/races just have 1 and be done with it. so to all the whiners stop it or you'll whind up with a game that no one wants to play but you and then see how much fun you have with only the hand ful of players ie you that whine have and how long the game stays rrunning since there are only that handful of people paying for it.
  14. Grummas New Member

    If they are aiming to try and stop zone lag, instead of making changes that just make things more difficult for everyone why not just change the problem zones to how Halls of Honour are. Like if you pull 20 mobs in evantil, any more then that and the rest just gate which would push people who beam to use instances instead of lagging zones like that.

    Imo the feerott changes are completely uncalled for because the only people that actually XP there now days are people with instant kill abilities (headshot, assassinate,) Very rarely see an actual group there considering its not a hotzone now

    Of course they could just nerf the beam line of spells like they did the wizzy's but people would probably about it just as much as the summoning changes if not more.
    Leerah likes this.
  15. Langya Augur

    And replace it with what? Lots of compelling new content? Sorry mage/rogue/zerk/ranger/cleric/druid/paladin/sk/anyone I didn't mention. You need to go group. We are offering a few new zones with some new instanced content. Go do a couple play throughs in that for oh....the next 3 months. Must be really great (not) when for some, all the group content as well as the raid content was on farm before the sun set on release day.

    Half of the reason for this mess can be traced to the fact that people are bored. They move on to making alts or buff boxes or whatever when they probably should just log out and show SoE what the real root of their problems are. So they find a PLing class to give them a leg up on the leveling and the 5-10k AA's. PLing classes than see an opportunity to make some plat and stock up on Krono or sell the money and earn an actual RL income since selling plat pays better than minimum wage.The smart ones get instances. The idiots do it in a manner that flies in the face of the rules and fellow players.So as usual, a few inconsiderate twits ruin it for all since it is easier to make everyone angry than punish one or two people.

    Once all the dust settles, there will still be limited options on what to do. The "newness" of content will wear off minutes after release. Perhaps the game will be a better place, but it will probably also have less players. People are just sick and tired of nerfs, and all the knee jerk reactions from SoE based on whining and the actions of idiots. People are tired of "testing" and "balancing" being done years after the fact, if ever. The SoE dev team either don't have the plums, or the ability to actually go after individuals so we get a carpet bombing most every time.

    If you really want a true fix, than give us something productive to do in game. Even if it is just time sinks or keying or flagging or whatever. Lock entire tiers of zones behind raids. That is probably wishing in one hand and crapping in the other, but it did keep people engaged better. People don't make alts or buff boxes or whatever when they know it is going to be a royal pain in the backside just to grant them access to where all the action is.
    Sinestra likes this.
  16. Sinestra Augur

    Change is often hard to stomach, but stupid decisions and changes that took the easy route because people are lazy is not the way to change the game.
    silku and Yinla like this.
  17. Leerah Augur

    Langya you are partly right, I work on alts due to boredom, like during skilling up swimming, melee skills or languages or while waiting 5 mins to zone into guild halls. None of my reasons include lack of content.
  18. Leerah Augur

    Stupid idea. Til you run back from the evac spot, the dot will have worn off and the mobs will have returned to their homes.
  19. LoudGuitar Journeyman

    I am happy about this change and hope it goes live soon.
  20. Edrick Augur

    I'm happy that there won't many zone disruptions after the patch, but the sledgehammer approach isn't fair to other classes. There was nothing wrong with necros root rotting or druids kiting in those zones, and they can't anymore.