You were kicked for being "the weak link"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black5pider, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    Random queues give me headaches. I only random queue something if I know I'm capable of completing on my own - since you may never know who you end up with. With that said raids are formed, leaving that to the queue system DCUO has is a losing gamble. Don't expect to be treated any better by the player base. Elitism has steamrolled hard in here. Mostly due to the progression and the difference a few numbers can make on your performance.
    Think about it this way. (This is purely hipothetical) Would you take a CR 105 fire tank (who happens to have 107 (minimum) CR with his dps armory) to tank Ares and adds in Throne of the Dead raid? Probably not.
    Now a CR 130 rage tank asks to be invited to the same group to tank both adds and Ares (mind you rage tanks were close to immortal in this raid due to their health stacking mechanism). Would you take him in? You probably wouldn't even hesitate.
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  2. Black5pider Active Player

    Jumping to conclusions to soon are you not??

    Again you can group with me to see my playstyle is not the problem... if not... you can go on and talking about things you dont know for certain or you dont have the time for.

    LFG channel is not visible on PS3...

    There were NO ADVICES are you not reading? Not even a try... you spawned they saw your CR and you were asked yo leave/kicked.

    But yeah... nothing happens the problem is of the new guy for playing the game as intended (following in game instructions/texts/requirements) and not conforming to the way the older players use to do things (to compensate for previous bugs/flaws that are now corrected).
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It's not visible on PC or PS4 either until you enable it. The default for it is set to off and has been for some time now.
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  4. Black5pider Active Player

    How about penalizing (idk 15 mins from doing it?) to kick voters not just the starter?

    CR boost for lower players?

    I would give the 105 a chance (or a few) if nothing happens id give advice... if dont want advice nor results then kick (or leave)
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    People who initiate a kick and/or vote yes on a kick are penalized with a three hour wait time before they can initialize another kick. Unless you mean that people should also not be able to vote during that three hour time?
  6. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    all in all.. if the group cannot complete the task at had the weakest link of the chain should be replaced at the goal can be accomplished.. kicking a player for having the lowest cr in a group before seeing their skill level is absurd
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  7. Black5pider Active Player

    Yeah, that i meant..

    Just giving an example and not fully commited to that idea, bht thats what i meant
  8. Black5pider Active Player

    Im off to play.

    Back to thread at night
  9. X-zero Loyal Player

    There are 3 type of high levels that will appear in something like that.
    1. One so strong they honestly don't care what they get.
    2. One who just doesn't feel like shouting.
    3. One who can't get into a LFG for some reason.

    Those 130s who couldn't do NGN probably had others handle the mechanics of the first boss. And all they did was block her one shot. Then blame lack of burn and wiping because no one was doing the other two.

    If one person is the issue try to come to terms or try to get people to boot that person. If more then half don't people want you there. You probably didn't want to place with them anyways.

    Also a person can only kick every 3 hours. A raid group can only kick 2 people from a raid I think unless it goes over 3 hours. So if they wanted 3 people to go they couldn't do it. They will be forced to work with them or leave themselves.
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Since CR determines how much damage you do and how much damage you take. Depending on your role you most likely got kicked due to being a low CR dps.

    I also understand your frustration as the on duty tab is your primary way of entering group content and to be kicked or threatened to be kicked is an unfair standard set by this community.
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  11. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Why don't you run with your league or delete your gear & start all over & don't get rush to end game!
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  12. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    That's not simpy answer
    If it's your answer then you need to stop q'in & start forming your own group/raids.
    Instead of messing with pugs so they come on this site & commenting on stuff like this.
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  13. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Well it's not that easy to form grps for older content. When's the last time u seen somethin needing grps for necro and other raids lol? My new atomic alt if it wasn't for my lg I never was able to form my own. I usually get 3 ppl but then they leave after few min when i can't get any more. This whole "form ur own grp" is just pure BS at times and shouldn't be the answer.

    While there's nothin really anyone can do, besides yes I know form ur own grp or have ur lg help u. Some ppl don't have that privilege. Either they new, hardly ppl are on, or every1 doing end game stuff. I have never been kicked myself either, but if ppl random Q maybe they should add a feature where u CANT kick any1 because we'll u get what u Q for. Maybe that would solve some issues.
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  14. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Sadly, deleting gear no longer reduces CR. The only thing he could do to start all over is make a new character and take his time in the older tiers.

    OP, you have to bear in mind that people want fast and easy runs, because there are too many people that don't understand the mechanics. Those that don't know the mechanics try to burn the content before they kick in, which is why we have 5-1-1-1 and crazy CR requirements. I generally support kicking content skippers, so if you're below the recommended CR then I kick. Also, there are those that are sick of T7 players with under 150 SP, so people will generally kick them too.
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I start over all the time by buying the 28 gear from the police stations/safehouses and then gearing up through drops. It's kinda fun watching my combat rating increase as I get drops, especially if I'm still after style pieces in the same content. The first time I did that was when I wanted to learn how to tank more effectively by learning what I had to do in the older content. I started two years after the game was released, so I had a bit of learning to do in content most people played over geared.
  16. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    That's garbage truthfully. They need to make there own groups if the que doesn't work for them not high jack the group cause of they cr.

    You right to be mad about this.
    Can u think of anyway for the devs to fix? I can't think of any besides disabling kicks from a que up group, and that's sounds like it wouldnt make it better because then they can do nothing with no repercussions from the group.
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  17. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    Best chance to survive anything is to run with people you know. I'm not saying you need to form a whole raid, but grab a buddy or 2 & queue up together. It'll speed up the queue time & it'll be harder for you to be kicked (you've got back up). Sometimes people just need to see 1 or 2 No's in a kick to vote no themselves or flip over to instance chat to see what's going on.
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  18. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    I don't que in unless I just wanna have some "fun". I was taught to form my own groups
  19. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    When you cannot use a duty queue to complete content, there is at least one fundamental problem with your game, and the answer is most definitely NOT to 'form your own group'. There is a dramatic difference between the failure rate in DCUO's queued content vs something like FF14, where you can indeed clear content regularly through queues.

    The problem with DCUO's queue systems are first and foremost in how much of the system mechanics in grouping/assignment can be manipulated by players, when the option to form your own groups has always existed. The system did not need to be designed with the mechanical aspect of grouping to be so lax because the option to make your own group, something that could be customized as seen fit, was there from the start.
  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    grow a thicker skin.

    keep trying.