You were kicked for being "the weak link"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black5pider, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Lol @ lfg is not visible on ps3. It was a few minutes ago.
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The thing here is Minimum CR vs. Recommended CR.

    Minimum CR is not how you should approach an instance for going into. You should look at recommended CR, that should be the CR you want to achieve before running raids. Now if new content drops such as BD and you are near max CR from last content, say 141+ you will have no issues running the latest content.

    The problem with minimum CR is you are hindering the group. You are limiting your potential as a DPS, Tank, Troll and Healer. Going at the recommended CR makes the difference. Run content, get gear, and try the raid after you get a higher CR.

    That is my recommendation to you and any player that is new.
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  3. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    LFG is visible on ps3, I suggest making a separate tab for it. You just have to enable it in the chat settings. Although, there's still a chance you'll get kicked in LFG groups. It's best to run with a league/friends if you want to avoid getting kicked. Even max CR players can be kicked for whatever reason when playing with strangers.

    Like another person said, when playing with human beings, there is always a chance that things like this will happen. The devs can only do so much to prevent it.
  4. Surkilo Well-Known Player

    EXACTLY especially raids
  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Y'all are some very disappointing people.
    No wonder new players dont wanna stay and y'all complain about dwindling population.
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Why not run the stuff where you can earn marks, instead of trying to be carried and gearing up too quickly?
    You may actually learn more about the game, and won't be kicked as often.
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  7. CHUD Loyal Player

    I'm inclined to agree with this post.
    Many seasoned and veteran players will favor high profile CR players to join in for a raid, alert, and even duos. Individuals who meet the recommended CR has the potential of being kicked or even passed over for a much stronger CR irregardless of their ability. That also includes league run content. I hate to admit it,....but many leagues tend to discriminate players based upon CR, skill, gear, load-out, etc in order to be in the top percent.

    Newer players, or even those who want to progress and learn, run the risk of the kick. They're hardly given a chance at all to prove themselves to the rest of the group. What makes it worse is that lower tiered content, such as Fortress of Solitude 1-2-3 which is the usual starting point for learning a raid, is hard to do because those same high profile players don't want to take the time to help.

    Essentially, all comes down to a moment of greed for high profile veteran players and some of them should be ashamed. You have to remember, were in the same position when you first started.
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  8. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    First of all: never leave. Those a-hats just have one kick per 3 hours, and they'd need to use them up on you or another 120 in that group. Force them to use it, which will force them in the end to form their groups. A lot of high CR players behave extreme selfish, no need to support them on top.

    And: add the guys asking you to leave to your ignore list, that will prevent further Q with them (mostly, some times bugged). This will hurt them in the end as their Q will increase later - they might not get it, but the lower CRs will catch up, and at the higher CRs people quit, so later in the game they will need you to get their "endgame" done - or at least into the instances.

    Whoever uses the Q should be fine with what is dealt, so at least at examples 2,3,5 those guys were at fault if expecting just 130+ toons.
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  9. Big Gl0 Active Player

    I oddly feel your pain. When trying to do um elite i got kicked from soooo many groups before we even got in. I'm 142 with 201 sp to be kicked for no reason for a week is frustrating. Hell i even got kicked out a group i made for it before we even started. People are just a holes
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  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    They need to fix the suggested combat rating for the lower tiers. They don't really make much sense based on the combat ratings of the enemies players face.
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  11. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Some interesting replies to say the least. The way I see it, when you queue you have no right to kick anyone for having low CR. The fact that you queued in the first place, means that you accept the risk of not having your ideal group.
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  12. Ichiro Loyal Player


    I feel your pain as most instance in which you are ready for the high CR feel the need to bully and kick because you are not at maximum Cr. Most of the times in lower instances the High Cr's will kick just because they are weak and cannot complete the instance until they are way overpowered.

    In other cases the instance may be more of a challenge than the minimum CR indicates. The suggested Cr is more of a gauge. For instance at 113 CR a person can queue into Unholy Matrimony. A 113 in this instance stand very little chance at being successful and the group will suffer. There is very rare occasions that someone not meeting the suggested cr will be successful.

    If your queuing for instance in which you meet or are higher than the suggested CR then the ones kicking you are weak and need to be put on your block list. If you don't meet the minimum suggested cr then unfortunately you aren't ready for the instance just yet.

    Also if you are not in chat then you may also get kicked regardless of CR. The later raids all have mechanics that requires the group to communicate during the fight. Not being in chat means people miss the move you are about to die signals.
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  13. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    So.......why exactly can't you form your own group?

    Queuing for anything is a pit of hell and you should not expect anything worthwhile from it.

    The best advice anyone can give you is exactly what you are saying about other people......

    Form your own group.

    No one is being mean, we are just letting you know that is the nature of the queue-PUG.

    The queue is basically Mos Eisley Spaceport of the DC universe.

    "DCUO PUG-Queue. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    the same can be said about being kicked, not meant just for you but anyone who gets kicked then comes here to write in their journals about it.
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea but you fail to realize 1 thing, just because ppl have been here for so long doesn't mean their friends are still playing this game too.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well way I see it is, the higher CR has suffered through the exact same s*** you are 10 folds, so. . .
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    srry but its not my job to teach ppl how to play their roles when they are CR110+ it is on them to learn or better yet why haven't they learnt before then? 110 lvls and still havent learned?

    naw I'll pass. Now a CR34-53 person sure but CR100+ nope.
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  18. Dibrie Committed Player

    OP has stated a common problem, and that's all you have a BS answer? you such a digghead
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    not for new players until they enable it in settings. Its turned off by default now. Even on PS4 it is.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but come on supreme he suggest others to form groups, like many others have yet he doesn't think to do the same?