You were kicked for being "the weak link"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black5pider, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    true some of us were, but you also have to remember back then some of us rolled solo due to not knowing anyone yet in DCUO there solo queuing everything (me), so it is possible to get to end game solo queuing. you just arent going to run everything in 30 minutes to 1.5 hrs like you'd like either.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    hows that a d***head answer? its simply turning their suggestion back on them. Far to many ppl on these very forums like to suggest ppl who kick to forum their own groups yet they are the 1s complaining about being kicked no?

    seems like they like being kicked or they'd form their own groups and lower their chances of being kicked.
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  3. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    what is the point of having a min. cr then..
    thats stupid to let ppl in the raid that everybody knows cant contribute to the needs of the content.
    if its so you can be carried by your friends of league to gear an alt then why did they take away walkins?
    if you are the recommended cr for a high tier duo then it is highly likely that if the other person in the duo is min cr you will not be able to complete the entire duo..
    two 113 cr will not have a chance in the CZ duo..
    so i ask you what is the point..
    they should make it where you can complete the content at min cr or jus raise the min cr..
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  4. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Spider as one who's been here 4+ years I'm going to say the truth... Ok not bad but might be unacceptable for some. People who solo queues run the risk of this happening. My suggestion and it's the same as many others probably said in your thread, idk I'm not reading every post to find out. Make a group for what you need in LFG, shout, trade or any other means and queue up. Or shout in those channels your Cr/SP power etc. and try getting into a group. Now as I'm in endgame I have absolutely no problem picking someone up for something like new gen now or halls of hades as long as they are in the Cr Band for said instance. So solo que to your hearts desire duos even some alerts or raids, but if you're solo queuing relevant raids then be prepared to run into unreasonable situations such as this. Also yes, leagues aren't for everyone. I still suggest league hopping until you find one that's the right fit for you.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Players who queue via the On Duty screen should not be subjected to the high CR player ******** which has become the norm.

    The matchmaking system is horrific. I think that literally only parameter it has is "Find players queuing for (instance name)" and that's it. No consideration given to CR, roles or anything.

    All instances entered via on Duty should be stat-clamped. Allowing high CR players to carry entire lower tier content groups on their back has major ramifications on the game including:

    - Players not knowing how to play their character. Why learn when you can be carried by someone?
    - Players not knowing basic mechanics. Mechanics? what mechanics? All I saw was a flash and the NPC was dead.
    - Players depending on high CR, damage players to beat content for them instead of actually knowing how to beat the instance. There's always a temptation to kick someone with a low CR to bring in a high CR DPS.
    - Player enjoyment is reduced because of how there's no team work going on. You're an observer, not a performer. You might as well be watching a livestream.

    Stat clamp every instance entered via the On Duty screen. But to avoid the inevitable crying, set up a teleporter that'll grant you and whoever is in your group, unrestricted access to any instance in the game so long as your group has up to the required number of players (i.e. you can't take 5 players into an Alert etc.).

    If a teleporter isn't possible, then make it an option for the on duty menu, where you can force the instance to pop immediately, without pulling unknown people into your group. No restrictions or clamping on instances entered with only the people in your party.
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    idk I tanked ToTD without a chest piece on before due to switching to ice tank, and getting ninja'd into thrones before I could grab all my gear from my personal bank. I was in my bank grabbing gear as I went to hit "X" on a gear piece the queue popped up and thats what I hit x on lol

    so I was sucked into thrones instead. Had only 6 pieces of gear for tanking on and tanked like a boss, was CR120 or 119 dont recall. Was 1st time trying tanking out for nearly a year. Only had 1 person go down (but picked back up) due to a punisher or bowsman

    all in all I think it depends on skill of the player if you should kick. But as I said before make a group with friends and league mates if you have that option and it'll never be a issue.
  7. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Yea u said clamp, put on your seatbelt buddy storms a brewin......
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  8. Dibrie Committed Player

    So funny how this small community with an even narrow minded pov think they are the majority of the game, this forum already has almost a cult status and should not be considered as a opinion to listen to when it comes to these kind of subjects.

    The reason why dev's don't read or active moderate is just one of them reason', because the forum just isn't.
    Well the OP has stated a problem that is here almost over 2 years now, and every new member that have something to say about this and get bashed.

    it's more logical to exclude Higher tier players from random queuing, as seen they're not the majority of the game.
    So instead of a simple no ,or countering with a question (which is always rude ).

    I haven't seen one poster with a solution, for this common problem that is here for 2 years now.
    So high tier players need to take one for the team and quality of player's and life of the game.

    So don't cry when you got tier locked when queuing solo, sitting at 200+ sp and cr 143 i'm willing to get forced to form my own group to rampage old content for feats/ styles etc..

    PS i expect from well known members to have a certain attitude with that title, but on this forum it comes with the title digghead aka elitist behavior.
    Greets Dibrie
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  9. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    All I have to say..."and people wonder why the game's community is so toxic."
  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, I also gave a very fair option for all the people who'd threaten to quit and need a pacifier to calm them down, too, which actually improves upon what we have now by allowing access to every instance, including those without a teleporter.

    Either way, people playing the intended way, via the on-duty tab, shouldn't be subjected to high CR player ignorance and ********. Want to obliterate content to get feats you should have got before reaching your current CR? Do it on your own time and with your own people. Not at the expense of people trying to enjoy the game as intended.
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  11. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Um you lost me about a third of the way through. Lol but I'm sure it was an epic post someway or another.
  12. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Don't take what I said the wrong way lol, I've suggested this too in a thread and placed that teleporter in to pacify the crybabies as well. Still got hammered with h golfball sized comments and not certain but I think I was struck by lightning from a pissed off electric dps as well. Lol
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  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Of course he should but that doesn't pardon the poor behavior in the community
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  14. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Forming groups nowadays is hell too.
    Especially if you ain't in a league lol.
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  15. Dibrie Committed Player

    where did you lost me ? :D
  16. mtanasas Well-Known Player

    use LFG to form a 120's if thats what u want
  17. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    while not impossible.. highly unlikely it will form into 8 120s
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  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    And there is a part of your answer. (in case you don't get it I mean the red part) Thanks to a lot of moaning and complaining, alomg with GU47 all a High CR player has to look forward to trying to do low level content for styles or missed feats is some worthless armor and an "alternate" reward box that MAY once in a very long time give up a mark. While your character was enduring the horrors being done with a raid or alert in no time and getting all the normal rewards they now get an exobit cluster, a token for 100 prestige, a token for 100 Merits, an Omega cluster(?) Dang I forget the full name already I have hundreds of the things. There are threads here about actually stat clamping that same content by players JUST like you that feel we high CR are ruining the experience of the raid by blasting through it in no time.

    And here you are at T7 whining because no one wants to PLAY with you cause your too low. Now at CR 120 kicking you from an Apok Commander is a load of CRAP.. those missions were designed to be doable by players above CR 111 for goodness sake. But here's the thing .. don't LOOK at the CR minimum on anything look at what is recommended. Why are CR 140+ players tired of dealing with CR 113 t0 say 120? Because they are showing up in droved in things like the Flash Museum duo and expect to be carried from start to finish. Sorry but a CR 113 doesn't even do a bit of good on a Zamaron duo let alone the museum. Now at 120 I'd have no issue with you on a Zamaron or the Apok Commander... The Desecrated Cathedral would be pushing it but I que into the Museum and see your little CR 120 toon and I am right back out the door. I have carried way too many low levels and spent 25-30 minutes on a duo I can usually have completed with a GOOD partner in 8 to deal with that anymore.

    Does THAT explain kit for you? And guess what.. Apok Commander IS T7 content and those CR 140s are still able to earn 2 marks doing it (same as a duo pays out) So I'll repeat the same advice you've had numerous times already.. Don't like it form a team of YOUR own. Or here's another plan for APOK .. Its a weekly run so unless you use replays you can only get those 2 marks once a week. And on Thursday after the weekly reset there are APOK teams forming all the time.. I bet if you went to NG and just stood around watching the chat you could join a team being built in no time because on that day those team leaders are desperate to fill an 8 man team. Now You want to blow a pile of replays and do it daily.. You deal with what is left and face facts a huge amount of players in the game want everything fast and easy .. why carry you when another CR 140 wants your spot?
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  19. Dibrie Committed Player

    This right here
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  20. SSeid Committed Player

    If the portal happens.. I'm with you.

    But at the current state of the game the results would be horrific if stat clap was to be implimented without the portals being added first.
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  21. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I can't even remember the last time I got kicked from a pug group for CR reasons (the last time I ever got kicked was because the other 3 were all of one league, one of them behaved like an a... and I dared to call him out).

    Still, I am with the OP on this one. If you get into a random queue, the very minimum you agree to is to at least give the players you get a fair fighting chance, regardless of their CR.

    If you have a problem with the CR of the players you get, YOU leave, not kick them. For high CR players it's way much easier to form a group for anything, than forming one as a low CR, because some people leave if they see that the only member in the group so far is a low CR. Also, high CR players are more likely to respond to LFG-calls includig "fast".

    As an example for a fair fighting chance: if you get a cr113 in the Flash museum or Corrupted Zamaron, and you are a high CR DPS, why not give them a chance, at least until (including) the 1st sub boss? Yes, they are probably not gonna swing the instance in your favor when sh.. breaks loose, but they might switch role and give you some decent heals, tank the adds and lay them out for you to kill, or in dps stance deactivate the annoying crystals in Zam, etc. and contribute in some way.
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