You were kicked for being "the weak link"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black5pider, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Firekeeper Well-Known Player

    If you dont want lower CRs... WHY DONT YOU FORM YOUR OWN GROUPS?

    Practice what you preach. If YOU don't like higher cr form your own group. When you pug you take your chances.
  2. SSeid Committed Player

    Again.. attitude mate!:rolleyes:

    I'm not the one whining, nor the one in need of help. You are.
    Don't know about LFG on PS3.. but I guess other people would have reported it if it was anything but a temp bug. Now if you don't know how to activate it, thats another story.

    You said you tried several groups.. not all kicked you the moment you spawned. In one you even left on your own..

    Who would have guessed that you have to conform to how the community you entered works. I mean that is trully insane!!!

    Honestly I hope you never find yourself driving in the UK with this mindset.. The results might be disastrous. ( reverse it if you are from the UK ;) )
  3. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    As rude as this could be taken, I agree 100%. Not saying you're being rude just saying it might get taken out of context.
  4. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    You're a fool, perhaps you should learn how to read context, the OP suggested others form a group in the last sentence of his own post, I merely suggested he take his own advice.

    You can take your personal issues with me elsewhere.
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  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    At the end of the day, it's not recommended to que in the current and latest content. If your in the 120's or early 130's and que for UM or BD, then it's a death sentence right there.

    Best option for latest and recent content is to use LFG, or practically your just shooting yourself in the foot.

    I have qued before and have had hardly any success, if you want to stand out and use your smartness, then make an organized group and your success will go up greatly also having a big active league may help too.

    This is a common problem that has a solution, people just need to take that extra small step to get it.
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You clearly have no idea how easy it is to get to 100+ in this game.

    I queued into FOS2 this past weekend, and a 138 DPS was screaming for power from the controllers. How'd he get to 138 without learning his power? The game doesn't teach anyone anything, players don't teach anyone anything, and nearly all instances will either start off with someone who is overpowered and can basically solo the instance or one such player eventually joins. Then we have the 5-1-1-1 raid setup in new content where inexperienced players can hide easier.
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Stat clamp base on window relevancy. Meaning NGN would stat clamp a player CR to 143. Which is way more than what is needed for this content.

    If Stat clamping does get implemented, players outside of the relevancy window will get the following MoV..

    Daily, solo, and duo: Current System stays in effect
    Alerts: Current system + 1 MoV
    Raids: Current System + 2 MoV

    This method will award us for taking lower CR and stat to play lower tier instances but we are not overly awarded. We are getting 1/4 the marks a player would get within the relevancy window.
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  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    That's up for debate, really. I don't see the point in rewarding players for running stat-clamped. Plus, rewards so generous would affect the way they do content and the relevancy window.

    I think a more interesting point is the fact that NGN and other content like it would cap a player at 143 (or max relevant CR) which is way too much for that content. Definitely an oversight on my part as I'm more so thinking about pre-T7 (due to it not being current tier) where the windows are much tighter.

    Maybe the clamping should be at the Recommended CR or Recommended CR +5. Something that isn't too outlandish. The ultimate goal is getting people to play content that they can't obliterate. Maybe they need to tighten up the CR differentials so that content is tougher for longer.

    Ehh it's such a ******* mess :/
  9. Tsundere Well-Known Player

    I agree with what the OP said if you are kicking people in PUG's because of their CR's then it more on them to form a group not the people being kicked, that said it goes the other way as well. If you formed a group them its hard to get kicked from. But make no mistakes you could get kicked in either situation. Lol no one brings that up too often.;)
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  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    LMAO...I see teams that are all 140 wipe on Ingrind still. I try to explain the mechanics but I was told to shut up and just do my role. At that point I left. If players want to pug and not learn the mechanics it is on the player to take 5 minutes to listen to an experienced player.

    For instance I understand the BD raid as for UM, I ran it a total of 4 times. I understand what to do but I am willing to listen to a more experienced player for UM as I barely have ran it.
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  11. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    It seems to me the players wanting specific requirements should be making a group, not the one who just wants to play pick-up. That is the point of it after all
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  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If they implement a clamp, it should be at or just slightly above (+5) the combat rating of the enemies.
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  13. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    Don't get discouraged by players in game or on forums. There are those of us who will play with any cr. Even if we spend an hour and get crushed repeatedly.
    Just don't give up
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  14. Curtain Active Player

    I think everyone needs to realize 110 cr is the new 35-55 cr. You can get to 110 with ease at this point. I've encountered 120 crs and above with no idea what they are doing. Which tells me that we as a community have failed. We are all so focused on end game content and the grind we put in that we don't realize how easy it is to get into end game content. People complain that 145 cr people with 60 skill points are bad and lazy, when really you should blame the game for being easy and allowing that to happen. I had 110 skill points before I broke 85 cr, but I also had a period of time where I could only run Gates and Prime for end game content. Players now aren't forced into that. It is just sadly how the game has gone. And it even ties into what the OP is talking about. Those 130s that kicked him? Probably went through the same thing when they were leveling up from those of us that have played longer. So they believe that is the norm. Which again, tells you that we as a player base are failing the community and the game. Especially veteran players. Myself included.
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  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    That seems very reasonable to me. Still powerful and not in any way disadvantaged. But not to the point of being able to nullify mechanics with sheer brute force. Goes hand in hand with CR differential, too.

    Don't want to have to deal with it? No problem. Find a group of like-minded people or league mates, force entry into the instance via a teleporter or option on the on duty and there you go. Problem solved.

    The default option should be fair and as intended. If you want it any other way, YOU should be the one who has to go out of your way to run the content.
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  16. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    i have been gearing an alt for the last few days.. and i tell you... the hardest thing of gearing an alt is finding a group to run certain content.. got strike and a&b done but have been trying to get into mist alert for days.. i will q^ and shout in lfg... no prevail.. it is the most frustrating thing to spend hour(s) forming a group for an alert that can be done in less than 10 min..
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Developers failed. They made T1-T6 so easy that there is no challenge. It is quite annoying. I remember being in Prime at CR 80ish and getting my butt man handled by Brianiac. Today, the game is all about phew, phew and more phew. Player not taking the time to learn mechanics have hurt the game and killed it to the point where players are now speed leveling without learning roles or mechanics and it hurts end game when they get there.

    I was in Bombshell last night and there was a 140 DPS that never ran it before and was happy that I knew the mechanics on when to block, etc..Even with explaining we failed as not everyone was blocking and the tank, well it was my wife and it was her first time EVER tanking. So, last boss did not workout all that well. I told her to try tanking DC or any other alert first. Than go from there.
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I agree with the OP you shouldn't be able to kick in a random que group.. they took there chances just like you did if you need to be carried build your own group if you pug you get what you get.. that's why i don't pug unless i can do the whole thing by my self.
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Tier 1-4 raids are still difficult, but you have to actually get a group of players at tier. I think that in all my runs, that has only happened a few times. I can recall struggling in Kahndaq, Sunstone Matrix, and Prime in the past few months once each. Typically, I queue in, and we have someone in the group who is capable of soloing it, so there's no challenge for that reason.
  20. kawe Loyal Player

    What if... what if you could only kick ppl with cr higher than themselves? xD

    Anarchy, I know lol. But who knows.

    I was cussed/forced out of raids too on my alts I was gearing up, and I am sure I knew more about the raid mechanics than those urging me to leave most of the time. :p
    They see a low cr and think the person in question will give them troubele by messing with mechanincs, or simply not performing good, or needing attention by having stuff explained to them.
    But even LFG is not save of these d*cks. I once answered a shout for a troll for HH last boss. Got in, and they suddenly wanted me to dps (as their troll came back form a DC). I switched to dps and hell broke loose as they wheren't happy with my dps cr. The whole group was cr142+ and they couldn't BARE to have a cr122 drps with them... when they got me in to troll in the first place. I swear it was so hilarious. x'D
    My ignore list got longer, I tell you. So much for wanting to help.

    Being kicked happens, or being asked to leave even tho you did nothing wrong. Take use of the ignore list and move on, nothing more you can do. :/ (now if only the ignore function was global for my characters *sigh*)
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