You want us to melee... But not survive!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Jak-Man Committed Player

    Well if you haven't played/tryed Rage then you really shouldn't be telling other people that they can't melee bosses, y'know?
  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    2hen ur lunging into a boss usei g rage are u respecting and utilizing PVP machanics? Example 1st boss in NGN. she does her frost blast qnd u double hammer her. Whatever that move is.

    I obviously am not a dev but I would 4 sure think if ur meleeing a boss u better respect the PVP now also pve machanics. U counter them and u can unload on a boss. Not sure how it stacks up but for thise of us desperate for in game challange I like how its designed. As soon as I find yet another league after the game drove away the last one ill be back 2 rage dpsing. Pug nation though ill pass

    Also if u use the PVP machanics and such sorry if it seems I assumed u did not.
  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    My knowledge of rage has nothing to do with it. He's asking why he can't melee a boss instead of asking for a better ranged loadout, or making a thread asking for increased damage to rage ranged loadouts, or he can switch powers, or he can ask the devs for an entire new set of ranged moves to help him out. What else is there to say?
  4. Ghostof91 New Player

    My rage melee boss all the time.
  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Duh, but there are ranged loadouts and melee loadouts so we have options because, and I shouldn't have to say this......You can't melee everything in the game...Is that making any sense to you?
  6. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Yesterday I also didn't get healed back once.
    Then I realized that I skipped relentless anger during my sequence: Galling Eruption > Relentless Anger > Bloodlust.

    In my head I went like "Seriously devs? This bug aga--'s just me being dumb".
  7. Jak-Man Committed Player

    He didn't ask for ranged options because he doesn't want them. He also stated that spamming DB is boring.
  8. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Why shouldnt we be able to melee boss? If we cant why did they buff the melee? Did they buff it to make rage a better dps? Well most of the dps are in boss fights so that defeats the whole purpose of a buff. I cant use my strong attack when its needed the most. There was a hotfix to buff socery and earth after buffing it in gu 51. But they cant buff dredful trash,ndredful garbage, dredful failure whatever you want to call it.
  9. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Relentless anger heals for 100% of the damage taken. If you're hit for more health than you have, obviously it's not going to heal you.

    The issue with the first boss of NGN is that her ice blast attack is a front and rear attack. For some reason it also hits behind her. I have no idea why it does that, and to me, seems as though it's not intended. If you can try to stand to the side of her, you should be able to melee her. The last boss is tricky, mostly due to the adds. Stepenwolf does do his spin attack, but at that level, you should be able to survive it.

    I really don't see how you guys can say people shouldn't melee. Some of the end game bosses make it difficult to melee due to major AoE attacks, proximity aggro, attacks that register to the person closest to the boss, etc. I think providing an option to melee makes dps'ing that much more diverse.

    Melee shouldn't be left to solo's, duos and alerts. I think that's just silly. Melee should be a viable option, just as range dps'ing is.

    Bombshell Paradox can be melee'd. I did it. You have to be smart about how you play, but all in all, it can be done. I hope that this is a trend that continues in raids.
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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    r u using the pvp machanics at al, when u melee? I gotta imagine the cou ter immunity is a huge part of melee dpsing. Simply a hunch based of a guess though 4 what its worth
  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    How would you feel about 3 or 4 DPS players using melee on a boss when you were tanking? I know I wouldn't like it.
  12. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I try, but sometimes I'm not really paying attention and end up giving the boss a blue :D

    It would be no more annoying than having multiple earth dps' or quantum or any thing else that makes it hard to see the boss. That shouldn't be a reason to not have melee dps as an option. If they were to constantly give the boss blues, then yes, I wouldn't like it. If they're not preventing me from tanking, then no, it wouldn't bother me.
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  13. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    What?!? Developers say Fireburst and other Moves like Ice avalanched and other's are melee in their books.
    oh and rage that is also melee There's no such thing as mid range in the developers book :D
  14. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol I never asked why can't I melee... You didn't read my post all the way it seems.... Or you did and just didn't understand it.
  15. RLManuel Committed Player

    The problem isn't my load out it's survivability of rage melee in end game content.
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea sorry got banned for criticising devs and don't remember what I was vehemently debating lol.
  17. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    There's no such thing as a melee dps yet rage is a melee power that they create lol. Please just think of what u say next time. The problem is, that devs always find a way to screw melee dps up, one of them is those ridiculous one shots. With time and and plenty of deaths I finally found a good way to melee an entire raid even with bosses, learned their tells and what not. The issue with melee is survivability. The nerfed that with rage thabks to pvp cries, which pvp ended dead anyways lol. Rage has 2 issues which I made a thread about got enough attention but got buried away by all the nerfs and unnecessary threads about "I'm leaving dc for good" or "omg I'm being out dmg by this or that" rages relentless anger and severe punishment actually is somewhat bugged which they haven't addressed yet (thabks devs guess crap like that is never ur priority but makin FoTM powers are tha.ks!)

    They need to do some testing, there 2 issues, one it doesn't heal u right away there's a 2sec delay it seems, and 2nd for w.e reason sometimes it decides to rage crash u. Had a thread about this and others was experiencing the same thing. But sadly devs again don't care, I say don't care because of how they react or address things. It's always this not important but adding crap load of base items and makin RnG even worse is their main priority.
  18. Avian Dedicated Player

    As long as Bosses have special mechanics you can interrupt I'd actually prefer that DDs don't melee. If someone tries to melee the first boss of NgN and keeps giving it counter immunity then the tank is dead almost every time it uses that frostblast attack if the healer isn't paying attention. Tbh as long as counter and counter immunity is a thing in PvE then I'd rather not have any DDs meleeing the boss.
  19. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Before AM's there was a choice in how you wanted to play with most powers, you could melee Or you could range. The devs thought it a great idea to make your choice for you and now we have a **** ton of suicidal dps who more so than ever believe its the support roles job to not let them get KO'd/repeatedly rally them (really gave support role a whole new meaning). Then, theres certain powers, like rage, that if you want any hope of not being completely embarrassed or possibly kicked from the group, you had better melee and pray you dont become such a hindrance to the group that your kicked despite your damage. I wonder, when they made melee integral to your dps, did they even plan to structure content around that idea? If the DLCs since have told us anything, the answer is no. An i'll conceived poorly thought out idea that is one (of many) reasons we're as far from power balance now than when they started. As always, one step forward, three steps back. Smh
  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    The health buff on Rage dps has never been as good as tank. Your HP goes up with more enemies and more dom when you use powers. I don't know too many dps that spec into dom, and Relentless Anger will only protect you for the size of your HP bar.

    When my tank has a base HP of 26k-ish, I wouldn't expect my dps to take a 45k hit. o_O