The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. The Game Well-Known Player

    tanks are going to get annoyed either way. SB stuns while taser pulls.
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    Tank's who aren't knowledgeable about AoE's and NPC performance will complain.

    Sticky Bomb is fine. Taser is fine. Taser is preferably used on NPCs you overpower or NPCs that do not breakout about at all. Sticky Bomb used by itself will not knock out many NPCs out of the AoE above unless other control effects are performed by the Controller or Tank that push the NPC out of the 360 AoE.
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  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Yea but the damage is not hitting any targets, even if i don't encase the damage is still missing
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    I didn't notice anything.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    My Gadget toon Loadous - would like advice on them.

    Sticky Bomb, Gauss Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Debibrillator, Distract, and Batlle Drone

    Non-Stealth DPS
    Gass Grenad, Napalm Grenade, Statis Field, EMP, Battle Display, Distract

    Stealth DPS Loadout
    Gass Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Statis Field, EMP, Stealth, Distract
    Stealth Loadout: Gass Grenade, Bunker Buster, and Battle Display

    I use the Stealth loadout only on bosses in raids that has two trolls due to a possible interupt that can cancel BD and I become a power pig due to BD being taken away. j
  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    It's fine. I change my controller loadout all the time. For example, in the new alert I would replace something like Napalm with Decoy (so it can tank) and I'll also put taser pull on to pull targets closer to Decoy. In raids, I tend to carry decoy more often just incase the tank drops. Decoy has to be dropped close to the target to be within taunting range.

    If you time your soders right with where your power bar is, jump move to people's supply drops, have a controller that double ticks and cycles vit trinkets (or happens to have a power supercharge ready), you don't need 2 controllers. worst case scenario is that you lose battle display at the 28th second mark on stealth's cool down and you have to stall using the above and/or move on to WM into GG.

    The 3 powers you use for the PI tagging don't really matter consider EMP causes the largest percent in damage. But if you were to care about the minor % damage, Foam and Fear Gas with one burst power like GG work better in groups while Stasis Field and another DoT like Foam with GG or NG would net more damage on single target.
  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Thanks for your input. I

    How exactly does EMP and P. Dart damage works?

    I know TB is based on the damage completed by other powers before TB goes off.

    With EMP, my damage can range from a low 25K to a high 90 in DC and that is with a CR of 135. Does that sound about right?

    Is EMP damage impacted by the abilities used? If so, which ones produce the biggest damage or is it simply apply 3 and EMP hit hard?
  8. TheDark Devoted Player

    Just apply 3 powers that independently start 3 different PI's. (Gauss for electric, Napalm for burning, Stasis for crushing.) Activating 3 different PI's tags you and on the 3rd tag/power you can then hit EMP or PDart. It's only when you have 3 PI's up that EMP and PDart will hit harder. It's not like Quantum where you fit in a certain amount of damage to boost TB's damage.

    With something like Fear Gas, you need to electrify first to start burning because FG's own PI works different.

    Those range values are normal.
  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    That is pretty wide range of damage. I know mental range is around 40K - 90K. At 137 in DC. Gadget range is so much wider; I can see why Mentla typically beats Gadgets as a DPS. That Range should be around 35K-80K due to Gadgets getting Distract/Stealth EMP extra hits that mental does not get.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    That's overall range which includes noncrits and Crits with various buffs. depending on the type of boss fight and stats, gadgets can beat mental. That's because of the different avenues to deal AM damage. When talking about comparing numbers to other power sets, it's best to look at base numbers before going off items that scale. Mental's base numbers are higher than gadgets for the AM burst hit. Gadgets is up next for damage revisions.
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I know that.

    Isn't Gadgets and Celestial the first powers to have Melee, Mid-Range and Range damage as well?
  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    Idk about the first for celestial since it wasn't an original powerset. Gadgets has had all three since launch. I'm not sure which of the other original power sets also had all three ranges.
  13. Tilz Loyal Player

    I think he talked about the balancing process with melee > midrange > range

    Yes cele is next with those 3 balanced and then gadgets. Maybe both in gu53 idk.
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I did some testing without sticky bomb and with sticky bomb on the 8 sparring target. I know sticky bomb does not split damage like other abilities. I compared the damage to my Ice toon that is 2 CR lower but has slightly more might.

    Gadget DPS 136 CR 10,800 Might
    With Sticky Bomb
    Loadout: Gauss Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Sticky Bomb, Battle Display and Distrct
    10 Second Parser Ranges: 26K - 39K
    60 Second Parser DPS: 31K

    Without Sticky Bomb
    Loadout: Gauss Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Stasis Field,, Battle Display and Distrct
    10 Second Parser Ranges: 24k-37K
    60 Second Parser DPS: 30K

    Ice DPS 134 CR 11K Might
    Loadout: Wintery Tempest, Cold Snap, Ice Bash, Artic Gust
    10 Second Parser Ranges: 28-34K
    60 Second Parser DPS: 31K

    So I ran various test. I ran 40 minutes of testing on Cyber and about 20 minutes on Hal. I did roughly 10 minutes for 10 seconds and 10 60 second parsers for each of the scenario aboves.

    Seeing this and knowing that Hal I have two open abilities I can get a bit more out of him than I can with Cyber. Cyber I am using all of my abilities to get that damage. Not having sticky bomb damage drops by 1K. With Sticky bomb my damage is a bit and I mean a bit behind Hal's damage, like 100 DPS. That is not bad at all.

    I know why Sticky bomb is not recommend but after seeing how much more it does and how closer it gets Cyber to Ice type damage I am highly considering using it until Gadget gets it next update.

    I may just leave things as is for me...maybe....
  15. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Using Stasis Field on multitarget is crippling yourself. Replace it with Cryo Foam, Fear Gas or Vortex Cannon and then try again.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    Did you try a multi target loadout like foam Fear Gas and gg instead? NG work also work instead of FG.

    People are ultimately going to use what they want to. Using an ability that also breaks splitting rules isn't something I would talk publicly about. I don't use it because I want to maintain my credibility. Until the dev's publicly say that is the one exception, if they say that at this point, I won't use it and I don't recommend players use it.
  17. DonkeyCat New Player

    What are you guys using for a pvp loadout now a days?
  18. TheDark Devoted Player

    I haven't touched arena's in months. I don't like the current state of it. When I did play, I used more of an old school approach.
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    I've been running SM on my tank alt for my league so I haven't been able to make a video showing a solo Gadget Controller handling NPCs like the Starlings in SM. The highest we've gotten to so far is up to round 8. I'm hoping once we get past that, hit a wall and finish rotating in members to get higher checkpoints, I'll be able to get on my main and make the video.

    I've done in in the first Oan SM but it was with fewer Starlings in that instance. It is possible though. Just suppress them first, then group them, then use an 8 man stun. Our set ups are 2 tanks, 3 dps, 1 troll, 2 healers for it.
  20. TheDark Devoted Player

    Also, I posted this over in my unfinished Controller thread. It's about the damage debuff.

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