The Anti-Monitor Returns!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    where does the collection for the new aura drop? i got one from the weekly shadow demons but does it drop from all content?
  2. EP Ice Loyal Player

  3. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Something is going on with me too. My main toon that I ran the even last year with is locked out of the teleporter and I cannot interact with the terminal that my journal is telling me to. None of it is lit up for me to interact with. The terminal nor the teleporter. I'm also still in mid-mission from last year. The "Purge the Merge" mission popped up on my journal has half done from last year I guess. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. Cant access the event anyway. Still what gives? All my other toons can access the event. Should I submit a ticket?
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  4. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Can you trade the Krypto Super Crate ?
  5. Bladejack Level 30

  6. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    It's account bound
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  7. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Well don't I feel like a rocket scientist right about now (lmfao) ummmmm guys...

    > Go to your Journal.
    > Mark as completed at top.
    > Now teleporter works again.

    Homer Simpson DOH! :confused::oops::rolleyes:
  8. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Thats not it. I said it its my journal as "half done", meaning not complete. I guess I have to submit a ticket. Its amazing how many times you can ask a community a question and get no serious answer.
  9. PoKTLi Active Player

    I was hopping i would be able to COMPLETE last year style LIFE SHELL, i am missing 2 parts but they are not in this year vendor...
    Couldnt you enable it so ppl like me missing parts of that style can get that feat? Ty in advance
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  10. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    Same here, plus couldn't finish the weekly mission before the weekly reset.

    Good game o_O
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  11. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Got that feat today...bought all 8 pieces after buying the crowns off the market place...2 feats awarded.
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  12. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    I got a piece from the event raid.
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  13. Eve YouTuber

    having a blast. Already welcomed Krypto to my base and got the new style. I love the event! Almost happy birthday to DCUO!
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  14. Crackpot71 New Player

    Just ran the Event missions with my 6 Toons and came out with a couple of issues. I decided to run 1 Toon thru the raid before any of the other stuff. Was denied the special Artifact cache at the end. Apparently, the raid has to be done last. Who knew.
    After that, I had 2 Toons complete the raid (last of course) only to be told by my journal that they have to go BACK thru the portal to do something that they had already done. Upon which, I discovered that it will no longer grant me access. Again, NO special Artifact cache.
  15. Oldman Odin New Player

    I having the exact same problem. Help
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  16. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    Having the same issue as Cravex15 & Oldman Odin ... a character who can't interact with the WT terminal or teleporter (took 4 others through everything with no trouble). Tried switching phases, relogging, warping to base then teleporting back to HQ... I even grouped up with a guy in the Monitor Womb who offered to activate the teleporter so I could follow him in, but instead his toon got locked out too. o_O
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Next TC would be my guess.

    I can smell a new TC close by.

    Next Monday maybe??

    Guess we will have to wait and see. ;)
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The metal emblems are not yet in-game.
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  19. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I was wondering can this Thunderer Helm be made Account Bound by any chance? I thought I could put it in my shared bank to give to my alts but you can't?

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  20. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    I assumed that it's the same gear in the vendor that costs approximately 225 Qwardian Crowns for the whole set? Im in the same boat, but didn't want to buy anything until I confirmed that it was/is the same style.
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