Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Given I helped finish some old elite content with an alt character a few weeks back I'm struggling to see the justification for it (making it optional)

    I'm sure there's some outliers within elite content still, but outside of that I'm not sure why there's this intense struggle and objection to the games stat clamp (coming from someone intensely opposed to it in the past).

    The regular content clamped isn't really that difficult if you're not being a complete moron, feats don't seem that difficult to get really either, so perhaps there is some element of truth in the fact that some of you probably do just need to "git gud."

    If you find some outlier that appears impossible then report it, but, If you can't complete the feat clamped and the content when clamped is demonstrably easier than when it was first released then perhaps you don't deserve the feat?
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    One thing people need to understand too is that sometimes facerolling content can work *against* you in getting feats
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah people sometimes need to actually legit slow down, not everything is achieved through brute force
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don't think it's feasible only because offering such a choice would defeat the purpose of more engaged game play for lower CR players with higher CR players.

    Full disclosure I absolutely HATE hate hate the stat clamp. I was in Trigon's Prison last night clamped down to CR100 something, got ko'd three times. Utterly disgusted. On top of that, Circe is glitched (different glitch) and we had to all wipe and try again.

    It would be nice to have the option to go in unclamped, I would do it every time, but it defeats the purpose the devs were trying to accomplish.
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  5. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Maybe this could be a viable solution.

    If you want access to unclamped content, just gate it behind CR. At least that way most people <i>should</i> work their way through their gear progression and hopefully get better acquainted with their role before "facerolling".

    Yes, I get people can use CR skip options but I'd speculate most don't go that route as often as people think they do.
  6. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Although It Is Stat Clamped I Notice All Roles Within Diffrent Characters Of Omnibus Do Very Well Better Heals, Burn Etc

    So I'm Guessing Artifacts & SP Really Come To Play
    Correct Me If I'm Wrong Usually Toons With Higher CR
    In Example Someone CR 345 To A 289 CR
    Theres A Very Good Diffrence In What They Put Out

    Ragardless Of Clamp

    So Is There Still An Advantage To Players That Have It Together Versus Thoose That Don't & Also Is It The Power They Have Come Into Play??
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  7. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    First off Im not a teenager! Secondly I'm a day 1player who beta tested! Thirdly I have many friends on this game and within my league. Lastly I have 14 toons 2 if which are at 646 sp. But unlike some on here i don't live in my mom's basement spending their money to buy replays at my childish whim. I do like to run older content but I also have a life that doesn't consist of this game 24 hrs a day. So when I run on alts getting a group together for a run sounds simple enough but getting people in that group to come to chat to get saids feats are a different matter unto itself. I'm guessing from your reaction though that you wouldn't know that by acting like you're high and mighty. Time is an issue alot of times and helping friends who come back to the game. So answer this question! What's the since of getting stronger and sp only to feel as if you've accomplished nothing of significance? Should it not be up to the player to chose how they want to play and take advice from a Dev who literally suggested to go back a get feats later on. So instead of being the first 3 letters in assuming, learn more about the issue at which you speak!
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So in random groups you run into, assuming you do that NOT just league/friend've seen no evidence that the clamp is an issue for some people? You've not heard or read anything in game(the forums don't really count) that references SOME people's dislike for it? Had no Omni runs that are 10-12-15 names deep on the scorecard because people drop off as soon as they realize there will be any difficulty at all? Well sir, I say you are a lucky individual if that is all true. You might want to buy a lottery ticket on the way home.

    If those things are happening to you, you might want to admit that maybe a FEW of those voices in his head are not made up but are actually other people's voices, and not altogether uncommon if you run random.

    Not saying the statclamp is going away (I'm sure it's here to stay).....but to say there aren't people against it BESIDES the nay-sayers here in the forums (and there are a lot) is just self delusional.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes, but for many feats that's true if you can or cannot 'faceroll' things....You can biff every feat in runs like LnW (as an example) ...clamp or not, you can easily die in 'no death' feats by skipping mechanics...facerolling or not. You can grab a cog where NOT grabbing it is needed...or hit something that needs not to be broken, struck, or whatever.

    Randoms have been and always will be the enemy of getting feats done. Assuming you have 8 people wanting to work on raid are good were good before. If you have 3 people wanting to work on them are screwed...pre-clamp you could get things done with a few fillers to queue in and leave (save a few runs that required simultaneous cogs like Khan, inner or prison break) . That is the major difference between now and prior to the clamp as far as feats go....not the boss difficulty.
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  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    There are more numbers than "everyone I know" and "no evidence", as you state yourself: SOME people.What I am saying is not but a fact: "a bunch of people agree with me" isn't a serious argument, nor evidence, for anyone relevant.

    What I am saying, also, is that "some people dislike it" is very, VERY far from being solid enough to even catch the attention of people responsible for it. And that's not even my point of view, even, this is part of the instructions I received from (former) Hi-Rez employees when they were in the company.

    You may contest me as much as you like, but reality will not be changed: a thread made on the basis of "That group of guys I played with" is really going to be just a waste of time, due to the aforementioned reasons. Remember how long it took for Stats Revamp to be finally taken into consideration?

    Btw, merry christmas.
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  11. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Wait, I only just came back after about a 5+ year break and people still complain about running content unchallenged vs running it where you aren't a god among ants?

    Interactive YT was boring as piss before, now everyone gets to do something and some people are upset about that?
    The only "feats" that were worth running unopposed for were like speed feats and that's it. You can still do those anyways (bugs aside) in a pre-made when everyone is on the same page and no one is below the "elevated" threshold.

    And as for the "FFXIV" attempt, thank you for completely ignoring that you can only run content unsynched when you were in a full group, not to mention that its only done for raids that end up dropping weapon styles, mounts, or materials for crafting.

    Not to run it for progression items or anything remotely linked to further power building unless you're one of the people where the weapon is higher than your current one, then it's a carry that still doesn't leave you with nothing to do but turn on a 15 minute video unlike what unsynched days I still vehemently recall from DCUO. Especially if you were a gearing dps that had his entire involvement removed by a significantly higher off-role switching just because "speed runs".
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  12. Dene Devoted Player

    Yes.. all of that stuff like Arts/Augs/SP/Pets etc + general skill/experience help A LOT
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  13. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    It's a 10 year old MMO. It's still trying to act like it's 2011. The MMO model from then versus now has dramatically changed. I know that nostalgia is a powerful thing but get with the times. As someone who's been playing MMOs since early 2000s (hi2youFFXI) trust me; the bloated grind is more of a bane than a boon.

    Why is this so hard for some people to grasp?
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Am i being pseudo elitist (am i an elitist or not?) when im looking out for the "player experience" not wanting bosses to be 2 shot so players have to engage with the boss?
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I wouldn’t even use it most of the time, but it’d be nice to have the option. Options are good.
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  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Debating a number neither of us know, but both can agree has SOME numbers on both sides....supporters and haters...of the clamp argument, is a long way from some guy making up voices in his head to support his position. For example, I can assume these 'Hi-Rez employees' are people you've conjured up from thin air as well, but there is no reason to think that I don't. In the end, the only ones who know for sure anything past what others tell them...or what they experience DBG. So as this 'clamp' has already lasted longer than the much reviled and quickly rolled back update 47 (or whatever the last 'clamp' was)...I'd guess it's at least 51/49 Pro-clamp this time. Again, we'll never know FOR SURE.

    And I did mention I figured there is NO way it's ever going to become an option....or go away. I've made my peace with that just might be taking some people a bit longer to come to that conclusion. It doesn't mean their feelings on the subject are any less real....even if in the end...fruitless. If we pulled every post down that had 0 chance of ever becoming a reality or was based on someone's personal feelings or opinion...well the forums would be a lot thinner.

    And yes...A Merry Christmas (or 'Happy Holidays' if someone prefers...not trying to get anyone offended) to you as well.
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  18. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Spare me the feigned concern for the playerbase. You don't have their best interests in mind so just stop with the cringey, clichéd replies as if you do.

    The problems with the stat clamp are much bigger and deeper than you care to realize or understand but I'm not surprised this is lost on you.

    Take comfort in knowing you're not the only one around here to have such a shallow and narrow-minded view to its adjustment or removal entirely.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What do i gain from feigning concern?
  20. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Agreed Because I Run Omnibus Alot
    Always There's A Good Amounts Of Difference
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