Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ah, we've had this back and forth for a long while. It's now just an exercise in typing, I can use the practice anyway. I'm not mad at them....but yeah...I'll never convince them to matter how right I am....and I'll never agree the clamp was the better choice so the discussion as indeed run it's course....again. I've done pretty well staying out of the discussion for a while....I was just bored and off work last week.'s not about being right or wrong really....just that if I'm wrong it still allows or player choices....if Solowing (or others) are wrong, it does not. I'm actually fine with there being a clamp...I just don't want to have to participate in it....and 90% of the time...I don't.
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  2. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Trust me, I totally get what you're saying and where you're coming from.

    The people defending the stat clamp are so out of touch with the game from the perspective of the new or returning player -that's the problem. They're only looking at it from the point of view of their well-developed characters sitting on 400+ SPs. It's like in order to enjoy the game you MUST go through the gauntlet of nonsense grindiness to really appreciate DCUO. Give me a damn break.

    I would challenge them all to roll a new toon and start from scratch and earn all those feats again. Hell, I'd even let them use replay badges too. But we know they're all talk and no action. So they'll keep spouting the same BS defending the stat clamp BS and as long as there's at least 2-3 people in favor of the clamp here on the forums, the devs will assume they speak for the majority. Nothing will change and most importantly, nothing will get better (in terms of quality gaming experience in DCUO)
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Look at yourself, you have no idea who i am as a person. And me forum posting is enough to get you assuming you know anything about me.;)
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I offered a choice, but its the trade off you guys dont want

    You want you styles, sure! Let them have an un-clamped version with the Marks, and feats disabled.

    You have a choice, but one you wouldnt like.

    I want as many people in groups as possible. People want to be able to do things with their own agency. But unfortunately (for some of you), what i want to see, removes some of the solo agency to become more group reliant again.

    Thats why im more pro "Reining it in". To force *if need be* for the community to be more reliant on each other.

    We are a increasingly small minority of players (not to downplay longtime veterans, but not everyone from the old system will be here in 5 years and getting feats unclamped will be simply become a "oh yea i heard one time you could get feats unclamped" trivia fact), and new players coming in wont know of the old system. New players will be more acclimated to requiring more assistance. Im not against choice, but im very upfront about having caviots in that choice.

    I never said AQS is wrong. I just disagree with it is all.
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  5. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    To be honest, based on your replies, I have zero desire to know anything about you. All I know is that you have a pseudo-elitist mentality when it comes to this game and for DCUO, that's more of a bane than a boon.

    Talking to the plant in my office is more pleasant than responding to your obtusely written posts anyway. Mad props to Reinheld for making the effort to though.
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  6. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    There is some hilarity that one person's sig is another game they bring up constantly in response to people not agreeing with their opinions about DCUO and their supposed "arch nemesis" sig is a political one aimed at insulting half the country that doesn't agree with their own politics. Sigh


    I have liked several of both individuals posts off and on (because I don't care who you vote for and what game you love the most, I do care that your comments resonate, make sense, or are at least entertaining). It's just bizarre watching highly opinionated people that seem fine with insulting and belittling others are actually trying to high road anyone and calling out their own behavior when seen in someone else. But that's the thing when you feel you are righteous you don't see your own faults. These two are much more alike then different. we come here to talk about DCUO and you get a lecture on another game and insults aimed at people not happy about the current administration (I think the sigs are fine even if one does violate forum rules and I don't think they would be to happy if it was the reverse).

    I suppose we should just sit back...


    Meh, I'll probably be flamed for pointing out observable reality and making sense.
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You know what they say about people who assume:p.

    Yea, well im kinda colorful, and i do appreciate him trying to understand what im saying. Im well aware of it.

    Also, what is a Psudeo elitist? Am i elitist or not?. Its kinda like calling me Biggie Smalls. Its a contradiction.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Like AQS would be fine to me

    If, it had scaling difficulty. depending on how many people inside, to offset.

    Thats also a choice.
  10. Brit Loyal Player

    If they made it optional, I would immediately opt out of the Stat-Clamp forever. Because it is not optional, I have immediately opted out of 90% of the game's content forever.

    I've been playing for 10 years. Everything that comprises the old content, everything outside of relevency, I've already run it hundreds of times. It's reached the point of boring and repetative. It's not easy because of being out-geared; it's easy because I've run it so many times that I can do it in my sleep.

    The stat-clamp did not make it more difficult. I can still complete any content. However, now there are large parts of old content that takes significantly longer to run. Reducing my gear did not make it harder; it just made it slower.

    "Hey. You know that boring thing that you don't really want to do, but you feel like you have to because bad RNG has you still chasing that one rare Collection piece or Style drop? You know how it's already not fun, but you force yourself to do it? What if, hear us out, we made that boring, unappealing content take twice as long for you to farm. Wouldn't you really enjoy spending twice as long doing something that is boring and un-fun? No? Well, what if we gave you a couple of Source Marks to make up for wasting a bunch of your time? I mean, sure, you've already got 4000 of them, and sure, there's nothing for you to spend them on because we never add anything to Vendor 00 or Vendor 22, so you only really need like 14 per month to afford the generator junk, but wouldn't you love to waste a ton of extra time doing something that is not fun so that you can get an extra reward that you don't need? What do you mean you refuse to run it now?"

    I'm not going to do 20-30 extra minutes on some old raid so that I can get another RNG chance at a rare collection that just doesn't drop. When the content got slowed down, it went from "I guess I can force myself to do this" to "Nah. I'm not going to bother with that any more."

    The stat-clamp did not make things more challenging. It just made things slow and boring.
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I bring it up all the time, but other games, main example being EverQuest 2 (another game run by Daybreak), have an option to "mentor down" your level. Basically you have the option to clamp yourself in order to bring yourself within 10 levels of the enemy, in order to get loot again. No clamping = no loot, but you can still get achievements. DCUO should have the same option.
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  12. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Can people who chose to remain unclamped, queue into the same instance with those who chose the clamp? If so, older content is going to become loot pinatas again as long as one over-geared players runs un-synced in the group.

    I think even clamping being clamped increases the longevity, since those against it admit to it making things taking longer. Which is exactly what this game needs. Less of this rush to the end, its been catored to for years and years.

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  14. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    FFXIV screenshot
  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Except it's not what the people in general want? And thus not what the game needs? Just look at how often the Omnibus queue for some of the longer alerts or raids fails when those instances don't have an unique drop.

    It seems the majority of the people just want a quick in and out for the rewards, they don't want old content to take long.
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  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I still hope it’s working out for the community. And I still do not partake in any of it. Maybe someday (I keep saying that but then I log out when I have the time to do it so probably won’t ever be in there. At least never pugging).
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Majority of whom? The forum majority which is the community minority?
  18. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    The majority of the playerbase, if I meant forum, I would have said forum...
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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    22 characters made over the years, two of which were deleted (characters made to test new power sets before using a respec).
    13 of the 20 characters I have are actively being taken through tier progression. The rest are for show or storage.
    Of those 13?
    • None are in endgame content. Titans content is next up when I start on my new character cycle.
    • SP totals average around 300 for all of them.
    • No maxed augments.
    • No maxed Artifacts.
    • No Allies being used (active or passive).
    • Minimal white mods in use (neck and weapon).
    • Base mods range wildly.
    • Character 13 was made within the past couple of years.

    Now, I know that doesn't exactly match up with what you suggested, but underplaying my characters like that arguably puts me a lot closer to being a new/returning player than anyone who might be at endgame.

    My experiences over the years going with this playstyle? Clamping means that all those players who would dash through both group content AND solo areas one-shotting enemies willy-nilly without any apparent regard for what other players are trying to do have to (gasp) actually play with other players. Plus it gives the people who are at level the chance to actually play the content.

    But most surprising of all? Even with all that underplaying, I can handle myself just fine when clamped. So I just keep finding myself wondering exactly how or why players who (most likely) are statistically playing well above me would struggle with being clamped down.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im going to need you to cite your sources on that statement.
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