Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Don't mind him. He's just trying to be annoying with pointless anecdotes that don't work.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ever since the stat-clamping thread hes been doing this. Just tries to completely derail anything i say, to say something Final Fantasy XIV. Talk about a waste of a forum account.

    Personally i find it rather sad, that they need to resort to actively trying to completely derail specific users they dont like to incite a response to get me suspended or something xD
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Its funny to me to see people talk about how we need to earn all our feats when you can literally buy them from time capsules.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, but I wasn't the one asking for the changes that were put that's not on me. No. I think you should be able to have your base there, just like some people who took advantage of the ability to score names that you couldnt' get today, should get to keep them....however, if I HAD a bunch of those names or HAD a base location that's not allowed anymore, and lobbied to make it harder or impossible for new people to get those things, I'd assume that I'd also have to be willing to give those same things up otherwise I'd be a Hypocrite. So you wanted the even playing should have to abide by your choice. I'll assume you will be dropping those extra SP into dom or vit on your healers today....right?;)

    And yes, building a group is part of a feat run, however putting a group together should NOT be more difficult than the actual feat itself. Example, 'Artifact Finder' feat in Nexus is technically an 'easy' feat...requires no skill, requires no co-orination...just lots of runs to get the list. Previous to the clamp you needed to find 1 buddy (or solo for those of us who could) and repeatedly walk in to get it done. Big accomplishment, you stood in the WT/HOD repeatedly walking into a run, spending a few hours to complete a checklist. NOW, you need to find 5, 6 or 7 more people and spend 4 or 5x as much time to do the same thing. If it did not have a walk-in (like most Raids) you would have to for sure find 7. Was getting a random artifact at the end of that run the 'challenge'? No, finding the saps who would stick around long enough to get everyone complete is. And as more and more of them finished their lists, the challenge would go up as you backfilled. There are a TON of feats like this in the game. Checklist or 'many run' feats are not hard...gimmies even...but they require a LOT of runs which takes a LOT of time just to even build the group.

    They should add a 10 star feat for anyone who can repeatedly get feats from LFG groups NOT comprised of friends/league....called 'The groupmaker'. This is a feat BTW that would not have had to been added since the clamp as it was the MAIN reason you couldn't get stuff done before the clamp as well. The 4 or 8 man requirement is STILL a big detriment to getting feats done. Always has been...always will be. All the clamp did was help random did nothing for LFG groups....other than maybe add some MORE difficulty in getting one together as people don't want to jump into a shoot-show of a bad feat run where previously it might have been a short distraction if they were bored.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again, unless you are willing to give up what you got by a system you lobbied to get rid of...yeah, you are pulling up or burning the ladder behind you on a new player....because as we all know there wasn't a clamp...for a long time, so wishing it were so and theorizing about how things would be different is just...well, silly.

    Would I have defended a clamp had it always been there? Doubtful, but maybe....who knows, but also...who cares? Like most hypothetical arguments, it's hard to prove either way. I do know when they put it in way back when and we weren't OP in most of the content was terrible and I had pretty much resolved to NOT run old content any more than I had to (which was about .001% of the time). So now they did it better (I'll admit that much) and guess what....I STILL don't really want to run any old content any more than I have to. So I think that makes me pretty no...I probably would NOT have defended it....just avoided it.

    Did I want the system to change? Yes. I wanted to be able to access whatever I wanted with the amount of people I was able to gather as a minimum(AQS). I still want that even after the clamp. I DON'T want to spend endless hours making a group, and neither did you BTW, as that was one of the reasons you used to cite as the inability to get old feats "I can't build a group to get the old content ran"....paraphrased. No one wants to spend the time (could be hours....could be never) to assemble a group for a time consuming feat....they just don't.

    Now as it stands I'd hardly have to do this, as I have almost all those old feats, but nonetheless, I am not all players. Many players need those old things and much MUCH more than the increased difficulty of a boss or raid mechanic, getting the group is the main challenge...and that is UN-improved by the clamp, except where the feat is a 'participation' type feat where just going in will get things done. Omni will eventually get those kinds of's the one thing that Omni does do long as you don't mind waiting a week or more for your queue to pop it will eventually pop with Omni (aka...noob) players.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah Yass. I was one of the first to call Solowing out on the FF stuff and even I think this is a bit overboard. Probably could scale back a bit till they post one again.
  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    The toxic poster in question lives to compare dcuo to final fantasy, typically making bizarre, inappropriate comparisons. They seem not to understand dc at all nor play it that much yet they want to control how others play.

    So, imo it's helpful to remind them of their favorite game when possible.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Wait im toxic? Have you looked in the mirror you been wasting my time quoting me for MONTHS quoting me regardless of topic and substance to make a completely unrelated comment about Final Fantasy XIV because i would like to see ideas from there here?

    You like peoples post regardless of merit simply if they disagree with me because you dislike me that much. Just to fluff up anyones post that disagrees (you think i didnt notice?)

    You keep saying i wanna control how people play, but you want a solo-centric group game.

    Wait im clueless to how DCUO works? And you do? What are you credentials? I dont see you linking your game design degree... Who in the hell made you the arbiter of who's opinion is valid and who's isn't?

    The nerve to call me toxic while justifying your own toxicity..
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  10. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Very toxic post.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Why havent you blocked me if i cause you that much distress?

    Instead of spending 4 monthes or so trolling....
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  12. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Still trying to control the actions of others. Not surprising.
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  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Would you still want an option if the rewards were completely stripped from the unclamped content?
    Eg you get nothing, marks, styles, feats, nothing…?
    That’s honestly the only way I ever see them giving you an option, is if there is zero benefit other then you being able to faceroll stuff.
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  14. Trykz Dedicated Player

    And idk what happened between you two,
    But I bet it was juicy to cause so much animosity.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No not really....They just dont like me...So they keep quoting to say something about FFXIV as a way to annoy me and show how much they dislike me:rolleyes: for the last several months...

    They dont like my opinion so they just resort to trolling as a way to get a response to hopefully get myself suspended so they can do a victory lap.
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  16. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Serious question, not tryna start nothing, but why is your entire sig on the dcuo forums committed to an entirely different game? Could that be why you’re being singled out?
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  17. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    It's nothing personal. It's just that I've observed this user's toxicity, very weird need to control others and baffling constant references to final fantasy when people are trying to drill down into dcuo related issues. They seem to want to speak with authority over others yet have what appears to be an only passing, vague understanding of dcuo in general.
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Why do you need to be able to effectively faceroll older content to feel like you've accomplished anything of significance in the game? As is, going through older content right now is pretty easy going and just requires paying some attention while you play.

    And any choices we have in the game are entirely up to the devs. They make the rules, they set the parameters. We may get options, but they choose what those options are.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Used to to be a signature to tell stories about w/e i wanted, via my character ia the bitstrips site

    Now its currently the same characters home from a different game. Nobody had issue when i made my character in a totally un-associated medium as a way to tell a story, but i cant do that with what i feel is my character home?
    My character has always apart of my sigs in some capacity, its never been strictly limited to DCUO. DCUO is just a vessel just like every other game.
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  20. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Makes sense thanks for the explanation.
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