Test Discussion Save the Universe: Release 3 (Wonder Woman)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Millbarge, Oct 5, 2021.

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  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Clown Box got fixed in 2015.
  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    • The essence of war really needs the tank logo on top of it to signify that only tank can damage it (on top of no other adds nearby)
    • A <<<!>>> message that tells players the above information.
    This has long been a nightmare to do random queues with, as only 1 player not understanding or cooperating can ruin the whole instance, and with save the universe system this issue will only get exacerbated. Implementing those signals *to all versions* would be more beneficial to communicate the mechanics' players need to follow.
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  3. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    This is simply not true.
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    the adds on first boss are nowhere deadly then they used to be in terms of their damage output we got 3 artifacts now (and allies andso on) which we did not have when this episode was new back then people would struggle the first boss because the adds were doing aton of damage to the tank on Elite this seems to be greatly reduced i suggest to slightly increase the damage output of the adds on the first boss fight.
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    thanks for making the daily a DUO
  6. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Yes, I know....The crystal thing from FoS2 was fixed years and years ago too, but yet it still made a return in STU. And actually the Clown Box exploit was never fixed technically because it still worked in there even after they turned clownbox into a supercharge vs just a regular power.
  7. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    This is a great Idea, but it would involve coding that has never been needed in the past. The community will have to learn this mech just as we did back at release. We have to comm again...at least for that mech. This would be bomb tho.
  8. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    I remember the devs addressed the talk about CB being an exploit after the change. They stated then that it was ok to CB and that tunneling was the ONLY rule breaking exploit. Then took our faces. Im pretty sure Mepps reminded them of the tunneling.
  9. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    Say that after you tank them at level. With a slow Ess tank and low Ares burn. I'll be here waiting for your reply.
  10. zNot Loyal Player

    They are blockable,stunable,debuffable and dont hit hard not sure how u see that as difficult for a Elite raid? If the whole purpose for that tank is just to survive the adds yet theres tons of adds that oppose barely any threat apart from that one add who has a skull attack where everyone in the circular area needs to move away from her.

    A slight damage increase should be done to the adds they are underwhelming and the artifacts make this even easyier.

    Upscaling a elite raid to our CR is one thing but a raid thats like 6 years old should have the adds damage output scaled higher we are significantly stronger then when this first camr out especially the Tanks and healers have incredibly high survivability in dc
  11. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    I guess I'm unclearOn this. Are we all trying to make elite unpuggable? Because that is exactly what is going on here.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    Its not about mechanics just the Tank the adds as i said dont do much damage towards the Tank and im not sure if thats intented or not because when this came out (before artifacts) the adds were one of the main reasons people wouldnt pass the first boss. (Similar to COU E first boss) the adds-eyes there were the highlight of that raid.
  13. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    So it sounds like you don't have much exp tanking this position. To remind you, after a certain amount of ads (confirmed by Devs) The Ads tanks drops aggro at that number. This means ads rotate to one of the other tanks. Or, how master punisher etc. My reply has nothing to due with that slot but the GROUP dealing with your idea. That's all. Punishers take up the a lot of space. At clamp we can pilfer off a few to stay tight as the ad tank. Btw, this raid will not be upscaled like the others. It was the first elite raid, designed as such.
  14. zNot Loyal Player

    I know that that has nothing to do with the Damage the adds deal though. Im not saying to increase the amount of adds.
  15. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Not arguing that particular point. Curious as to why we would buff any raid elite or not requiring two tanks when pug groups already fail the normal version more than half the time. I see this as a fail for almost any pug group as is. Is the intent to drive more frustration and anger among customers? If so keep buffing away. I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.
  16. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    The Ops group on test consisted of mostly if not all vets that were around and in the original TOTD discussion years ago. The suggestions where IMHO to get it back on par. To blow the dust off if you will understanding that it's a limited event and and new suggestions would involve coding and publishing. The raid will be difficult for many by design against the meta. That will be enough for a month. My two cents.
  17. zNot Loyal Player

    We have artifacts now too and i think that should be considered for elite raids too when adjusting tanking difficulty (aka damage output of adds/bosses) and this hasnt been done so far imo. Just my feedback hope to see a change.
  18. zNot Loyal Player

    For regular yes it should be maybe abit more simple but again this shouldnt effect elite version and should be seperated.

    If possible make essence attackable by anyone (on regular only) not just the tank this should make the biggest improvment for pugs on regular.
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  19. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    I keep having to relog into daybreak to post fam. This will be my last but, Do you tank? Why would you want to kill the tank? See Brittany's vid from back then to the devs about the ads tank and the room filling with ads. The point is as the ad tank you can control the ads while taking dmg to keep the group safe from this. Ie orbs, ally, etc. To keep that number tight. Your suggestion would mean those ads which are THE ads for that fight would be unkillable by that tank and a problem for the three dps and other tanks. It has always been fine as is. Let us tanks deal with the ads please. Keep us healed bro. XD
  20. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    Ok one more, I get you Z, but the best suggestions for this raid that are NEW are the shield icon to denote get that Essence... The judgement suggestion. The rest have been toiled over at length in the past. The ops group had arts. Artifacts at level are just that... Artifacts at level. Just nifty things we can do now with extra stat. You still have to obey mechs. Hmu if you need a tank USPS all teflontheicon three 348 tanks at your disposal. Twitch.tv/teflontheicon
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