Producer's Letter: State of the Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, Aug 8, 2017.

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  1. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    I'm not sure the style vendors are a problem that needs solving, or even a problem at all.
    Consensus regarding the style vendors seems to always have been that they are a good thing that players want more of.
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  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I would guess that's a take on everything as a whole because from where I stand the celestial community feels very strongly about truly losing their ability to battle heal :p
  3. Web Well-Known Player


    Do you want me to field this one or do you want to respond to it?

    You know...
    since it's ask Mepps a question, have it answered by a player day.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I have a feeling they're saying that now the Predator set (the best gear for that tier) would be on the vendor instead of in content. You wouldn't have to worry about getting that lucky drop, just saving up coins to buy what you need from content. Depending on the costs, I think that could be a great idea. If any of your mains has it, alts could level up faster, so that's cool.
  5. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I think you are misunderstanding what they are planning. It sounds like it would be similar to what we had prior to marks of victory where older gear would cost a fraction of our current currency type. As we go up in tiers, that fraction would get smaller and smaller. So a tier 8 mark might be all that's needed to buy that tier 1 chest piece for the style.
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Sooo did I read that right? It's the contents fault and not the players? Like it's the contents fault that there are mechanics and not the players who refuse to learn them?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the reason I never PUGed Labyritn of Souls is one single room mechanic that players just refuse to note.
    And today I really got shocked when a my Paradox Demon group was standing next to the Paradox Warrior when a latecomer to our group said that there is an Executioner on the other side of the map....and my whole group ran there.. I mean WHAT? Ohhh those evil evil mechanics :()
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  7. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I curious to see how this will effect Elite Gear in Older Content?
    Will a New Renown System be implemented for Each or will the Gear Simply be put in a Vender for Purchase?
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  8. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Well so far i have notice Mental Earth and Rage are quite balanced trying to do similar dmg on quantum but no luck so far .
  9. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    You get a solid huzzah from me for this bit... any updates to the vault are good, and this will help level my alts a little.
    This all sounds good to me, but I *really* hope you are planning a revamp of the currency tab to help with this. I would love to be able to hide any seasonal currency that isn't in season, and to pick what currency to show. It can get confusing just with the existing currencies - when you add more it's going to get worse.

    As for putting best gear in vendor for every level - HUZZAH! I have a few alts at almost every level of the game and will happily spend more time leveling them if there's a goal to work for instead of randomness. This alone could give the game another couple of years of life for me.

    As for modding - well, that's a mess. I hate modding my characters because it's a serious pain to go back and remove the mod and then remake the mod and then I get a new piece of gear in the next thing I play - it's almost not worth the effort. If you can make that process easier, then any changes will be worth it.

    I look forward to seeing the solutions you come up with. There will always be people who want all the skill points - I'll settle for enough to make it fun to play the game. Hopefully that will be something you can make challenging yet enjoyable to get.

    Overall, this is a promising letter. I still have been having fun playing since the revamp, so you still have my conditional support. Now I'm just going to wait and see what you do with this next.
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  10. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Ok I seriously Differ,
    Im not sure what loadouts your using with Mental OR How you are speced But Mental Cannot Compete with Earths Spammble Jackhammer, or Rages Battle Tanking
    Everyone I have talked to in game has said Mental IS one of the WORST Powers out there.
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  11. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Everyone better finish their Norseman style now if you don't have it... unless this only affects the 10 mark vendor and not the rare vendor.

    Either way... word to the wise... clear out your style vendors now.
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  12. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It seems like we are in that Nature/Electric malaise. I hope it doesn't take years to fix. I really enjoy Mental.
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  13. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure that is the case.

    Looking at items 1 & 3 makes me think the costs and the discounts will reflect what we see in AOJ right now. Which means a 50% discount if we can unlock the feat first.
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  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea me too. Ive spent hours dpsing with quantum. Only consistent thing i see is inconsistency.
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  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Brilliant! :D
  16. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Those with plenty of $$$$ can "Vault" their way to top player. Only 1 Gear drop per day at most!
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  17. Lucifercare New Player

    @Mepps: Since you guys are going to make older content "easier" can you please not make it so drastic to point where we can 1 shot them? I really do not want to go back to 1 shotting NPC's. I still want to fight NPC's with still some challenge/length in them and i think some people would possibly agree to this too.

    But honestly though, before seeing this, i have run sunstone matrix with 1 friend of mine (177cr Earth Tank) and we were able to complete it in 15min and 27 sec with no deaths. I've ran AnB with a PuG group and beat it pretty easy. Even Kahndaq adds are easy to kill as a 190cr light dps. As for those who are at level with their tiered content, people do drop a little too quick at times.
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  18. nakamura New Player

    Boa Tarde !!!!
    Eu ja sou player a 3 anos, e realmente fico feliz por voces terem dado atencao a todos os comentários do forum e ouvido a todos, e nao apenas a uma pequena parcela que queriam jogo ao seu favor por si intitularem veteranos, nao estou aqui pra Julgar quem tem pontos de habilidade ou quem tem 5 anos de dcuo apenas quê o jogo fique viavel a todos e nao para poucos, eu gostei muito desse revamp apenas nao concordo como foi colocado os pontos de habilidade sem ao menos dar chance de outros jogadores De obte-los sem ter que ficar implorando pra que alguem os ajude, assim como todos os dois falam ingles fluentemente, tem uma boa liga com jogadores ativos ou pelo menos que entendam a mecanica e como feats, estou totalmente agradecido por ter dado a Atencao aos posts,Muitas vezes o jogador come tentou fazer uma coisa mais na nao entenda ou faça algo errado e kikado ou exculquido, ou como os outros, não é mais do que isso, porque você está procurando por muito tempo. Primeiro e sim pra ser "degustado" o dia que muitos aprederem para o jogo ficara muito melhor.O jogo se tornara mais harmoniozo e sem competências de quem e o topo de dano nas instancias.Mas e isso pessoal eu agradeco como alteracoes com base nos com base nos Publicações e opnioes de jogadores com e sem pontos de habilidade. Fico ansiosamente no aguardo salvo novas mudanças, reforcando que estou muito contente com como alteraçoes ja existentes, sim e alguns pontos em que se encontra mais ajustado logotipos tudo o que é ficario otimo.E para os QQs De plantao nao, nao sou top SP, sou um cr200 com 250 SP,Nao me recuso a fazer feats e nao me incomodo com elas, apenas concordo que deveriam se mais acessiveis ja que o ponto do jogo agora e esse.E ja que existem muitas ligas e poucos jogadores e zero jogo em grupo e tolerancia sim deveriam ajustar para Um modo mais viavel ja que neste jogo existem várias faixas etarias nele, varias linguas diferentes, e nao, o ingles nao e lingua principal em todos os paises entao so acho que se haja sim mais tolerancia e menos QQ, haaaaaa e sou a favor Sim de um tradutor para que se possua pelo menos existe um melhor entendimento entre todos sem jogo, facilaria muito nas explicacoes pra se bater Feats.Um forte abraco e com uma enorme satisfação que eu termino este post.E ja que existem muitas ligas e poucos jogadores e zero jogo em grupo e tolerancia sim deveriam ajustar para um modo mais viavel ja que neste jogo existem várias faixas etárias nele, várias linguas diferentes, e nao, o ingles nao e lingua principal em todos os Paises entao tão acho que se desenvolva sim mais tolerancia e menos QQ, haaaaaa e sou a favor sim de um tradutor para que se possua pelo menos há um melhor entendimento entre todos sem jogo, facilaria muito nas explicacoes pra se bater Feats.Um forte Abraco e com uma enorme satisfação que eu termino este post.E ja que existem muitas ligas e poucos jogadores e zero jogo em grupo e tolerancia sim deveriam ajustar para um modo mais viavel ja que neste jogo existem várias faixas etárias nele, várias linguas diferentes, e nao, o ingles nao e lingua principal em todos os Paises entao tão acho que se desenvolva sim mais tolerancia e menos QQ, haaaaaa e sou a favor sim de um tradutor para que se possua pelo menos há um melhor entendimento entre todos sem jogo, facilaria muito nas explicacoes pra se bater Feats.Um forte Abraco e com uma enorme satisfação que eu termino este post.Haaaaa e sou a favor sim de um tradutor para que seja criado pelo menos existe um melhor entendimento entre todos no jogo, facilaria muito nas explicacoes pra se bater Feats.Um forte abraco e com uma enorme satisfação que eu termino este post.Haaaaa e sou a favor sim de um tradutor para que seja criado pelo menos existe um melhor entendimento entre todos no jogo, facilaria muito nas explicacoes pra se bater Feats.Um forte abraco e com uma enorme satisfação que eu termino este post.;)
  19. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    Not at all what players have been asking for, though it may seem that way at first.
    We've been asking for relevancy to be gone so that marks can be awarded in older content, marks that can be spent on the rare style vendor.
    What's being proposed is that we will be awarded a new type of mark that can only be spent on gear in that tier.
    A lot of players would have already gotten that gear and plugged the gaps at the old style vendor, so really there's still no reward in older content and relevancy will remain to kill everyone's buzz.
    • Like x 3
  20. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Hmmm, guess I'm not familiar with the system you mentioned. If that is the case, you are correct that it's a step backwards from what they did with the iconic style vendor.
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