People are okay with these costs for style unlocking????

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by hoaxone, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Was there a sticker shock? Yes.

    But if you think about it, we asked for style unlocking... but there is this triangle... fast, cheap, good... pick 2... because something that's fast and good won't be cheap... something that's fast and cheap won't be good... and something that's cheap and good won't be fast.

    Am I disappointed? Yes... to a degree. I had envisioned style unlocking to go along with replaying the feat... as in when you replay the feat you get the style available as a side effect... maybe at an additional cost (a few extra replay badges).

    Am I upset? No, not really. It just means that I'm going to be more judicious about which styles I actually unlock... but it does also mean that I can now replay the style feat and not have to worry about the checklist to tell me which parts I'm missing.

    And in the grand scheme... you paid a lot of money to get stabilizers to open time capsules... or a lot of money for Booster Bundles... only to have a random (not guaranteed) chance of getting particular items that depended entirely on RNGs and luck. Now you can spend a lot less and have a 100% guarantee to get the entire style without having to hope you get the drop you need. That should keep some angst down as well as blood pressure.
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You didn't answer the question of how many you will be unlocking at this price point. It's hard to say it's fair if you're speaking from outside the box.
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    LOL. This is absurd reasoning.

    If they can unlock it, they already have the feat.

    Unlocking the feat costs a max of 5 RBs. If they wanted the feat, they would just do that. :rolleyes:
  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    To all of the people defending these prices...please mention how many you have purchased so far so your feedback is honest and accurate for the devs.

    Note: I'm not arguing, if you feel the prices are worth it, that's totally fine with me, and the devs appreciate seeing both kinds of feedback.

    It's very easy, however, for people who have no desire to actually unlock any of these items, and simply want to keep their exclusive status on the one toon that they play, to say, "yeah, I'm OK with these prices." If you're not going to unlock any, or not unlock any for 3-4 months, however, it seems pretty deceptive to proclaim wholehearted support for these prices.

    I know Magneto is an exception, because I'm sure he has already purchased 5 nimbus auras for his toons, lol. :D;)
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Are some prices too high? Sure I have no desire to spend over 500 replays for an aura but then anyone that knows me knows I am not a huge fan of auras to begin with. NO I don't hate em I just can not see spending the amount of cash on them that many require just to glow pretty LOL.. Anything that can cost that much should at the very least increase my Defenses so it is harder to defeat me.

    But here is the thing... Used with some restraint the new system is great. What do i mean by that? Well let's break it down quickly

    Okay so I have an alt that managed to buy or have all the pieces of an armor set drop. Now I am on another alt .. Here is the question you need to ask yourself. "Do I have any desire at all to wear this stuff or do I JUST want the feat for the style?" If all you want is the style do NOT spend a pile of replays to buy each piece. The lowest prices possible I have seen is 4 replays per piece of gear. That means if you have none of that style of gear it will cost you 32 REPLAYS to buy all eight. Even if that STYLE awards you with 50 feat points the cost to simply buy those Feat points is only FIVE REPLAYS. So if you have no desire to wear any of that gear.. just buy the feat and you saved yourself 27 replay badges and accomplished the exact same thing.

    Let's take it one step further... There is a particular piece of armor for a certain set that you want desperately to complete your hero's or villain's costume. Each piece of THAT set cost 4 replays so if you buy the whole set you get the feat points and have that piece of gear to wear but you just spent .. 32 replays. If you could give a crap less about wearing any of the rest of that armor..... Just buy that 1 piece and then if you want the style use replays to buy the feat points. Do that and the most it cost you was 9 replays to get the armor you want to wear and the feat.. you saved 23 replay badges.

    Oh yeah and part three... Are you at end game where at this point what you need to purchase the best available armor is Atlantian Crowns? So all those marks that are dropping just sort of accumulate and you find yourself wondering what to do with them. Well in case you are not aware the prices on many of the lower sets of gear available from vendors has dropped and for 91 marks you can buy a full set of that armor. Why spend ANY replays to obtain the feat points or whatever when you can just go buy the gear from the vendor?

    Now this does not help with auras or some other items like armor styles that were only available through a time capsule that no longer exists and of course those are the ones with the high prices but if you spend less on the cheaper stuff you have more replays for the more expensive items. And of course there is always the option to just go to the broker and buy an item with in game cash. FRANKLY some of the prices they want to buy some stuff is pretty high but if the ONLY reason you are buying it is to HAVE it and you never plan to wear it.... THINK about your options before you waste 500+ replays. :D
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This times 1000. So awesome to have green stickers and 10,000 styles (slight exaggeration, lol) every time you want to alter your toons look these days.

    Style unlocking is a great idea, don't get me wrong, just wish visually they had thought things through a little more. Of course, if it's this or nothing, I guess I'll take this.
  7. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I haven't bought any yet, but I plan to as soon as the OG Radiant aura is able to be purchased. I would like it on my main, but since I was only able to get one when that BB was out, I put it on an alt that I thought it would fit better for her theme (and it does, she looks awesome).
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  8. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, I think what turns me off the most is simply the disconnect between idea and implementation. It's like the devs aren't sure what road they want to take.

    For a person who only plays 2 toons total? Style unlocking prices are perfect. Save billions of in-game cash, and pick up one rare aura for that one toon, etc. Since it's only one, you can even save up your RBs for months and unlock the styles you want for free over time.

    For a person who plays 5-6 toons total? Style unlocking is a total joke. At the current prices, you can unlock 1 cheap vendor outfit for 3 toons PER MONTH, or almost enough to unlock 1 TC STYLE each month on 1 TOON. Or you can unlock 1 aura for 1 toon EVERY 2--3 MONTHS.

    So, if the devs never had the intention of encouraging people to actually play alts, or only play 1 alt, great job. Working perfectly. If the idea of style unlocking was to make playing the game more fun and encourage people to play alts, then they failed miserably.

    They end result really depends on what the intention was. Kind of like the Assassin capsule. Cool idea. Poorly implemented. Devastatingly poorly implemented. So poorly implemented that people will be talking about it for years to come.
  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay so let me think so far I have bought 3 pieces of gear using replays to make my new alt look more like a Green Lantern and all three were cheap.. 4 replays a piece. Now I wanted the green and blue Lantern emblems but the ones I was looking for were the basic not the GLOWIE kind and i didn't have any alt that owed those.. So i bought them off the market for a couple hundred thousand a piece.

    I personally have never spent the ton of cash that can be involved to grab some of those auras that cost 500+ replays and as for styles? Like i said in my other post I will save myself a ton of replays and just buy the style LOL :p hehehe not even really defending the prices but there you know how much I have used the system to date
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, there are no enhanced versions of the lantern emblems. I was sad about that because having them glow would be so awesome (and they would be free, lol) .
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  11. Roocck Committed Player

    LMAO same thing different thread, sooooo, people wanted the gear unlock and they got it!!!! Buuuut than they realized that the cost is ridiculous and come here and complain... Why would any player think that Daybreak would do anything for the customers benefit without them getting a huge part of the pie. By raising the cost of the gear unlock it requires replays which requires you to buy from the marketplace. I like everyone else that plays DCUO have the choice to either pay the high cost of replays to unlock the gear that you want or save your money and don't pay for it and use the free member replay you get per month. The choice has always been ours to make!!!!!
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  12. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Lucky for you then, nobody is forcing you to participate.
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  13. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    It is often hard for people to understand a different point of view than their own.

    You'll get over it. We all do.
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  14. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    really just give all the complainers a shiny new billion to 1 odds box unlocking system...they would pay more money willingly and stop griping about all the free....
  15. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    see my post...same thought...
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  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    When it come to SP/Feats..... people are crazy/not rational when it comes to SP/Feats....... so you never know. ;) ;)

    As I said... if all he want is the emblem.... he can unlock the Enhanced version for FREE.

    The Feat seems to be the issue for the post I quoted.
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  17. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    btw i have paid about 30 to recreate War Horse as a hero...cause dead villain side is for dead villains only ...occasionally I will create a temp villain though...just so i can get villain side mark styles...for my heroes to buy...ill ho my villain to feed my heroes i guess...
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  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Unless he means the lantern emblems, which have no enhanced version.
  19. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    I have 23 characters. However, they are mostly pretty different, so I won't be unlocking a lot of auras for them (especially since almost all of them got the auras I wanted for them months ago). So I'm unlocking outfit pieces. Usually not full outfits either... it's more like "That leg style would work for him, but he isn't high enough CR to get it yet." So I have a choice - spend a handful of RBs, or work to get him up to that CR, and then hope the RNG likes me.
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  20. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I'm not talking about how people acquired their Nimbus auras. I'm talking about how each was bough IN THE FIRST PLACE. In order for the item to be available on Broker or for Trade or put in a League Bank or given for free to friends or whatever, it had to bought FIRST.

    Some person had to pony up $18 or $20 real money and buy the Booster Bundle and get lucky enough to have RNGeezus smile on them and pop the Nimbus aura in it. Every Original Nimbus was bought by someone for real money. EVERY. ONE. How it was distributed AFTER it was generated in game by that real money purchase has no bearing on this conversation.
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