Nexus of Reality (Raid) Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, May 6, 2013.

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  1. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    Respect ninja batman. Bug's fixed, gotta deal with him.
  2. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    The only part that needs to be fixed is having the bosses at the split reset if you leave 1 untouched.
  3. Miahztwin Committed Player

    i totally agree, but honestly the tank has to call that out, cause if you keep and eye on lex, he will do a "raising hand" motion. But then again with voice chat was down, that would be hard lol My friends and I actually made it to the last boss without mics so its kinda funny how good people play when theres no mic communication. Guess has to do with concentration and silence
  4. TUT New Player

    I'm on usps3 and I've seen this happen often. Just stay away from the shield until the blue goes away. It doesn't have the longevity of the white shield, and the aoe is not as big. U have to be close to get damaged by the blue, whereas you only need to be in the ring area of the white circle to get the aura and you will survive the oneshot as long as you have the aura. Hope this is helpful to you.
  5. Doc Holliday New Player

    I fight lex not batman?
  6. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    Respect ninja batman's hero equivalent.
  7. Bishop New Player

    Regarding the circle, I feel there is a little lag with rolling out of it. I find myself dying frequently on the finish of my roll which means the damage kicks in after my roll even though I'm outside the circle boundary.

    Could you look at it's mechanisms and compare it to Family Reunion Lex circle for example? Obviously not the damage but when I roll out of FR Lex circle there is rarely this incidence of carrying the damage through my roll. If I roll out of it, I'm good yet in Nexus I'm dying at the end of my roll - outside the circle.

  8. PrendSa New Player

    sale GM de ***** vous supprimez mes messages bravo mais avant de sortir un DLC TESTEZ LE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vous prenez le fric et bye bye quel mauvais MMO et soyezz present dans le jeu ya beaucoup de monde qui en as marre la bug boss final nexus bravo!!!!!!!bandes de connards
  9. PrendSa New Player

    vente=bandes FR=en bogue=bugs
  10. PrendSa New Player

    bogues bug sale traduction
  11. Radium Devoted Player

    Consider yourself lucky sir.
  12. Purple Ace New Player

    Just some friendly advice for anyone still struggling with Nexus:
    Fight Ninja Batman/General Lex in the last boss fight. Yes they will teleport around but they hit for significantly less than if you were to fight them by themselves. It's very similar to the first room where you fight all four holograms. They simply do not hit you as hard. In the last boss fight you just have to be aware when they teleport out of the pocket. Kill them in the first room and fight them last. Easiest setup for villains is a combination of Ninja/Primal/GCPD. Primal and GCPD rarely leave the pocket making them extremely easy to burn in the middle. Future and Ninja both leave the pocket a lot so it does mess with your burn. Just my opinion from running this raid a lot.
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  13. Electra New Player

    I have another suggestion do not die in the last room of nexus. I died in the end and since it teleported me all the way to the spawn I wasn't in range of the loot. The loot up arrow didn't show and I didn't even have credit in beating the final room.
  14. Mad9 New Player

    Any suitable and detailed strategies you would like to share for the last boss fight in the Nexus raid? I seem to have struggled with any raid groups I have managed to reach the last boss. So far, I have yet to clear the last boss fight and it is becoming increasingly frustrating to fight future and general lex in the last boss fight.

    Are you using single tank or two tanks?
    How do you know when is one shot wipe out or special attack is due?
    How do stay alive and keep the group alive when 1 or other member is going down and you are at a distance?
    Does you group stay in close proximity to each other or do you keep distance?
    Where do you position yourself? Within the outer rim of the first circle or outside of it?
    Do you spread the group in two halves and position them in opposing directions?
    I mean, I never had so much problems with running prime when it first came out as much I have been facing with these raids. The last boss fight is the most annoying one.
    I tend to pug most of the times as most members in the league are still gearing up for the raids. Mostly, pugs have limited communication and limited strategy, how does one overcome lack of communication?
    Could you explain some aspects in detail?

    Thanks for any present and future input.
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  15. Elysia Well-Known Player

    No Respect Fear, Fear Ninja Batman and his equivolent, Gen. Lex.
  16. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Space, professor and general is the easiest setup for the final boss IMO hero side.
  17. Majdarkwolf New Player

    This my first post on forums.Out of the 8 times i made it to last boss we failed to complete it, this raid is difficult n annoying me to point of not even trying it . Even with the 96cr full raid group i ran it with today. Just hope yall not done messing we damage . shouldn't have such hard time with this ,Majdarkwolf 97cr sor healr 169sp 3764resto usps3 villain.
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  18. Electra New Player

    My advice:
    Leave General and Cyber Lex in the beginning so you fight professor, future, and space.
    Leave all the three Lex in the middle
    Tell the 1st dps to burn the first hologram and tell the second to burn the second hologram.
    For instance when I did it I focused on professor while the other dps focused on space. (Space Lex will separate himself from the other lex to use his raygun or whatever.)
    He will be an easy target
    Now comes the biggest problem the white shields
    Your group needs to be on point in who is going with the tank(s) and who is staying with the group
    The person who is going to the tank(s) CANNOT go immediately to them. Let the tank call you to come when the skull appears next to the name of the real lex. This will result in less deaths for the tank(s).
    Communication is key
    You seriously do not want to die with the shield. ( THIS COULD CAUSE A WIPE)
    After you have survived the first Inevitability Attack, quickly kill the lex hologram that has less health.
    Then you repeat the process with the shields until the second hologram dies and finally the real lex dies.
    The reason for leaving General and Cyber Lex are because this eliminates the L bunker buster
    The second reason is that General's teleporting ability can be a serious problem. This is because if someone has the shield and he teleports behind that person he could kill them. Thus losing one of the shields.
    Future's circle of death is not a real problem. He rarely uses it and if he does its usually on the tank(s).
    You have around 2 seconds to roll out before it kills you. (That is if you see it in time.)
    Now the loot
    Right now their is a glitch with the loot. If you die near the end do not flee. This will send you to the spawn which you will not be in range of the loot. Resulting in not getting credit for beating the final room.
  19. pokeman65 New Player

    I agree with wolf as the majority are geared enough to do this raid but it is virtually impossible. Many of the groups beating it are using various exploits and I am getting very frustrated. I typically spend around 100 bucks a month on the game and soon as my replays run out, will start looking for somewhere else to put my money. I am full T5 and if you guys want to keep catering to the elitist crowd instead of your average customer, the game is gonna die a whole lot sooner than you anticipate. The worst parts are the reinforcements that I heard were added because a league claimed that a boss fight was too easy and having to jump into shields that always seem to land on the person without a mic.....
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  20. Clip New Player

    The whole raid is possible for a well equipped group except the last boss. Its just annoying when someone gets the white shield, everyone doin a countdown, shortly before lex start his mega attack everyone gets close to the guy with the shield and then the guy with the shield gets a aura and the whole team dies. Add something that players with that white shield wont be able to receive auras from the bosses... About floorfields that cant be seen cause the graphics are not loading fast enough i dont even want to start to complain about. Hard raids are great but AOE that cant be seen, persons with a white shield get stuck with auras are a really bad way to create a challenge. We should be able to finnish the raid based on skill not on luck.
    I mean the new content is awesome but this are problems u wont be able avoid with skills in my oppinion u just need luck.
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