Nexus of Reality (Raid) Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, May 6, 2013.

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  1. Phil Miller Committed Player

    Any word on Odyssey's run last night?
  2. Dreadwolf New Player

    It's tonight. We're europeans, so it's mid day for us now (^_^)
    At 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT) is when the run is going to happen.
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  3. Clip New Player

    Just did another run on nexus. Everyting went well till we reached the last boss. 1 hits were received from left to the right. I mean the group was fine, every boss went done like he should, but there was no way to survive longer than 60 seconds on that one. And there were some players who laready beat nexus. Hope it will get fixed soon! Eups3-hero side
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  4. Sparx New Player

    I was running Nexus and I find that in the 3rd boss encounter Batmans group pull + 1 hit kill shield may be a bit much since its likely that when he uses the combo he'd pull in the player with the AOE on them and wipe the group. Personally he's tough enough being able to one hit anyone without the shield and with all the adds that spawn now the shield isn't really needed. if the devs wont consider removing the AOE "death shield" maybe add in a better way to tell when bats is gonna pull everyone in or increase response timers for better air breakout or something. aside from that I REALLY enjoy the new content. and hope they bring more challenging raids/alerts/solos etc. to dcuo
  5. Clip New Player

    Ok devs i promise to buy the new penthouse lair theme once u fix nexus and make it possible to beat it again :p
    Btw what do we do if odyssey beats nexus even if its bugged :/
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  6. Massah Committed Player

    Looking forward to see if Odyssey experiences "the Buff" I too have noticed on USPS3 - the Raid was is fine until the last room. A couple of day ago it seemed more manageable still wearing some T4. I'm full modded T5 and getting hit even harder in the last room to where it is not worth running a Raid that drops gear at the same level you can buy, the last room literally now feels impossible where as before it took group work. Basically I am running the raid for a chance at an 85 MA dropping and the 85 controller face. Last room normal Boss melee attacks are overkill 1-shot...our Full T5 Ice Tank did not last long enough with 3 Lex's on him - trying 2 Tanks made it worse as Aggro was even harder to keep managed as the break-aggro-random-moves instant 1-shot the non-Tanks - another layer tries to revive and boom a Boss AoE - rinse repeat. Then there is not enough burn with 2 Tanks to kill Lex before timers. A week ago it just would've been players needing to know what to lookout for - but as it is know the Last room is just a Kill-spot. Not fun and it is the only place to obtain gear better than what I currently have on....guess O just keep my Full T5 and just run over-geared in the previous content for kicks.
  7. KiLL ORDER New Player

    I find it pretty laughable that you just can't find the problem and fix yet, but you have to witness a PC group livestream to actually see it for yourself. You would think that as much money SOE makes that they would not have to rely on the customers to fix their own mistakes and mishaps.

    I'll paint the picture for you. It will be a very uneventful live stream until ODYSSEY gets to the final boss room. The Lex's percision and lag AOE mechanics will one shot the healers first and then go after the TANKS with DOTS and WEAPON attacks that create thousands of damage per second even while the TANKS block. The final boss fight will last atleast 90 seconds tops. That is....unless you have already fixed the mechanics and put them back to their previous state.
  8. Clip New Player

    Maybe the bug is in one of the lex... The problem is we have many possibilities how the last fight looks like. If one lex/batman is bugged and doesnt appear in the last fight the devs wont see the problem.
  9. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I'm confused as to why the devs just couldnt hop into the raid and test this out themselves? Why do they need to watch Odyssey to figure out if something is wrong?
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  10. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Odyssey has more free time.
  11. Phil Miller Committed Player

    Odyssey might as well be on the pay rolls because they are essentially doing the devs work for them. Very disappointing but I hope, at least, questions get answered from this tag a long session.
  12. Clip New Player

    The devs know when odyssey fails the chances are high something is wrong and not the players fault. But still even if they make it U cant compare the gameplay of a league like odyssey to common players. So if 1% of all players succeed the raid is possible but still should be adjusted. And they should also make a run with a ps3 league, because when pc player complain about laggy animations and they dont see some stuff in time to react on it u can imagine its even worse on the playstation.
  13. KiLL ORDER New Player

    Sweet so the Dev's can't run it themselves?
  14. KiLL ORDER New Player

    Well i'm sure it will be NINJA NERFED tonight just in time for ODYSSEY's run
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  15. Loche Developer

    We have, and are seeing nothing new in there. I was on live last night looking at it, watching others play and checking damage myself. We have also looked internally.
    Watching a team play that is having the issue will make it much clearer as to what is going on. I offered to watch Odyssey, because I did the same thing when we were on PCTest. I have been following other teams and have only seen wipes based on mistakes.

    I have a team of Devs playing the raid up until I switch to watching Odyssey. Sometimes you have to see the issue happen to the people reporting it in order to find it. 99% of fixing a bug is reproducing it.
    We have looked at every single change made in that update, and there is nothing that points to that fight. We have pulled up every single ability, AI strategy, and combo in the fight, nothing stands out. Sometimes these bugs are subtle and just show up on live.
  16. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Lol if you think any of us even remotely feel taken advantage of by having the developers of the game we play ask to come in our personal run and relay feedback to us face to face then... well .... lol :rolleyes:
  17. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    I don't understand how you can defend against 90k one-shots within 2 seconds of the final fight starting. That has nothing to do with player error, but rather the code within the raid itself. As far as reproducing it, all you have to do is get to the last room, it's as simple as that.

    And while we're on the subject of buggy gameplay... There's also an issue in the "unstable robot" room where it's literally hit-or-miss on the debuff. It can be right next to Lex and still won't debuff. Before anyone asks... Yes, we were sure that he was buffed before we killed the robot each time. It's still able to be beaten, therefore not a main concern. Just out of curiousity though, was that intended?
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  18. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I didnt say anyone should feel taken advantage of nor do I have an issue with them watching Odyssey. My concern was that up until Loche responded to my thread no devs had said anything about running the raid amongst themselves to see if anything was wrong. Dont be so defensive bro.

    @ Loche, thanks for the reply and the details.
  19. lackofinterest Well-Known Player

    Ya know, I hesitated before posting because I'm not really sure what to say. Less so now. This has been a problem for a few days now. Have we had to wait this long for a much needed fix because you needed the word of a league you "trust"? Not trying to fling poo here, but PLENTY of people have been complaining about this. Oh, and the whole "only seen wipes based on mistakes" things...seriously?
  20. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Just to point out, we were reporting this issue to the devs as the first thread popped up on the forums. They acknowledged it and said they would look into it. That is what they have been doing - not twiddling their thumbs, not waiting for someone they "trust" to report it - they have been looking for the issue and not finding it.
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