Nexus of Reality (Raid) Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, May 6, 2013.

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  1. Cadens Dedicated Player

    The longer people spend in these raids, the less they replay them and pay money for the reply tokens. That is the only thing the devs will hear when it comes to these raids.
  2. DeFrost Active Player

    Luck seems the only way to beat the final boss. Lex is about to do supercharge whole groups gets ready for shields to save them then other lex calls down airstrike on team shield and wipe. Doesn't seem like any dev is going to answer the multiple posts on the forms about luck being the only way to beat the raid. More and more players are getting sick of the raid being about luck instead of skill. The longer this keeps happening then more players are going to leave the game. Before you all call me noob for suggesting this how many of you actually play it on the ps3 and know about lag and attacks that wipe groups before they load. I mena devs really just because we know an attack is coming doesn't help if it kills the group before the visual for the aeo has loaded.
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  3. Grees New Player

    This raid has me thinking about making sure my 3 month renewal is turned off. They better do something about this before July or they can say bye bye. My league is a skilled league and this raid just seems like luck. I like the toughness but come on enough with this crap of you need too do this or this and if you can do it in one second you win. This just all reminds me of like a 20 button combo in mortal kombat to instant kill someone. Shield run in second shield jump to tank all roll out etc etc.
  4. pnob19 New Player

    devs don't pay attention to feedback...they''re too busy hiding in their "meetings".

    Far as the raid goes, do what everyone is doing...light weight + telekinesis = huge damage. Get it before it goes the way of Transmute!!
  5. pnob19 New Player

    Ha, already done. Turned off and not renewing unless they fix this steamy heap of a game they have created.
  6. Mad9 New Player

    No easy visible tells, annoying one shots; delayed animation, power jam at the wrong time, unusual lag, etc. make the last boss fight in Nexus largely luck dependent. Perhaps, they should test the content for its viability on PS3 as well instead of just PC. PS3 is not as fluid as PC but if everything works fine on PC, it ought to be fine on PS3 as well. Please fix.
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  7. Death Caliber Active Player

    Your completely right on these raids.people arent gonna spend replays on them.most all gear is attainable through ops and t5 vendor,and the only gear thats better doesnt drop til the last boss.i like difficulty,but you should b rewarded for perseverance and team strategy,not luck,and a damage gimmick(mental/hard light) that excludes 7-8 other dps powers.Not to mention the earth tank really gets a raw deal on this raid.he has no health buff or real shield that'll allow him to do anything.they hv to use aftershocks for dmg absorption,and good luck trying to stand up n try that on a consistent basis.i think an easy fix would be to make gemstone shield more like a reflection shield.Yes,some1 will try to boast there ego,and say theyve done it with an earth tank,but theres no denying they are at a significant disadvantage.also,alot of times there are groups that want a HL troll if they cant find a dps,just to throw light weights,and with the amount of dmg u need to burn this raid we really dont need something else to strain our trolls.Wow,that sure is alot of variables that hv to come together,not to mention excluding alot of ppl,just to hv a chance to get to the final boss,and hope that its your lucky day.i feel if you are full t5 these raids should be attainable,regardless of your role or power,as long as you have a typical raid setup.also,plz dont make decisions to make things more difficult because a few leagues say it is too easy,and everyone they know can beat it,the way you did nexxus after a week or 2.good players only know and play with good players,so of course some of the upper tier teams will say that,again,to boast their ego,but what about the other 95% of your population?Just cause someone says something doesnt mean we all agree with it.sorry for the length,but this has been stewing for awhile.
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  8. LIVETASER New Player

    Still have not beat this raid. Once our tank goes, there goes the group.
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  9. LIVETASER New Player

    This raid is awesome but the bosses should be nerfed or our powers buffed back. When you fighting 4 lex, they all have equal powers and blocking and rolling does not help when they lock on to you. our tank got hit for over 50K and it destroyed his whole armor. All you have to do is make it clear that the CR for this raid is 96CR+ and not 84CR. That is a false information. unless you can do a video devs without cheating with an 84CR group and do the T5 raids, then you are misinforming the masses. Some people like it but after nearly 2 hrs, people starts quiting.
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Tanked it all the way through at 90 CR. It's not required 96, it's suggested that you have like 93+ (4 pieces of t5 is what was suggested iirc).

    I don't see anyone saying you should do it at 84 cr, in fact the devs said pretty clearly that you shouldn't unless you are ready to get smashed hard.
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  11. pasufarin New Player

    It this moment, I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post, but the stated minium CR to be able to queue in for the raid is 86, not 84.
  12. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Yeah, there's definitely some issues with hits to tanks & it's not simply the easy tells like bunker buster and the skull hit, but more standard weapon combos one-shotting full T5 tanks.

    We did General, Cyber, and Future a couple of days ago - one of the harder combos. After a few too many wipes, I switched from dps to healer and we finished it pretty easily with two dps and three healers constantly rotating shields. But seriously, it shouldn't come to that to keep a tank standing -- and of course, sometimes it doesn't at all. Sometimes, the exact same group will burn through it with no problems. Other times, it just gets whacky.
  13. Cadens Dedicated Player

    The free to play, and premium players must really love this raid... Or not. The raid is far too difficult for a beginner MMO played with a controller (ps3) and a graphics engine that can hardly handle what its supposed to display due to hardware limitations.
  14. AV Loyal Player

    While the graphics and hardware concern is reasonable, free players should never expect to complete content with as much ease as someone who has all of the DLCs available. They're automatically missing a huge chunk of their SP potential.
  15. Zezimar Committed Player

    I have a question for you : How can you explain that a league runned the nexus raid with only t4 gear till the last boss ?
    and you, even with the new gear you still complaining about the difficulty of the raid? No way, the problem is your tactic and your group members that are for sure skillless.
  16. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    The first room is so easy mate and if your tank die in there him or the healer are bad. The bosses don't OS a lot in the first room.
  17. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    With all the updates to this, the Villain side still get NO credit for Finite Posibilites feat when beating the raid. Getting more frustrating as time goes on, because we're going to have to re-beat all these combinations that we've already taken care of.
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  18. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    I didn't even realize this. Have beaten nexus many times and still only have one combination checked completed.
  19. Jaobigboy New Player

    Thanks a lot we have had the same issues, hopefully you guys can find the bug,
  20. DCUOMadWolfx New Player

    for all of those that are complaining about the difficulty of the raid... there is nothing wrong with the raid we have been farming it since day one. the fact that you guys are getting 1 shotted without any warning is because you are not paying attention and not using the right tactics. everyone moaned that we needed harder content and that is what we got so why moan about it?. i have done a load of league runs with ease and i also tried pugging some but everytime there was people dying due to not listening to tactics and thinking it was a brilliant idea to stand still when batman teleports behind you while smashing your head in and leaving a nasty DoT also alot of people get the blue shield and stand next to people when they should in simple terms do not pug with people you do not know and then you might stand a chance of completing this raids IF you are good because lets face it if you are a rubbish player you are not going to do well in this raid.
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