Work In Progress New Vendor Discount System!

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jan 20, 2017.

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  1. Juggurnaut Level 30

    This is really nice of you guys. I do have one question though. Would you be able to discount the regular set if we have already gotten the elite set? We can only have the elite mode that really affect one role. There is no need to collect a second set of elite gear and the elite fear does not have points associated with it. Would it be possible to get the fallen god style feat by collecting the elite gear? Or could we have the 50% reduction on the regular style so we don't have to grind two full sets twice please?
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  2. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Um... duh? What did you expect? To be reimbursed for replay badges? Come on now...
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  3. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Is this the special thing that Jack promised Legendary members in the livestream the other day or is this for everyone ?
  4. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    If I'm understanding this right, this means:
    *Buys all elite pieces* -> Gets elite gear 50% off
    *Buys all normal pieces* -> Gets normal gear 50% off

    but not

    *Buys all elite pieces* -> Gets normal gear 50% off.

    If that's the case, I'd like to make the system to make it to where if you finish either feat for normal or elite gear, that you get 50% off. I know people that go for all elite pieces and they would be paying full price for both sets.

    If that's not the case, then nevermind.
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  5. Cyro Committed Player

    Opps i was in game and a q popped so i didnt read the entire bad
  6. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    This is for EVERYONE. Prob on Test to Work out any issues First
  7. Jcal Dedicated Player

    How about including the OP collections?

    If you've already purchased them once on an alternative character and unlocked the feat (Bijou of the Beast and/or Olympic Rings), 50% off on other characters. Why can't the same system be applied to the OP collections in the vendor?
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  8. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I would Totally support this regarding Alts.
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  9. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    I have not yet gotten as full set, but I can see that this will be a positive improvement that helps reduce the grind needed for alts while keeping some sense of challenge. I think this is a well balanced change that helps the players.
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  10. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    another thing that doesn't help me. I dont play alts except to not pay for ur boxes with ur 233 cr boost thanx i made 20 toons and bought bombs then sold them bombs n payed for resets to buy ur dum auras in time capsules and ur armor.

    I went the cheapest route n i only play a main. for people that play one toon n have the feats none of ur new things help. I played 6 months the last 2 years and IM at 302 sp.

    I used to have the most sp at 170 n quit for 1.5 years because of wm. I refuse to do lpve which will be my last feats because ur gonna nerf the amounts anyway. pretty soon ill be done ur game again.

    You dont help vets or people playing one character. Ur not fooling me n unless its big and it impacts my type of people you will not get praise. adjusting the time capsules made feel even more sour about the dev team.
  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Would be nice..Maybe taking this 1 Step Further. By Completing 1 Set Reg or Elite You would get a Discount on the Set you have not Completed. For those of us Who Don't Do Alts
  12. SkullGang Devoted Player

    That was freaking fast.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Of course the non alt players complain because it doesn't help them. So typical. It's obviously not meant for solo toon players. Stop being greedy and wanting every single thing to benefit you in some way, shape, or form!

    Although this is a very positive change, many people prefer to work on their alts at the same time they do their main. With this system, you'd have to wait three months before completing the vendor set to make any real progress on your alt. Not sure if you guys have the tech available to do this, but It would have been beneficial to reduce the cost of each piece of gear after you already purchased and collected the style on it. That way people could progress all their toons at once.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    I'm now curious, any chance of this possibly being implemented with older vendors/episodes or will this only be on vendors going forward?
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  15. Kai El Well-Known Player

    I really wish we can thumbs down thread posts.

    This is what I'm talking about. Daybreak is so content with putting band-aids over the things we want fixed, yet focus all their energy into things that aren't as important OR like a said, place band-aids over them.

    Example - the discounts. The items were damn expensive in the first place, but the P2W players - since the game is now P2W since Replay Badges/Time Capsules were implemented - are going to get the gear first. Okay - discount the items. Why were they so damn high in the first place? What about players who DONT have ALTs? What about players who already spent replays to buy the whole outfit or pieces?... will they be reimbursed? Because you know players will buy replays to get the "Best Gear" in the game which is now "Back in Vendors". So you put the best gear back in the vendors which is what a lot of players wanted since the RNG in this game is atrocious. But knew players would spend money on Capsules and replays to get the best gear. I don't wanna hear it's "optional" - that's a smoke screen.

    Just like with Stats Revamp. A lot of players have asked for SPs to matter again, but who the hell said anything about changing how combat/powers work again? First WM, then AM, and not Stats Revamp. You claim you want to try to find balance in this game but this game will NEVER be balanced. If that was the case... why has Electric, Nature, Rage and Fire still not fixed all this time? You want SPs and CR to matter? Example: A CR190 270SP Electric DPS should never be outdpsed by a CR190 102SP Munitions DPS. Why do we still have powers more OP than others?... Respec Tokens. Buy them. P2W. And honestly, I'm an Icer user - I'm not trying to use my damn weapon. I want to use my powers. Just balance the damn powers so that AM works with EVERY power, no more OP/broken powers, and give players the option to use WM if they wanna use weapons more. But don't make one more OP than the other. BALANCE!!! You're taking away choices rather than giving us options; forcing to play a certain way.

    Even with Stats Revamp coming, players will still find a way to cause the most amount of damage possible with the best power class and best weapon. So they're still won't be balance. People will go on live streams or YouTube, look up loadouts and simply use those. It's inevitable. You really want balance? ALL POWERS should be balanced. Meaning a CR190 Electric/Rage/Nature/etc DPS should be able to keep up with the current OP powers based on your SPs and CR - Meaning a CR190 with approx. 100 something SPs should never outDPS ANYONE around that CR or with over 200+ SPs. That's how you balance the game.

    And MY... GOD... WHEN WILL PVP BE RELEVANT AGAIN? That player base has just been alienated.

    I've been holding this in for a long time, but hey... they won't listen. I'm just one person.
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  16. Trexlight Devoted Player

    This will also help those who play both roles so for me I work to getting all my Tank Reg Gear and once its completed I can then get my DPS set for half the cost.

    If you only play one toon and one role then I guess this isnt a feature for those players.
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  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I agree the costs were already too high to begin with, but to reimburse players that spent money on replays? They have no one to blame but themselves on that. They wanted the best things for both roles more quickly so they emptied their wallets. It's not required to use replays. Without them it takes a little under 3 months to complete the vendor set, which means right about now people should be completing their full vendor set if they were running everything daily like they were supposed to. Not the devs fault some people wanted to speed up the process, don't ask for reimbursement on a luxury item that's not required.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    This is a good thing. Ty for doing this :) But the still having to grind the renown after unlocking the title feat i find to be kind of odd.
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  19. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    So you are also telling us that we can only buy a full set and can no longer buy doubles for each role 1 piece at a time? And if we have an alt we can simply save marks, buy the feat, and get half off?
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    This is a good step forward, unfortunately it is also flawed for "alt players".

    Since you have to have the "feat" before you get the discount. So you would have to wait 3ish months before you can start buying the gear at a discounted price on your alt? So in the end, there would be no change as it is now unless you want to wait to play your alts.

    Also, for players that purchased the elite gear first, they should get the discount price on the "normal" for the style. Since the set would be relatively useless to them.
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