New season of pvp

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Rich Homie Quan, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    That alert is fairly easy.... And again he is t6...
  2. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    like i said i said... majority.
  3. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    t6 gear is t6 gear.. don't know how i can further insinuate that...
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You might want to re-read that last post then wherein it had shown you that what you said wasn't at all the case.
    EDIT: Or possibly figure out what majority means as the current way you seem to be applying that word is not the proper usage for the word.

    Whether or not you agree with them being "luck based" the notion that the majority of them are from rare drops isn't true. It's one thing to mess up the math but in the future please do some form of research before making such a statement like the one you just did. It really, really isn't that hard.
  5. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    you seem to mis read also. I stand by my post.
  6. JigglyTANK New Player

    Ok hold on, so we arent getting mods for pvp gear? I thought they meant just the sockets.. like, no bonuses.

    EDIT: This was supposed to be a reply to iamlightning, but it didn't let me. Why? I don't know :/
  7. Zezimar Committed Player

    I won't.
    I know alot of PvP players like me that won't PVE for a while if "skill points" are removed from pvp.
  8. Zezimar Committed Player

    Im wondering aswell about it, but we can't mod gear that has no sockets right ? so I think there will be no mods at all for pvp ;)
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Don't PvE players already do the same thing?.
  10. Zezimar Committed Player

    PvE players.... only PvP for feats.
    We can't blame them, PvP as it used to be ( syncs, premades) recquire more skills than spamming the same thing again and again on a same boss until he's down :/
    On EUPS server we have a good amount of PvP players ( even if having more would be great) we only Pve if we find the dlc content funny & for the SkillPoints, if those get removed from PvP, Bai bai ;)
  11. JigglyTANK New Player

    Well that kinda won't make sense, and I'll tell you why:
    If you didn't know, all roles are going to share the same gear. You won't need to farm marks to get your role gear, or your DPS gear. Once you collect the PvP gear, that is for DPS, Tanks, Healers and Trollers. The mods could help you to focus on your role. If you're a healer, mod all your gear with resto. If you're tank, dom (fire tanks use resto, right? im not sure). If you're a troll, vit. If you're a DPS, might mods or prec mods. Making everybody the same just won't make sense... o_O

    @Zezimar - Again, it won't let me reply. SOE should fix this already...
  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It is not really the same, they are just base stats going into your support role boost some of those stats allowing you to play your role.
    Think of it this way. You are farming gear and you decide you want to play your support role instead. You can just press T [or PS equivalent of changing roles] and simply begin to play as that.
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You claimed a majority of feat points in this game were from random drops. Which for anyone who looks into it is not even close to being true. Like I said you're going to want to actually do some small amount of research or at least look up what the word majority means.
  14. Advanced Mechanic New Player

    So does that mean you will finally be able to enjoy pvp again since you won't be stuck running pve content you don't enjoy for the sole purpose of skill points to use in pvp?
  15. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Is WM being removed for PvP too? Because that will get me doing arenas again more than anything else. I'm not a fan of this 1 counter=win style of PvP that WM introduced.
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  16. Zezimar Committed Player

    I won't say I don't enjoy playing PvE, but after a moment it becomes boring you know.. so yeah In that case I'll stop pve & focus on pvp, but it doesn't mean I won't play new dlc's, I will, but only for 2 weeks or so :)
  17. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    where in that quote did i say go play legends? nowhere, just a simple point i made to say i don't approve of arenas becoming more like legends. a lot of these changes soon to be made are being done for the wrong reasons. if you don't see that, fine. and please, i'm not worried about the new changes in terms of my personal performance, i'll adjust just fine. i just don't like who the update caters to, poor sports who want things easy everytime, that's a flat out joke.
  18. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    quite the smart alec aren't you? don't agree with most of the things you've said as it is, oh well.
  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You made that statement here:

    At the current moment you need to go into legends until you get better gear, buy two $20 DLC's as well as many others to get the skill points points needed to be seen as remotely competitive. That lowers the arenas' population by what we could safely assume is a good chunk of people and prohibits people from trying out new roles and powers in arenas that they very well may never have tried out. All those things go for veterans as well.

    All this update is doing is going to make the game more accessible. Saying you don't want that is an incredibly elitist thing to say. The players who have been practicing and are good, as you've said yourself, don't need to worry about this at all. You'll be stomping new guys because you're better than them now, not because you have better gear.

    Now if they were going to give some form of cheap advantage to new players, then yes, I would agree this is a joke.
  20. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    no, i never said "go play legends". if i wanted to tell people "go play legends", i would straight up say "go play legends". so, please do not put words in my mouth, especially after i just explained what i meant. i get what it's doing for lesser experienced players of the community, i just don't agree with the approach of how pvp has gotten to this point. calling me an "elitist" because i don't like how things are practically handed to poor sports who always say it's not fair because experienced players like myself actually put forth the effort to grind for what they don't have yet? am i really wrong for that? give me a break man, especially when there are players out there who don't see more advanced gear or mods worn by opposing players as an obstacle to their success. it's never been impossible for a lower tiered player to beat a higher tiered player; i've witnessed it happen several times. therefore, it's all excuses and i don't condone such.