New in the Marketplace: Celebrate #BatmanDay with Batman's Cowl Pack!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Think about it this way. You could spend that $20 on lottery tickets. One day later you found out all of them lost. Then you'll wish you just bought that cowl. :)
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  2. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    That is the devs problem. I too think it is too much, and I'm no fan of batman so I won't buy it. But yeah, $20? LOL.
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  3. Qixi New Player

    Just shows how desperate they are getting. With garbage recycled environments and bosses every tier, boring armor design and a ton of great games coming out this holiday season, they are trying to squeeze every drop out of this dying brand.
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  4. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player


    This is what I think of when I see these kind of threads.
  5. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    [IMG] There it is.
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  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    They do it because they can. Lots of people have allready bought it because the style is appealing to them. If you are fine with waiting then do that, no one is forcing you to buy it now. I think it's a bit too much as well but I'm not bothered about it. I'm not interested in being a Batman clone, I started playing this to make my own original heroes.
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  7. Qwerty Beyond New Player

    You know I've been thinking, should I buy this mask or should I just save the SC that I will buy later for another Batman day? Well...we might wanna wait for another hack attack to happen XD
  8. The Quickster Well-Known Player

    Go ahead and wait but when the style goes off the market in the future you're going to be begging for them to put it back and we'll all just laugh in ur face
  9. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    $20? Pfft its $32 here
  10. Proto1118 Committed Player

    It ridiculous but some people still buy it. Smh.
  11. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    I have absolutely no problem with the price tag. I see hundreds and thousands of auras hit the broker each time they do a Booster Bundle Lottery Box which just exploits those who have gambling addictions.

    Let's be honest most people buy those primarily for the aura but find the replays and other stuff a nice cheap bonus to justify the cost. So if everyone can justify $10 for a CHANCE at only ONE style item that is a ONE TIME USE ONLY item, than I can see why many would be perfectly fine with dropping $18 for 2 guaranteed styles that are for ALL of your characters, Iconic, and the most requested style in the game.

    Just be glad the cowl wasn't put into a lottery box that people would have had to gamble hundreds of dollars to finally see like with the BB Auras, the fact that it's a guaranteed item for a set price is faaaaaar more appealing to me than a Lottery Gamble Box.
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I feel the exact same way hut mostly cause I could care less about such a awful hero such as batman. Sorry to me he is jason bourne in a weirdo suit with to many toys. The og nimbus and smoke nimbus I posted id buy for a 20 psn a few times and once upon a time I woulda. Thing is 20 bucks for any one style with the current state of the game is no go 4 this guy.

    Dear devs also keep in mind NEW players 2ould drop $5 to build a batman to play a new game but $20. I knkw if my 1st impression is a sub game and then a $20 item. Kinda the coolest item to a dc fan id be gone as quick as I could get outta the market place. Considering most of the dcuo guys are console guys and sub based mmos are already foriegn teritory to em id say this is no good.

    Dear devs please consider you have a family game. Not super common but PLENTY of dads have kids who play the game and have thier accounts atop of the parents. Some households I have encountered have up to 4 accounts which is almost $100 for a head style. Y feel this is fair pricing for em. After all they invested more as tjey bring 4 subs vs the average one sub. Kinda feels like the more u put in the more we get got.

    My nephews account gone and his little brothers is done thankfully b4 money or real money was spent.

    Take those two examples out and if I liked it as a single person id buy it. Cash wise I am not hurting so this feels like a $20 donation to kelp keep dcuo going. So basically a few reasons it stinks but yea id buy it probably sooner or later. After all us sub guys get $60 a year in game cash 2 use as we see fit.

    Being fair if ur legendary u got no arguement other than u gotta wait.
  13. Anima Committed Player

    get over it
  14. Dibrie Committed Player

    i get ya, my opninion of micro transactions, is 5$ Me not 20$ period !
  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    This guy really complained about a price but said he bought it dying lmao
  16. Dibrie Committed Player

    Such a useless comment, who are you to judge, he has alright to tell his opinion how it is and quite frankly he's right.

    A mmo need to make money of microtransactions and thats 5$ not 20$.
    They really dont know their playerbase, there is a reason why the not get it of the ship or endgame.

    Like this is a Grown man Game, get over yourself.

    Greets Dibrie:D
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  17. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Replay Content Luck System for Best Gear.
    Overpriced Cosmetics.
    Unbalanced Powers, Leading to Power Tokens.
    Booster Bundles
    Monthly DLC

    Running a MMO with a DC License & PSN Updates aren't cheap but still.

    As long as they put the Money to good use.
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  18. Dibrie Committed Player

    There is difference between free stuff and reasonble prices, there is also a different between witty comments and igorance

    Greetz Dibrie :)
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  19. Pit Viper New Player

    So the batman cowl pack is twenty dollars?!? That's 1/3 of an entire game. I was shocked when I found this out. I know there are people with disposable income out there-I mean, I have a job- regardless, I'm not just going to throw away money. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't buy a snickers bar for ten bucks, ya know? The price is just ridiculous.
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  20. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Players have asked for new Marketplace items for awhile now and in the past few months Daybreak has answered us with posters, hairstyles and cowls. They are currently experimenting and depending on how well these items sell we may very well be getting more cool things in the future.

    Also this game costs money to operate as they have stated in the past even cosmetic items have a cost. They require time to develop. Fees to license and even storage space on their severs. No one is forcing anyone to buy this, it however is a fun item and if you want to support the game you love then why not buy it? I have bills to pay just like the next person but I also have a job that pays me weekly so spending what I usually spend on Starbucks for drinks is not really an issue.
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