New in the Marketplace: Celebrate #BatmanDay with Batman's Cowl Pack!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Crn Well-Known Player

    Someone at DBG need to lay off the f***ing crack. $20 for that. You all must be out of your mind.
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  2. CollKev Well-Known Player

    I could go on and blab about how much of a scam this is. Just like those trade chat bum wtt $20 psn for 20mill. But $20 for a mask, need i say more?
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  3. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    I'd seriously prefer an option to have my stealth mode/smokebomb look like a bat swarm (the way it looks when the ingame Batman uses this) if I had to pick one more iconic Batman thing ingame. Oh, yeah - while up to it, allow villains to have their stealth go confetti style like Harley's so the villains don't come her with "heroes get all the love" complaints :D

    But, for now, it would be totally awesome if they fixed the eye color thing, allowing to either use a second color from the gear palette or the actual eye color palette. I'd buy a second set for a secondary account I have with a Thomas Wayne inspired Batman clone if you do, devs!
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  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Technically it is $10 for a Mask...since you get 2 of them. ;) ;)

    Heck it's $8 if you are a member. Sorry... could not resist. :p

    You could always wait for a 50% off sale if you think it's too expensive. :eek:
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  5. Agent Flores Committed Player

    To each his own. :)
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  6. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Many will pay this and so it's worth that much to them. I bought it. :cool:
  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I haven't spent $20 on replay badges, because that is also a waste of money. But you are wrong that you get nothing out of it. You get marks.

    Nor did I buy the first Booster Bundle, again, because it's a waste of money. But the other stuff was not "fluff", it was actually useable Marketplace items that, if I remember correctly, separately totaled more than $20. So you received over $20 in Marketplace items and a bonus aura with a change at a rare one.

    You are wrong on both accounts.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Nah sorry the marks can be retrieved without having to replay an instance it's obvious ppl are using them for the chance at gear

    And the booster bundles were made for ppl to gamble on the auras ... The rest again was fluff... Just added in there do ppl didn't feel like they were wasting 30 dollars on a one time use purchase ... No one gives a crap about the rest of the stuff in them

    And you're one person ... I'm sure most the complainers are willing to drop money on replays to gamble their chances ...
  9. Laz523 Well-Known Player

    I bought it just because it's one of the best cosmetics items in the MP atm, well besides the Bombshell hair styles.
  10. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    hey I put on the batman cowl with the full neck piece and the bug goggles with a red color and the goggles were behind the mask and it gave me the red eye color here is a picture, it is not that good but it is the best I could get, well hope this helps

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  11. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    They haven't had a 50% off sale in well over a year. Trust me, I've been waiting.

    But I do agree that the price of these item are too high. With the bombshell hairstyles you got 4 for $10.

    Up next: supermans chest... Only $30
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  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Then wait for the 30% sale. They still have those if I am not mistaken.

    There is the demand to consider.

    For the Batman cowl..... people have been asking and asking and asking for years for a Batman mask.

    Heck.... many would have settled with a new version of the Back from the Hack mask because we never really though they would even give us a REAL Batman mask.

    But HOLY SUPRISE BATMAN!!!! They just did.

    And they have not said a single word about it until yesterday AFAIK. The sneaky sunofaguns. ;);)

    So some of us who have been asking for a Batman mask for years were more then happy to pay $20 for it. heck some crazy people payed $40 for it. ;) ;)

    And it is all relative.

    I was more then happy to pay $18 for essentially 2 masks.

    But I had no intention to buy the 4 Bombshell hairstyles for $7.20.
    Heck even at $2 I don't think I would have bought those hairstyles.
    Might have waited for a 50% off sale. ;) ;)

    So 2 masks that I have been asking for for years were fine at $18.

    4 hairstyles that I never asked for were too expensive at $7.20.

    Hope this makes sense. ;)
  13. SuperBell Loyal Player

    It doesn't matter what they use the replays for, if they replay an instance, they get marks regardless.

    People do care about the rest of the stuff, because that was the big justification for the Booster Bundles. "I might not have gotten the aura, but at least I got $30 worth of items for $20".
  14. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And in the process, you just answered my question about the Bug Eyes. I was thinking about using this cowl with the Bug Eyes/Goggles for my version of Owlman from the Crime Syndicate of Amerika. Any chance you could give us a closeup of his face so we can get a better look at that combo? :confused:
  15. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    here are some more pics I hope these are better and are what you are looking for. this is with the bug goggles.
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  16. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player


    Would be dope if this came with replay badges, the LONG over the shoulder batman cape & emblem.. at least.. too expensive.. Adding the cowl to marketplace is absolutely a great step!! KUDOS DC
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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That's helpful, thanks. Not showing as much of the lenses as I'd like, but I'm still gonna give it a try... once they get the Marketplace working again for those of us that are on Windows Vista. :oops:
  18. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I think it looks pretty cool on the Brute. It reminds me of this dude,

    I have a Brute toon named "Batscratch Fever" he will probably be sporting some new headgear soon. This is what he looks like now..
    [IMG] I think I may knock the dust off him, give him a "Fire and Ice" makeover and give him some playtime:)
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

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  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Anger about the price of banana ciwl gas squashed the orange atomic debate lol yessss