New in the Marketplace: Celebrate #BatmanDay with Batman's Cowl Pack!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I decided to purchase them. As is tradition, here is a special look at this fantastic new product:

    The head styles look okay on the Brute body type. Not the best. But a lot of styles look crap on that body size anyway. The styles look good on female characters too but they absolutely shine on the male Striker characters. I am very jealous of everyone who chose Striker for their body type.

    Whilst I was recording footage for the Striker character in the Hall of Doom, I was surrounded by 2-3 other players, all gawking at my new head style. They asked me what style it was, where to get it and that it "looked OP". The style is definitely a winner, visually.
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  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    You actually don't have to have downloaded the game through steam to use steam cards for the game. I have used steam cards as well as other types of online payment cards like paysafe to buy DLCs and i have the regular version of the game downloaded from the website.
    You do need to have Steam installed though, you buy your item then you will get a code in the "CD Key" section of the steam app, copy that and paste in the redeem box in the marketplace or on the website.

    I'm not sure if that works for DB cash though, i'm 100% sure it workds for dlcs because i have bought my past few like that.

    If it doesn't work for DB cash, Ankh, you could try and see if you have the Paysafe option. In DCUO's shop i think it's available only for DB cash at least it is for me in my region. I have seen paysafe cards in a few electronics stores, convenience stores and supermarkets in Europe and South America, hopefuly they have some where you live.
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  3. Nuclear Ninja Well-Known Player

    It's not the devs, it's just that Batman sells. I'm not a fan personally but people LOVE Batman and are more likely to spend money on him than any other DC character (Joker and Harley are right up there with him). Therefore, he gets the most love. Not just here, but in comics, movies, video games, merchandise... pretty much everywhere.
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  4. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Holy Cowl, Batman! That looks soo awesome!!!
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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    We got a free month sub because the hack cost us a month of game time most of which was already paid for when the hack happened.
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  6. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    This is not a DCUO thing it is DC Comics thing.

    Batman is their number one product and the true face of DC Comics and his presence is in every part of the DC Universe. It is unavoidable for DCUO not to have him so represented.

    Now yes they missed Supe's anniversary, for various reason they only know and got a lot of flack for it. So they tried their best to do something for Bat's, thinking they would kill two birds with one stone they went with all the Legends re-skins (people have wanted the preorder Bat's Legend forever). This was an ok idea but still wasn't all that great, I am guessing Legends was the easiest thing to get past the DC approval wall.

    I have a feeling with two somewhat fails of anniversaries they are a bit gun shy now.

    This cowl is something people have been asking for year to have and until now DC has said no, do to it being a major component of Batman's image. DC has been very protective of their products and things like emblems and other truly specific to characters items have been off the table, especially when it comes to Batman.

    It would seem DC Comics really wants to make this new celebration day they created important and big, so they loosened the reigns a bit and let DCUO do a Marketplace cowl. I wouldn't expect this to become a norm.
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  7. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    The short of it, Steam and I don't get along.

    I don't use Steam but I was once told I could still buy things like DLCs from them, yeah that didn't workout. I may have done something wrong but after the response I got from their CS I could see it was a waste of time to pursue it.
  8. Skelter Helter Well-Known Player

    These look really cool. Shame you can't change the eye color though.
  9. Ghostof91 New Player

    Just got my Bat pack, Good Work Devs.
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  10. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Could you just put stuff like this in the Marketplace for $100, please?
  11. Ghostof91 New Player

    It is about time, I've been saying to myself I would pay a rediculous amount of money to get a Batman cowl and now I got it, I'm really feeling good about these new market place items.

    Now I I'm just waiting on the Saint Walker Skin variant.;)
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Made a FlashFact Showing off the NEW Batman Cowl to celebrate Batman Day. ;)
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  13. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    This is just insulting. Do you think we're rich to pay for this like it's nothing ? ...

    I have 2 DLCs that are worth 25 euros or who knows maybe 10 bucks together if the prices were equal and not just some random number writen by a cat stepping on a keyboard. I worked my *** off to save those 25 euros. (yeah, I don't think legendary is worth it)
  14. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    I'm really happy that DCUo came out with this.

    I bought it. I think for $20 you could have added maybe a few cowls off other variants of Batman in the game. Then the $20 wouldn't have been so bad. A nice Bat-emblem instead of the extra cowls off other variants would have been nice too.
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Sure... more masks variations or having an emblem included would have been better.

    But just the fact that we finally got a Batman Mask after asking for it for years is much appreciated.

    Heck we were asking for the Back from the Hack Mask to be made available........ but this is even better.

    Also... it does give some hope that some better items will be added to the MP in the future.... and possibly some Iconic items.
    I would love to have
    a Flash Cowl.....
    a Batman Iconic Emblem..... or a chest piece with the emblem... either would be good
    a Superman Iconic emblem..... or again a chest piece with the emblem......or heck....
    a Superman Red Son emblem. ;)

    Guess we will have to wait and see.

    I know some think it is too expensive.... but sadly..... nothing forces people to buy the Cowl.

    Heck I did not buy the Bombshells Legends or the Hair.
    People do not HAVE to buy items they find too expensive.

    If the Batman Cowl is too expensive.....
    you can still use the Daring Vigilante mask....
    or the Robot Batman mask.
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  16. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Is there a job like this?
    I'd like to apply for the position, please.
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  17. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    I just don't give a %#"! what the price is, I bought this hands down ASAP!
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  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    But.... but..... players have been asking for this for YEARS. :confused:

    Hum..... the Mask I mean..... not the Slap. ;) ;)
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  19. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    oh you mad cause you can't rub the old cowl we couldn't get in our faces anymore ? i'm glad we finally got this cowl i have had to be jealous of the old cowl for 2 and half years and this new one looks even better. this is far from a slap in the face to people who started in 2011 its almost 2016 you have had almost 5 years to lord over everyone else who started after 2011 and couldn't get the batman inspired mask so get over it and enjoy the new cowl ,i know i do.
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  20. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    Not that I would personally be into this myself regardless but I'm a little concerned at the delusional price tag on this. It's almost as if someone is determined to prove a point that MP items are destined to fail. I think fairly priced items in the MP is a great way to help keep the game alive, but after the first two I have great concern as to whether or not that will succeed even in the short run.
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