Marvel Legends

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Ultimate Daredevil, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. GodLikeSuperHero Active Player

    I will be messaging you all in game later tonight..
  2. Marius New Player

    I'm a member of Marvel Unlimited. Has your League thought about doing a civil war type activity?
  3. GodLikeSuperHero Active Player

    Who can I contact about this league?
  4. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    No? Elaborate please.
  5. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    I'll be on later tonight. Ultimate daredevLL.

    Punisher, Vindicator, X23, Mar Vell, US Agent, Rogue, Hulk, and Hercules will probably be online too. Unfortunately not sure how to spell their in game names without being in game. Let me know when you're on. I can reach out to any of them or other league members to speak with you. Even if people are on different games we stay connected through PSN chat, apps, and text.

    You may catch Magneto, Thing, Warlock, or Groot online too if theyre not on the Division.
  6. GodLikeSuperHero Active Player

    Cool.. I just added you.. about to go see Batman v Superman in an hour
  7. Marius New Player

    Pretty much just big team based battles with our marvel toons using loadouts as close to their moves as possible
  8. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

  9. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    I haven't been on here in a while to update the league status. We're currently looking for new members. Reach out in game or reply to the post if you're interested. Our current Roster Consists of (Main; Alt; Alt):

    Adam Warlock; Captain America (Steve Rogers); Apocalypse
    Punisher; Professor X, Rocket Raccoon; Molecule Man
    Bishop; Agent Venom; Blue Marvel; King Blastaar; Ironman
    US Agent; Scarlet Spider; Captain America (Frank Simpson); Darkhawk
    Hulk; Colossus; Dr. Doom; Genis Vell; Moon Knight; Winter Soldier
    Warpath; Groot, Crossbones; Holocaust; Maverick; Namor
    Magneto; Sabertooth; Star Lord; Nightcrawler; Green Goblin; Iron Fist
    Vindicator; Shaman
    Thing; Red Skull
    Havok; PSI Lord; Cyclops
    Mar Vell; Werewolf by Night; Starfox
    Daredevil; Strong Guy; Dr. Voodoo; Sleepwalker; Ghostrider (Danny Ketch)
    Rogue; Monet St. Croix; Dagger
    Blackbolt; War Machine
    Black Panther; Sandman; Archangel
    Zoran; Dr. Spectrum; Ronin
    Hercules; Ghostrider (Johnny Blaze)
    Iceman; Taskmaster
    Iron Patriot
    Jack Flag
    Red Hulk
    Shuri (Black Panther)

    Member Pending Kick (Have not Logged in)
    Jean Grey
    Dr. Strange
    • Like x 1
  10. AlphaX89 Level 30

    Hey. I just recently created a new character based off of Mimic from Earth-12. I've been looking for a marvel league for the longest. My ingame name is xCaIvin Rankinx. The L in Calvin is a capital i. Any questions, feel free to ask me.
  11. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Welcome to the League Mimic, Fantomex, Quicksilver, Thanos, and Wonder Man!

    For any interested, we're still looking for some good recruits.

    Preferably we're looking for Marvel Characters with clean names, 200+SP, 85+PVP, who are active players looking to contribute and lead the longest standing active Marvel League in the DCUO.

    Reply to post if you have any questions. - Thanks.

    ALSO, just an FYI, we're mainly a "night" league, only a few are on during the morning/day. We're not opposed to adding a group of individuals looking to hold down the fort during the morning/afternoon hours. Just a bit of history, we used to refer to ourselves as "Marvel After Dark" (not the league name, just a tag we had internally). So if you're wondering about activity, you'll catch the majority of us late.
  12. Capt Neutron New Player

    Quick Question. I was considering making a MACH-V character. However I didn't know if you guys had a villains branch or not.
  13. Capt Neutron New Player

    I was considering making my main a Hyperion or creating a Mach-V do you have a villains branch?
  14. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Are you looking to have a villain character on the heroes side, or having a villain on the villain side?

    Yes we accept villains on our heroes side. And yes we do have a villains side faction. We are called Marvel Nemesis over there; however, we are fairly inactive on the villains side. You may want to reach out to our buddies over there Dark Reign. Not sure if Hyperion is still active on the boards, but if you see this, I believe Neutron would be looking for you.
  15. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Looking for a few new members looking for a long term league. There are a few members who have not logged online in a while so we may be willing to give up those names. Just ask if you're looking to be a particular character.

    We're looking for competitive members at the same time, potential league leaders.

    We've lost a few people in the last few months. We do have quite a few people who have been coming online simply to run Vaults, etc. waiting to Re-up their memberships.

    But the only people we have consistently online daily running content (at night) are Daredevil, Bishop, Namor, Red Hulk, Moon Knight, Vindicator, Punisher, Hulk, and Gladiator. We also have Mar Vell, Blackbolt, and Rogue we can text or PSN to hop online if we need an extra person for a raid. With that being said, we're a few short of being as active as we once were, so we're looking for up to 4-5 people to join, and eventually lead the Marvel Legends (everyone in the league has equal say if you're a Legend, there is no League leader.)

    We prefer people in our age range (30+), people with humor, committed players, and people that interact.

    We're missing quite a few Prime Marvel characters if you're interested in taking one of those spots - Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Storm, Jean Grey, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, X23, Silver Surfer, Gambit, Susan Storm, Thanos, Hawkeye, Emma Frost, Black, Widow, Cable, Nick Fury, Elektra, Sentry, Captain Britain, Black Cat, Bullseye, Wiccan, Multiple Man/Madrox, Black Widow, Domino, Jubilee, Loki, Magik, X-Man, Ares, Baron Zemo, Beta Ray Bill, Hyperion, Galactus, Juggernaut, and MORE.