Marvel Legends

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Ultimate Daredevil, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    DD, here. Some have been asking if we're still live and kicking. Yes we are! Most of the league is on late night PST. A few of our Generals have transitioned into different jobs therefore differing playing times. The majority of the league is at 160-170 SP now with full 90 vestment gear in both rolls...and on all alts, so we're not on daily unless league members ask us to get on a run some stuff. We are all linked through phones, PSN, web, etc. So if anyone wants to run something, hit us up on the website and schedule a time you'd like to run through some raids we'll get everyone online for you, if you catch a general online, make sure to get their PSN, more likely than not we're online doing something, we'll hop on if needed.

    When the new DLC drops we'll all be on Daily once again, for now, each general is in game 3 or 4 times a week. For any potential Legends hit me up.

    I'll get an updated list of the league up in the next day or two, we've had some new members come in and some old members change their toons.
  2. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    So, we still have a lot of people on the forums and in-game asking who they can be, or what names are available. We've had quite a few people change their characters and a few new recruits as well as a few departures. Quite a few people are on leave for work, military, or other. Quite a few more people will be active once the New DLC Drops. So Here's an Update of who we have:

    [Legend Mains (42 Current Members, about 15+ currently active. All come on in spurts)]
    Daredevil, Hank Pym, Guardian, Rogue, Captain America, Vision, Antman, Ironman, Human Torch, Dr. Spectrum, Thing, Pixie, Vengeance, Prowler, Havok, Hope Summers, Sleepwalker, Spiderman, Skaar, Deadpool, Dr. Voodoo, She-Hulk, Silver Sable, Gambit, Colossus, Scarlet Spider, Hulk, Banshee, X23, Magneto, Wonderman, X-Man, Iceman, Cluster, Adam Warlock, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke, Wolverine, Black Bolt, Ghost Rider, Hercules, Jack Flag, Vlad Dracula, Punisher, Groot, Rocket Raccoon.

    [Legend Alts]
    Strong Guy, Darwin, Vance Astro, Angel, Invisible Woman, Hawkeye, Cable, Warpath, Drax, Mr. M, Captain Marvel, Sentry, Shaman, Fantomex, US Agent, Monet St. Croix, Quicksilver, Professor X, Dr. Nemesis, PSI Lord, Cyclops, Vulcan, Sabertooth, Winter Soldier, Gladiator Kallark, Morph, Star Lord, Nightcrawler.

    Marvel Legends Generals in the Origins league:
    Agent Venom, Henry McCoy, Ms. Marvel, Warlock (Phalanx), Colossus, Rocket Raccoon.

    Marvel Legends characters reserved (cannot take these names unless otherwise noted):
    Red Hulk, Silver Surfer, Nova, Solitaire (Nicholas Lone)

    Logged on in the last Week
    Logged within the last 2 Month
    Currently on Leave
    Pending League Removal (If you want this name, let us know)

    Being that this is a slower time for the league, now is the best time if you're truly interested in joining as we'll be able to run with you a lot more and really get a feel for how you fit into our family here. I will almost guarantee we will not be recruiting once the new DLC drops as every time something new comes out, numerous people want to be pulled through instances, then ungracefully leave the league. We will be taking no part in these type of players, nor put our time, efforts, and guidance into these players as well.
  3. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Changed the "welcome" message. Also for more in depth toons we're looking for here we go:

    Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Elektra, Black Panther, Luke Cage, Ironfist, Cloak & Dagger, Jean Grey, Storm, X-Man, Morbius, Werewolf by Night, Living Mummy, Juggernaut, Emma Frost, Venom, Blade, War Machine, Madrox, Boom-Boom, Blink, Forge, Wild Child, Polaris, Nick Fury, Captain Britain, Kitty Pryde, Thor, Namor, Black Widow, Dr. Strange, Puck, Union Jack, and many more... you get the picture...anyone we don't have...
  4. Rogue New Player

    I'm back!!! :)
  5. speedster1981 Committed Player

    hey I just made a fresh new hero called Colossus927 on the hero side on us-ps3 and was wondering if once I get to cr 90 would you guys consider having my toon in your league?

    he looks alot like this [IMG] it may take some time to get to cr 90 on my own though so please if you're interested in me joining in anyway possible please be patient..... his weapon is brawling
  6. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Speedster I sent you a PM. Thanks for reaching out and hope to see you in game.
  7. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Welcome to the League Werewolf by Night/ Blade/ Speed Demon! There've been quite a few people on lately running the new T6 stuff, so i apologize people are always in instance. Once you get to Level 30 at least with your hero let us know so we can run you through some raids to get MoT. Looking forward to running with your Villain in Nemesis to see what you've got! Let us know if you need us to hop over for an AB or anything else.
  8. ShadowDeath1090 New Player

    Do you have spawn in your league.I see you have dead pool but if you r willing to replace him i can add spider man and spawn to your "collection"
  9. speedster1981 Committed Player

    thank you for having me :) I appreciate the offer and am looking forward to running raids with you guys and since you invited me to your league I have got WereWolfByNight927 from LVL 16 to LVL 25 :) once hes LVL 30 and fairly geared I'll be working on Blade927 when you see me on you would always just pm me and we can run some raids with my villain

    I have my villain looking fairly close to this [IMG]
  10. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I have a Hank Pym character who just recently became a free agent, is there a spot for a CR103, 122 SP Healer in your league?
  11. speedster1981 Committed Player

    theres a guy with a juggernaut toon I saw in hero side if I see him again I'll let him know about the league ;)
  12. jftoast New Player

    Is this a Hero or Villian League or both. I have a Hyperion character as a villian.

  13. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Shadow - Spawn would be cool. Unfortunately Spawn's not a Marvel character. Also our Deadpool and Spidey spots are already taken.
  14. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Hank, next time you're on talk to Pun in game, or hit me up if you see me on.
  15. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    We are on both Heroes and Villains. Our main league is on the heros side, but we have 103 toons over on the villains side was well in 'Marvel Nemesis'. We have a few people that are on their villains daily, but most of us are just over there once a week unless members request the league to come over to run stuff.
  16. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Cool deal. BTW, you should be able to invite in Origins, so you don't have to wait for a Legends member to get people in the door over there, you're more than welcome to add any Marvel's you'd like. We do always take a vote in the league before we add new characters to Legends though.
  17. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Sweet, I'll have to hop over there and check him out. We'll set up a Villain AB or something this weekend.
  18. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I will, I just need the full character name because I didn't put you guys on my friends list, so right now I can't tell when you guys are on or not.
  19. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Hank, a few of us have messaged you a couple times in game now. No response.
  20. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Sorry Daredevil, I saw your message and I tried typing your name in to add to my friends list and it said the name didn't exist. I tried typing various versions of it and I guess I didn't get it right, so I couldn't send you a tell to respond. As for the others, I must of missed the messages because I was doing the T6 alert a couple of times and the T6 duos and then I was popping on various characters of mine to do the seasonal. I haven't blocked anyone, but I did delete the CEREBRO channel, and I apologize for not responding. I did talk to Punisher aka. Rocket Raccoon the other day because he was the only one I had on my friends list.

    If you could give me your actual Character Name with any Capital Letters and/ or numbers, I'll add you to my friends list. The names I tried to add were:

    Ultimate Daredevil (normal, no numbers)
    UltimateDaredevil (normal, no spaces)
    ULT1MATE DAREDEVIL (all caps, number 1 in first name)