Marvel Legends

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Ultimate Daredevil, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. kingyeezzus New Player

    Hey I was wondering if the red hulk slot was open I just made on xxXGeneralRulkxx srry about yhe name was the only one I could think off that was available.
  2. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Ultimate DaredevLL
  3. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    King the "Rulk" name has been reserved by one of our original generals. He currently changed that character to Silver Surfer then Vulcan... however asked that we not make that name available as he switches back to rulk here and there. I'll ask to see if he's willing to let a different red hulk in, but to be honest I doubt it. I'll keep you updated.
  4. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    I had a few questions about our villain league and who is available. We're much smaller over there as our villain league is basically an "alt" of someone in Legends, we're active over there, but once again our main league is Marvel Legends, so if you're online over there and you don't see anyone on, it's a good change we're on the heroes side. We have a universal chat to link all our leagues so we will be able to communicate with both sides.

    Here is the Marvel Nemesis roster:

    Thanos, Phoenix, Pyro, Black Tom Cassidy, Mad Jack, Mephisto, Avalanche, Electro, Goblin Queen, Colossus, Vision, Carnage, Magneto, Cyclops, Scream, Daken, Arcade, Arch Angel, Norman Osborne, Mysterio, Loki, Ultron, Crimson Dynamo, Magus, Hobgoblin, Speed Demon, Beetle, Venom, Toad, Bullseye, Cassandra Nova, Black Queen, Lord Pumpkin, and Taskmaster.
  5. generalzod Committed Player

    Hey Dare Devil a recruit hit me up not sure if he wants to be hero or villain
    he sent me .

    Mai3coh Active Member


    Are ya'll Hero only? Do you have to have a Marvel name?

    I have a CR102 Ice tank Villian

    But I do have a T1 Hero lRemyl Mental Troll (I was disappointed when my cards(psychic blades) got changed to stupid balls)
  6. generalzod Committed Player

    hey it's thor again from pc Marvel leauge

    i have another guy just hit me up
    but he is ps3 i told him about your great league
    seem you and dark reign run them the best on ps3

    name on here and in the game is ( nick noir )
    he wants to name change and be marvel

    (I'm trying to join nick noir)

    I have a character "Solitaire", he wears pink and purple and dances around in the comics "I likes this". Anyways I was hoping if I can join your fantastic league so WE can have fun & great time. You don't find me in game....I'll find you lol
  8. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    So we have just picked up 8 new recruits over the last few weeks:

    Psylocke, Iron Patriot, Blade, Werewolf, Sunspot, Superior Spider-man, Iron Fist and Rockslide welcome to the league!

    As we don't generally recruit, we're pretty overloaded with recruits at the moment, so we will not be open recruiting as we will be working with our new recruits to ensure they're some of the best players in the game before we take on anymore. If you are still interested, we would really only be looking for veterans to help us help the new recruits.
  9. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    On request here's our Current roster. I have not updated our website ( yet, so this list will be more accurate:

    This is the MARVEL LEGENDS roster, it does not reflect our Marvel Origins, or Marvel Nemesis leagues

    (23 active in the last week, 45 Members Total - 4 new members pending)

    Rogue, Wade Wilson, Incredible Hulk, Magneto, Adam Warlock, Groot, Guardian, Jack Flag, Daredevil, Vision, Tony Stark, Human Torch, Dr. Spectrum, Prodigy, Thing, Pixie, Vengeance, Prowler, Havok, Hope Summers, Hyperion, Sleepwalker, Spider-Man, Skaar, Dr. Voodoo, She-Hulk, Silver Sable, Gambit, Colossus, Sunspot, Scarlet Spider, Banshee, X-23, Werewolf by Night, Wonderman, Iceman, Punisher, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke, Wolverine, Black Bolt, Iron Patriot, Johnny Blaze, Luke Cage, Hercules. (Superior Spider-Man, Iron Fist and Rockslide pending)

    Nightcrawler, Strong Guy, Winter Soldier, Darwin, Vance Astro, Angel, Invisible Woman, Captain America, Hawkeye, Mr. Sinister, Cable, Warpath, Drax, Mr. M, Captain Marvel, Sentry, Shaman, Fantomex, US Agent, Monet St. Croix, Quicksilver, Professor X, Dr. Nemesis, PSI Lord, Cyclops, Cluster, Rocket Raccoon, Sabertooth, Gladiator, Black Panther, Star Lord.

    Active with the last week
    Active with in the last 1-2 months
    On Leave
    Pending Removal
  10. Luthor00100 New Player

    I want join the team my character is nightclawler the name of he is ANightcrawlerA
  11. Luthor00100 New Player

  12. Luthor New Player

    I want joine the league my character name is ANightCrawlerA my role is Healer and my mentor is Superman
  13. Luthor New Player

  14. TheMadleR New Player

    Hey Daredevil, I used to be on this game from launch and was with Ultimate Avengers I stopped playing for a couple of years now but I got a PS4 and I'm back to playing and looking for a marvel league, I have Taskmaster and Captain America already setup but I think I'd prefer to convert one of those toons to Cable or Moon Knight if you have a roster spot available I'd be happy to join. The CR for the characters previously mentioned are around 60, I know its not close to 100 but if you'd like an experienced player with some rust that plays a lot then let me know. Also what phase do you guys mainly play? If I need to PM someone in game who should that be?
  15. KINGXHYPERION New Player

    @TheMadleR, sounds kool, we have some few members that came from Ultimate Avengers....Alpha and Hercules. We do not have a Task Master on the hero side at this moment and I have a Moon Knight that is my 3rd alt and willing to give up the toon. We can pretty much help you gear up in one or two days. Just PM Dare Devil or me KING HYPERLON.
  16. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    Crawler, what is your CR and how many SP do you have? We've stopped open recruitment, and are really just looking for veteran players that can help assist others at this point.
  17. Ultimate Daredevil Well-Known Player

    we currently do not have a taskmaster, but we do have a cap. a change from your cap to Moon Knight would be welcome. Keep in contact with Hyperion and he'll work with you, get him your in game name(s), and we'll go from there. We run with some of the original members of UA, 2 are in our league now. Who did you used to run with over there?
  18. Luthor New Player

    You have a quicksilver
  19. TheMadleR New Player

    Well today is literally my second day back, for some reason I thought UA no longer existed. I'm friends with Deadpool, Iron Fist and Zacriel that's usually my running around partner so if I end up playing with him again I'll be going to UA if they are no longer around then I'd love to join you guys, I converted my low CR of 40 lvl 30 toon to a moon knight character. I'm sorry if this is confusing. His name in game is xXxMO0N KNIGHTxXx if you guys accept low cr toons like that then send me a tell in game and let's group up and kill some villains.
  20. TheMadleR New Player

    I tried so many ways to think of a moon knight name that wasn't already taken but that was the best I could come up with sorry for all the x's.