LPVE: Still waiting on an official answer

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Jan 17, 2020.

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  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    And you sound like someone that's selfish and hasn't met friends in the game yet and that's why you say you wouldn't run locked. Well, the amount of times I've ran locked, so I can help my friends go through the instances is lowkey enormous and yes, every time I helped, I felt happy doing it.

    We always get on voice chat and communicate, joke and laugh and for me it's not a waste of time. This game is meant to be fun, not a chore. People are the ones who make it fun, it's not only the content.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I get Nth Metal, I get to help my friends play, I get to help them level their alts, I get to have fun. That's what I get out of it.

    Aren't you the same Prec DPS with the nutcracker head? Did you ever eventually get into a good league?
  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Playing with friends is dumb?
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  4. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Please keep this thread on the right track. I am looking for LPVE answers and thoughts. If you guys wish to argue that’s fine, but I don’t want this thread locked up. Thanks
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What I said applies to LPvE as well. Even if I have all the feats, I don't mind running loot locked to help someone with team up feats.
  6. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Or... Here's a thought. RUN the content, and it'll eventually be done. I swear people want everything given to them now adays. There's nothing in the "rules" that says you need every feat at this very minute. It's not locked behind RNG like time capsule feats. And if you don't want to run it 5200 times. Then don't.
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  7. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    How is it not realistic ? All I'm ever told is DCUO is in a healthy state. It'll be here for years to come. There's time to get them done. Even if you ran LPVE twice a day(that's about 30 minutes of your time or less depending on map.). It'll eventually get done.
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  8. Draconiano Committed Player

    Yeah sure, doing twice a day would take at least 7 years to do it.
    Not counting out the days that people can't play, like being sick / not in the mood / special occasions like christmas / not enough people to queue / internet problems / 8 hours update days / etc.
    AND the most important issue, it was easier to run it in the past, now it's harder, how is that fair?

    2 (LPVE each day) x 365 (days) x 7 (years) = 5110 (LPVE)
    30 (minutes each day) x 365 (days) x 7 (years) = 76650 (minutes)
    76650 (minutes) ÷ 60 (1 hour) = 1277 (hours)

    Tell me how doing the same stuff over and over for more or less 1277 hours is healthy, the only reward is like 2 SP.
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  9. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Ok. So The first LPVE was released almost 6 years ago. You'd be well on your way by now. That's not including spamming easy maps like OAN for more then 2 a day...You just said it yourself. It's only like 2 SP. If you feel as though 2 SP isn't worth it. Then dont do it. It's fairly simple, I think.
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  10. nawanda Loyal Player

    I don’t know who it is you’re addressing here. Is it the players who want to try to improve their skill points through the completion of realistically achievable feats, or the devs who said they were looking into the feedback, but haven’t provided an update yet? In any case, you’re about three years behind the discussion.

    You lecturing people and lamenting how lazy society is contributes nothing to a discussion and feedback process where it has been established and acknowledged that the feat milestones are worthy of review.

    I don’t care how lazy you think the likes of Draconiano and I are. We are two of the hardest working players on the EU server, and we just want realistic goals to work towards.
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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If obtaining the high LPvE feats were unrealistic, no one would have them right?
  12. AV Loyal Player

    Of the people who have all 5250 feat runs completed, how many did it legitimately?
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You could file a ticket with support and have them investigate. ABS is almost done, do you want to ask him? I have him on ignore currently.
  14. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I did actually. But like I said when I ask them to run something or they ask me. 90% of the time it's already been ran. So that brings me to my point as to why we are being locked from content still in 2020. We should more on to exp base system per ko and open all content with locks don't u think? I mean this is not a good bus to be on because ur league and friends be getting off at different times. I'm very surprised the devs keep draging this on they must be 100% clueless
  15. Magnificent Loyal Player

    They've made no indication that they are looking to bring PVP back as a focus (no new styles, no new maps, no new Legends, etc). As long as this is the case I see no reason for them to require Replays to replay the content and get awards. Why put barriers to an aspect of the game you are no longer servicing?
  16. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I just don't run content for nothing my time is important and it has to have progression in it for me. Ì can't see myself wasting my playtime for free when the game is expensive
  17. AV Loyal Player

    I didn't ask "has anyone done it legitimately," because some people have. I asked "how many did it legitimately?" I love LPVE and spam it aggressively when good maps are up but the majority of players with all 5250 runs done are not legitimate clears. Strawmanning the few people that actually have done the entire grind to defend a bad system isn't an effective argument for or defense of that system. Just because something is "possible" doesn't mean it's good game design or shouldn't be addressed. When it takes more time to do the LPVE feats than it does to do essentially all other feats in the entire game combined, it's something the devs should look at (and which they've already stated multiple times that they do intend to adjust).
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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    But how fair is it to those that have done it legitimately, to give away to people who don't care to run it? People in this thread have made unfaithful claims that the feats are unrealistic to obtain. The only real reason this thread exists to put bluntly is because people want the feats but don't want to put the effort in.
  19. AV Loyal Player

    LPVE is content that's available to, effectively, every player in the game from virtually the very start of their time in DCUO, yet despite its near 100% accessibility and the years and years these feats have existed, a negligible percentage of the playerbase has the feats for 5250. Of the players who do, an even more comparatively infinitesimal number achieved them without glitching or outright cheating. It has nothing to do with (some) people not caring to run it and everything to do with the fact it was simply not well thought out or implemented in the first place (and is worse now, post-revamp).

    Adjusting these feat counts (or revamping them altogether) would be far more "fair" than the changes made to the OG PVP feats and the game didn't burn down then either. Most people who already have feats done shrug and move on if they get rebalanced. I've had feat requirements downgraded on me several times and it's never been a big deal or a cause for consternation because people know what they're getting into when they work on certain feats... Especially these feats because the devs explicitly said they intend to re-evaluate them. Also, it's not like fixing these feats would remove all the Nth metal players got while grinding LPVE, which is more than can be said for the people who "lost out" in the PVP fix or even something like the recent Harlequin Chroma fix. A precedent has been firmly established throughout DCUO's history that feat balance and quality control trumps a handful of players' feelings.

    I agree these shouldn't be simply given out but they need to be properly adjusted because they're simply atrocious from a game design perspective, even by archaic old-school MMO standards. The feats should be scaled such that, at the absolute most, 1000-2000 runs is enough to get everything while keeping and reinforcing the "you're getting credit for 4 feats at a time" aspect. Ideally, however, they should be giving LPVE more love in general.

    Long story short: yes, it's asinine for anyone to expect all of the LPVE feats to just be granted but it's reasonable for players to ask for and expect the devs to do what they've already said they'll do, ie. rebalance the feats to a more appropriate number. Improving the feat system would be an LPVE boon, as if feats are properly balanced such that people with normal lives can reasonably obtain them, people with normal lives will run LPVE more. Non-feat LPVE rewards also need to be addressed.

    Edit: It should also be said that the current LPVE feat system and requirements are probably the biggest cause of players resorting to speedhacking. Over 90% of the speedhackers I've ever encountered in DCUO have been in LPVE... and I rarely play with randoms in there (generally run with 2-3 other clean friends or reliable LPVE regulars) so the actual rate of encounter/incidence that's stemming from is, comparatively, through the roof. There's an even larger percentage of players who, though not speedhacking themselves, either hope to run into a speedhacker or have actively spammed with speedhackers in the past, eg. a striking number of high feat completion LPVEers are quite bad at LPVE (to the tune of the fact it would have taken them 3-4x longer to get the progress they have) because they've virtually never done it legit.
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  20. nawanda Loyal Player

    No, on a number of levels.

    There will always be some total saddo who spends 20 hours a day, 7 days a week on a game. Some total anomaly. I’m not falling into any trap of categorising them amongst normal human beings.

    Second - speedhackers

    Third - the instances were much quicker prior to July 2017.
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