Let the backlash begin...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLoneLantern, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. sterl320 New Player

    lol did you play the moon mission??????
  2. Tre Day New Player

    How exactly? If they change the MoF in our possession to MoP when the DLC comes out, where's the problem? I guess, other than the process of actually going to a vendor and 'converting' MoF to MoP. Um...I guess...?

    Anyway, I'll just wait on an official word because if this ends up being one of those things that was just a name thing, then...um...yeah...
  3. Twilight Man New Player

    No not just yet, tryin to explore first mission on Hard.

    Is it crazy or somthin? Lol
  4. Omega Boy Committed Player

    People are understanding it as MoF still drop from this DLC and are needed to buy 92 gear and cannot be converted. It's the same Cr to get MoP so no one will want MoF. You're right about it being a wait and see situation.
  5. No Aywok New Player

    Regardless of what actually happens, the HIVE Defender feet just moved up on my purchase list ;)
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The only thing this affects is the players, including myself (nope, I'm not guilt free here) who have been hording marks for weeks to rush purchase the newest gear when it launches. That's it.

    It shows and confirms my point that the majority of this community is overwhelmingly lazy, impatient and playing the wrong type of game if this is actually an issue for people.

    Am I pissed off? Not really. I just wanted to get a head start on my gear. Am I going to start accusing the devs of trying to grab our cash? Nope. Because they aren't. Will I still participate in the grind? Yep, you're damn right I will be. Should the best gear be dropping in the raids? **** no.

    Personally, I would rather they stayed as MOF or replace MOF but also replace MOF in AF content. Not just because of the marks I've accumulated, but because I would like to still run the AFpt1 content as part of my grind. If the concern is that players are gearing up too quickly, I'd rather the devs just increased the cost of the gear. 100MOF per piece or something. I'd rather AF become redundant once we're in T7, not 5 minutes into T6.

    I support it if it's happening. I support it if it's not. Makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. I would, however, like a warning before it's released to clarify that the marks are changing. Just so I can cash in my MOF for styles before the change.
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  7. sterl320 New Player

    yeah it was pretty nuts, but its closed already. They made it available from 5-7 EST. Then the servers blew up lol. The Iron bannercrucibles is still available though.
  8. Omega Boy Committed Player

    It also affects current T5 or less players. Once they reach cr100, they'll be playing for MoP since more MoP will be available and the gear will be better. No one will want MoF or it's gear.
  9. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    It makes sense each trilogy having their own currency (if this is the case), but I think the people is pissed about different things. When you are a developer, the things you say, the answers you give must be said carefully. Spytle said that Halls of Power was going to use MoF, he said it, no possible misunderstanding there.

    So once that is officialy confirmed that new gear and content is going to work with MoF there was people using RB for getting a few extra marks, which is perfectly understandable. But now, and at the end we are just speculating here because there's no official answer, it seems like the new content is going to use MoP, so those people who used their RB feel cheated, and it's also perfectly understandable.

    Thing is, if you are a dev, you need to think carefully your words, because many players drive their actions towards those words. But again, we are just speculating, so we rather wait for an official answer before getting angry.
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  10. Blight KOBRA Commander

    Well essentially what this means is that AF content will be dropped (except for those who might want to use it for prestige) once people have run out of things they can buy using MoF, and everyone will focus mainly on HoP.
  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    Seriously, I'd wait for official word. I see people riling each other up prematurely.
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  12. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    We have NOT YET heard from a dev whether this is actually the case or not. I suspect that this is solely on the TEST SERVER because the only time they've changed Marks, to my knowledge, was at the start of a new tier. Since Halls of Power 2 will most likely be the next small content in which we see a new tier, is should be no surprise that they would have Marks of Power in the works- but I do NOT believe it will come with the next DLC. It would be downright EVIL of them to do a Mark change on a large content that offers absolutely NO solo content for solo players, this would effectively ban solo players from progressing and cost DCUO TONS of money in the process.

    So before everyone gets so worked up, how about we wait and hear what the devs have to say directly.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Perhaps its a hickup on the test server then. Meaning the DLC will be delayed
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  14. Tre Day New Player

    The only issue I would see is that people would go into HoP1 thinking that they can survive the content without having to get any of the gear from AF1, and the possibility of being 'carried' by other players into that content. I guess that's the only gripe I can have, although I can get over that gripe real quick.

    Anyway, HoP1 is a few weeks anyway, and I have a few toons that need to go through the AF content anyway.
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  15. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    On the test server, the next DLC 11 Halls of Power gear (Insect colonist) is using Marks of Power, whereas Amazon Fury is using Marks of Fury. Both gearsets belong to T6 and they are using two different currencies. I agree tho that we should wait for an official answer, but it looks pretty obvious to me.
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  16. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Are the new alerts significantly harder that TD? I see no reason that everyone couldn't skip AF as the gear is only a small upgrade.
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No the new alerts are relatively easy, infact easier IMO.
  18. Radium Devoted Player

    Hysteria is infectious.
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  19. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    I see a few DCUO apologists saying just wait for an official word before getting all riled up. While true we shouldn't have to wait through an entire weekend to get a response either. Time and time again little controversial tidbits have been released just before the devs leave for the weekend (or longer) leaving the community to stew over the weekend. A small amount of forethought would go a long way but for whatever reason this situation seems to happen with alarming frequency.

    Whatever ultimately becomes of Marks of Power I do not know and right now none of us do.

    But if it is to become the exclusive mark of the new DLC then I outright hate the idea. Halls of Power should have added new daily and weekly content to play in addition to the Amazon Fury content to allow for variety and choice in what you run and how you progress through T6. Right now though that seems unlikely.

    However, if this is just a simple mark naming shift to prevent players from stockpiling 100 Fury then I really don't care as long as all T6 content shifts to the Mark of Power name.
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  20. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I don't see anything obvious other than they are probably preparing for the future and testing the new Marks of Power in the process. This would be completely irrational of them and totally inconsistent with past tiers, in which all tiers remained the same Marks. I just can't fathom them having both Marks of Fury and Marks of Power... so does this mean when WotL 2 comes out, we'll see Marks of Light too?!? It doesn't make sense other than if this is only a 'test' for future tier deployment.
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