Let the backlash begin...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLoneLantern, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    ...... Well Fire has been waiting longer than celestial to get fixed.......... why is that above fire :p
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  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    The dlc is going to out in a week or so. You're claiming they didn't know until now? And if they knew they hadn't decided it's still a lie to claim to know.

    Even if they didn't know when they said it, they should have announced before they started putting it up on the test server. That's just stupid. Did they think no-one would notice?
  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    I don't see it as a lie but I do see it as bad communication. That said, it might be an oops. Those in charge of communication may not always be in sync with those pushing builds to test.
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  4. FuryX New Player

    I'm pretty sure this is what the test server is for.. things get changed on the test server all the time and even go against things they have said. If nothing else your a self serving bunch, if they said the marks were going to change to power in a broadcast and on test they decided it was a bad idea and went back to fury I doubt we would see the liar tag being applied to the devs.

    We don't even know if its true but what I do know is the emotional folk on the forum are entertaining to say the least.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Tbh i havent considered why they would cuz it makes no sense. It makes dlc10 obsolete except for the sp in it. And when they say on the AF lievstream that MoF is the mark being used thru the entire tier i take em at their word. And the fact that i pay a sub as legendary or a premium guy who bought a dlc that now might be worthless? Thats just bad business and again it makes no sense.

    I told my league that this is going on and every person said the same thing....."wtf are they serious? Why are they doing this? It makes no sense" was the quote i got from 8 people right away. I had 4 league m8s say "im going to seriously consider finding another game if the mark change is intended" and im of the same opinion. Its like they are trying to make people stop playing their game.
  6. Tikkun Loyal Player

    It could simply be a case of "the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing". Having worked for large corporations I definitely know how it feels to have a "foot in mouth" moment due to not being kept completely in the loop. It happens all the time in large corporations.

    Obviously there is a big communication breakdown somewhere for there not to be any notes yet. For something big like this there is usually some kind of public information.
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  7. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    have they confirmed it's going to be like this? It could be a slip-up like when they had vendor gear costing more than the 2k premium cash cap .

    Back then many of us raged when it came out on test only to find out it was a mistake and not intended.

    Same thing with the Batman skin when it was accidentally leaked with the wrong ears and the wrong emblem.

    I learned my lesson so I have no opinion on this whatsoever until I see a green name confirm or deny the intentions of this. After all, this is still test center where "curiouser and curiouser" things tends to happen. ;)
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  8. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I can't speak for everyone but I don't like being lied too if they were honest I wouldn't have a problem with it .
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thanks for looking into this and seeing if the raids/alerts were also dropping marks of power. Nice job.
  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    But wotl was reality marks which was the mark all thru tier 5. I see what your saying but it doesnt make sense. And the fact that they havent explained this makes it worse imo.
  11. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I'm surprised we still haven't got any answer from the Dav yet.
    If this turn out to be true, then that just mean I wasted all these times running something that I don't even enjoy and my replay badge for nothing.
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  12. FuryX New Player

    Terms and Conditions are subject to change.

    We agree to this on many occasions in life and as adults should be able to accept it. If your not an adult I apologize.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Because the devs are more dps centric, so they will fix a dps side of a power way before they fix a support role side of a power. And because celestial is my favorite power.
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  14. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Whatever when the lead developer of the game says something in a live stream it should be taken like its written in stone or he should come out and correct himself .
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  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Devs are probably sitting in a chair with popcorn laughing it up right now.
    Spytle saying " Should we tell them"
    Mepps saying " Nah, its getting too good"
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  16. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Don't be surprised they never post on weekends.

    Also, might just be a name change and all t6 will drop Marks of Power or it might be a slip up and not intended. Things like that have happened before

    As they say

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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    I see your point but dont know how it makes sense when they have done it a different way for 3 and half years.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    They do post on the weekends sometimes. I saw captain liberty post last sunday night. Just doesnt happen very often.
  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I hope we hear something this weekend from them.
  20. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I was thinking T7 is supposed to start on HoP part 2, and that would be where Marks of Power would be introduced. This could mean that they are working on the next 3 DLCs, and something from HoP2 leaked into the latest test build.

    But that wouldn't explain Vendor 11.

    To echo what I'm sure many people are saying (9 pages is a lot to go through), a new mark in the same tier is a terrible idea! There is already little variety in AF to gear up. DLC11 dropping was supposed to be adding variety of what we could do to gear up, not give us a separate set of small variety to choose from for our next round of gearing up.

    If anything would need to happen, it would be slightly increasing the mark cost of the vendor gear. Towards the end of T5, there was no point in a new T5 character buying the vendor gear from OC or SoT (except for style feats), because WotL1 gear had the same cost/CR restriction. But if you do that the MoF cap needs to increase with each DLC in the tier.
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