Items inside the Promethium Lockboxes will be TRADEABLE with the next Game Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by aceCase, May 10, 2013.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It shows nothing of the sort, lockboxes are random. Just say it was possible for you and I to play the exact same amount of time and get 100 Lockboxes. Let's pretend for a second that I got 50 AUX-04 and 50 ATK-04 and you got the entire Noble Warrior and Cybernetic sets along with the best rings and necks possible for your role, would that mean you were more dedicated to the game than me simply because you had the good fortune to get what you wanted whereas I got stuck with 100 soders?
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  2. Circe New Player

    This stuff is already account bound, so making this stuff tradeable is overkill IMO.
  3. Dead_Corps New Player

    you can rubberband a controllers move button and leave game on while at work. Then the first thing you kill will drop a loot box most of the time, or so I've heard/read from many.
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Ok you CAN do that, but you will still only be getting one at the most every six hours of gameplay. Farming usually implies that there is a specific place you can go to or something specific you can do to get lots of an item.
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  5. Villain Smasher New Player

    You guys waving the pom poms talking about "yaayy back to back awesome updates of epicness...blah blah blah " must not have played the same update 25 I did. Because it sucked ****. Big time.
  6. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    It's based on time plugged into the game. After x amount of time has passed, killing one enemy will cause the lockbox to appear. This is true, as I spent all day yesterday dealing with a crappy map I found online of all the blues and greens in Metro and Gotham. After hours hunting them all down and then spending a few hours exo farming, all of this with no combat involved, I landed near a paradox reaper and had to put him down. Lockbox popped.
    Stupid cola. T_T

    Edit: Also yeah, you can't farm lockboxes. That definition doesn't fit what's required to obtain them, as dude above mentioned.
  7. tukuan Devoted Player

    You don't work hard to get lockbox items, you get lucky.

    It's not even like the vault where you can say the diligence of running it daily give a better chance at getting the rare stuff. In the case of the lockboxes 2 people can get their monthly max for months in a row and one will get noble/cyb and the other not. You can't say the first worked "harder" than the second. I hit my max constantly on 3 toons and I've yet to get a single noble piece.
  8. Madara Well-Known Player

    This is good for every1..imo

    If all this stuff becomes tradeable then the following happens

    1. You get money for stuff you don't need
    2. 7-day escrows gonna be selling left and right, premiums would rather buy that for 5$ then 2 keys for 5$..more then likely
    3. Key sales may I doubt many people actually buy them more then maybe twice..but possible
    4. SoE makes some extra money, from all the escrow/key sales..prob even get some new subs from premiums tryin to make some cash for modding thru the lockboxs..

    I don't see how this could be considered bad by anyone..
  9. Kristyana New Player

    I find it very ironic you make this statement given your opinions on other items in the game such as skill points.
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  10. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Cool so I can trade and sell my extra auras and Cyborg pieces? This is good news as I'm only missing 1 Aura color and 1 Cyborg piece. Noble Warrior I'm glad had less to collect, so I got that feat quicker.
  11. Wizz Tron New Player

    So instead of them removing them completely after finding out people aren't going to pay $2.50 for 1 lockbox key, they decided to move them to the vault
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  12. The Kitsune New Player

    Well there is even more stuff that will get added to the vault that I will never get. The only stuff I ever get in the vault is hoodies, styles that I already have and marks. Some days I wonder if it is even worth the effort.

    And Prom boxes drop depending on time playing the game. You do not actually work for them specifically.

    Oh and why is it that you are never happy with anything Circe?
  13. General_Gear New Player

    I want that cybernetic chest lol
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  14. Yui Loyal Player

    The orange rings are still better than any rings in the game so far. Sure, Home Turf and t5 rings are better in base stats but orange rings can be modded. I got a t5 troller ring (33 vit) today which gives 2 more vit than my perfect orange troller ring (31 vit and has a 10 vit affinity). I modded my orange troller ring with a vit 5 mod(gives 23 vit). Now, do the math and you'll find that my orange troller ring gives a total of 64 vit with the vit 5 mod and the bonus vit affinity which gives 31 more vit than the t5 troller ring I got.
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  15. neptunesBeard New Player

    Access to all your money, all the DLC, extra vault tickets, loyalty points, ability to trade cash....
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  16. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    Not sure if I'm reading this right but are you saying that you "will be able to trade them"? Because I'm pretty sure you can trade what you get already. I send rings and necks to my alts all the time. Just sent two (70 or 78) rings and a neck to a new character I just created to wear as soon as he hits 30. And I send the sodas and auras I get to my alts that need them. I've only gotten one style drop from a box but I sent that one to my main.
  17. uXix Committed Player

    Only the styles/auras/colas should be tradable.
  18. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    Nope. I've been sending rings and neck to my alts for awhile now. I've outfitted my troller and healer with lockbox necks that I got on my main. And just sent the rings and neck to my newest alt. I just put them in the shared bank or mail them. I just can't trade them if I modded them. But with the new recovery plans, I was able to remove the mods and send them.
  19. uXix Committed Player

    I think you misunderstood my post.

    In my opinion with GU26 necks/rings should remain account bound and not tradeable to other players.

    ONLY styles/auras/colas should be tradeable to other players, again just my opinion.
  20. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    Oh, so they plan to let you give them to your league mates and friends? I see now.

    For me, I have enough alts that every ring or neck I get goes to an alt if my main doesn't need it or it would better suit a different role. The same for my sodas, auras, and styles. I'll always have a need for the lockbox drops and won't be trading them outside my account.
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