Is it just me, or are League Halls a waste?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anarcho-Captain, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I'd like to point out that everyone is free to play their own game and I for one enjoy playing with my friends in my league and helping some new peeps we recruit.
    The league hall is a nice thing for us. We talk about decorating it, run content for base itmes, unlock funny statues, everything that floats our dcuo boat really.

    If you don't like this kind of thing you should stay away from the whole thing at all instead of calling people you don't even know about blinded fanboys.

    What I would like to know is why people who don't like a certain theme they're talking about often start to be polemic and in some way rude in their expressions for putting other groups of people in different corners. But maybe a forum is not the place to ask those kinds of questions.
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  2. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I was going to breakdown the statements made by the OP but there were too many and it all came back to one essential point.

    DCUO is NOT the kind of game or more specifically, MMO, you’re looking for and most likely will never be!!!

    If you’re looking for an extensive world to explore and various challenges then this is NOT the game for you as SOE’s business model and the desires of many in the community will NEVER allow that to happen!!!

    Now that doesn’t mean that you can’t have FUN with DCUO, I know I still do, but if you’re looking for a MMO experience that doesn’t involve going from “raid” to “raid” to advance with lil’ bells and whistles added on from time to time, then I suggest you move on or temper your expectations.
  3. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    i've got a couple friends talked into trying the game. So we'll see how it goes w/ helping them out. If they enjoy it, I'll stick around. If they dont care for it, I'm out for good.
  4. sterl320 New Player

    well you don't need a league hall to run the new content. Even if no one had a league hall, you still would be able to run the content.

    So actually getting a league hall doesn't help much.
  5. Feenicks New Player

    I love our league hall! Simply LOVE it! I can hang out between with my friends.......and no longer have to witness the infantile behavior that was prevalent in the Watch Tower.

    Plus we have the league bank. And beautiful statues to recognize our league mates.

    And that 8 man target dummy setup? Yeah, I've actually learned a few things using that setup.
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  6. GaeasRevenge New Player

    Thats great that you guys are so easily please with mediocre DLC's.
  7. Feenicks New Player

    League Halls is not from a DLC. And I'm sorry you don't enjoy this.
  8. GaeasRevenge New Player

    I stand corrected.
    League Halls is part of the update.
    Its a Major component of the update
    I never said I did not enjoy it.
    I am just stating my thoughts on the update. just like anyone else on this forum.
  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    League Halls are no part of any DLC, my friend. But regardless the point is that some people like it and some don't. But it should never be stated that something is "useless" or "rubbish" or whatever you want.
    It is just your opinion and not everyone shares it.
  10. GaeasRevenge New Player

    Agreed just like its your opinion and not everyone shares it.
    Thats the beauty of discussion on forums. :)
  11. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    the only use i have found for league halls so far is the cluster of test dummies other than that i never go to the league hall
  12. Spacedude2 New Player

    I would add that you don't have to be a social player to enjoy the game. But, the league halls are for those. I have alot of toons and I'm not planning on a league hall until I see the need for one. I totally agree with the grinding part.
  13. CosmicDreadNaught New Player

    The only reason I ever go in mine is for the group of sparring targets. Other than that I find them quite useless lol
  14. CosmicDreadNaught New Player

    Guess I should've read more before I posted lol
  15. Humane Committed Player

    You failed to see my point. Tapping a mouse for more than 3 minutes doesn't require skill or any kind of challenge.
  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    It has pretty much been like that for the past 3 years. ;)
  17. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Just on the OP title I am going to chime in.

    I actually find League Halls a pointless waste as well. I had high hopes for them, but the final presentation... was not to my liking.

    There's really nothing a League Hall does for me that my own lair doesn't, with the possible exception of a donation/shared bank where I can help out fellow leagues with gear and drops (and vice versa).

    The prestige system is very unfriendly to casual leagues and smaller coteries of players. The size and layouts of the maps feel to me like a LOT of wasted space. Maybe as newer themes come out, they will look more attractive to me, but the current one just makes me want to spend as little time in it as possible.

    The benefits of the bonus stats are negligible and don't feel worth the time and effort everyone goes through to get one. It's just like... League Halls feel like a dump-pit for additional game-playing time that is essentially work and not recreation. I dunno. I just am underwhelmed by them.
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  18. HazeTA New Player

    Welcome to the world of MMO's and, erm, goodbye.
  19. HazeTA New Player

    Myth, peddled by villains. I play both sides equally for 3 years and the only difference in the player base is population.
  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    After some time with the League Halls now, I do agree that it's quite a bit of a waste. The proficiencies are nice but the Hall itself pretty lame. It's very limited in functionality and you don't necessarily want to decorate it because it can interfere with instances. It just seems like something that wasn't very well thought out.
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