Is it just me, or are League Halls a waste?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anarcho-Captain, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    I have about 14 toons. Some are in leagues. Some aren't. My main has a league that I started (cuz I'm picky about names, if anyone remembers me mentioning this before).

    I can't make a league hall cuz I don't have "prestige" points. Which, from what it sounds like, means I have to run raids & alerts etc w/ my league mates. Okay. Well, you know what? I don't have the time to coordinate w/ people. Sorry, I just don't. I have 2 jobs & I play video games at night when I'm off. I don't have friends that play this (like, real world friends that I talk to in person. They play other games like GTA V). So I basically have concluded that I'm not going to ever see any benefit from League halls ever.

    Woo hoo. Some update. I really don't care. In fact... I'm honestly starting to get bored w/ the game.

    For example: I have as many toons as I do because I get bored running the same content over & over. It really doesn't take long to get a toon up to the higher tiers. So if you have multiple ones, then you can still run lower content & it'll still be challenging & fun. Plus you're a different power set & weapon, as well as a different design. Among other things.

    But, I think I've reached the end of that rope. They released Amazon fury, which is boring. I have a toon that's supposed to be a red lantern, but I've done A&B so many times & still haven't gotten the chest piece that I'm thinking I'm going to have to grind the Amazon Fury missions to get 70 marks of fury JUST TO GET THE VESTIMENTS OF RAGE chest. It is THAT which is making me go: Do I really care enough to grind these boring duos & alerts?

    I mean, what's next? Another DLC that has the same mechanics & goals? Is there really anything left to this game? I hate to say it... but I think I might be spent. I see the new content & I really am not enjoying the grind this time. Not because it's hard to grind, but because I just don't feel like taking weeks & weeks just to get some gear..... for what? Okay, now I got the gear.... I was bored the whole time because I had to run the same dumb duos & alerts & focus on 1 toon just to get their gear where it's topped out..... now what?

    Whew..... I think it's time to take a break from DCUO. I never thought I'd say it, but this is just boring. I can't even get styles from older content w/out grinding out 70 marks of fury. JUST FOR A STYLE. I don't even get the benefits of the actual gear. I'm sorry, but if I can spend MoT to get Scion of Ion gear, I should be able to do the same for Vestments of Rage styles. But if this is how it's gonna be, I just don't have fun with this kind of grind. It's actually boring as heck.
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  2. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    You don't have to play with your leaguemates to earn prestige actually. And it sounds like you do need a break.
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  3. Hempkrete Active Player

    It's just you.
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  4. Ice Lantern New Player

    Just quit or take a break for a while. It'll be easy enough to catch back up if and when you decide to come back. Besides, it seems they are making DLC's very skip-able. It wouldn't surprise me if the content two DLC's from now will require no more than 106 CR.
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    When the new dlc comes out you'll get to choose if you want to farm 70 MoF or 70 MoP for the chest. Not sure that helps tho.
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  6. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    They are not a waste, you're a minority on this topic in that most people are very happy about league halls. /thread
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  7. Clip New Player

    The grind would be ok if the fighting system received a change to be fun again.
    WM spam no matter which powerset? That is boring if you ask me.
    And no matter how many toons you have if you play as dps you gonna spam WM...
  8. Kaidan Committed Player

    Actually, the Vestments of Rage style from Vending Unit 22 costs the same as buying the current Tier gear; 60 MoF for the chest and legs, 55 for the head, 50 for the shoulders, 45 for the hands, waist and feet, and 40 for the back. Everything else costs 70 MoF. The prices might change with the new DLC though.
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Id say u need a break or maybe this game isnt for u. Its an mmo, im guessing u know what means. If u dont have time to run with groups and coordinate then like i said, maybe not the game for u. And all mmos have grinds, thats the nature of an mmo. Im truly baffled by people who play this and dont want to do the grind. Im not saying thats u but maybe understand what type of game your playing b4 jumping in and investing time and $. And 70 MoF? Thats takes about 4 days. Imo thats not some huge grind thats unreasonable.
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  10. Seth Grey New Player

    I do believe that Vestiments of rage should come with full gear benefits (not that it will matter when you're purchasing them with higher tier content rewards). I do understand your frustration to a certain degree. I'm a victim of League Hall updates myself because from South Asia playing in an EU server (I purchased the game when I was in the UK). Plus I'm very picky with names, I've been keeping my league "Dark Vengeance" around for over three years just because of the name alone. Plus on most days my work can keep me away from playing for more than a few hours.

    I fully agree that you need a break. I'm on a break of sorts myself. Amazon Fury did a number on my right wrist and thumb so I figured I'd take a break from the game and play something else.

    I'll definitely come back (and my presence here means I've never really left) but I'll probably do lower tier contents with my 13 other alts.
  11. xColdFront Committed Player

    It's definitely just you. For sure
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  12. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    I, for one, am stoked about HoP1. So.... yyyyyyeah....
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  13. Sir Arcanium New Player

    I wouldn't say they are a waste, but certainly a lot of effort for something less useful than your base and/or the watchtower in almost every way. Unless you have some massive 50+ league with people on regularly, or at least some very active people who are willing to reset stuff your not getting the 125k marks for a hall within a few months.

    Once you have a hall donations make it a bit easier, at least right now since we have nearly nothing better to do with our marks of triumph once you hit T6. But getting the hall is an uphill battle.

    The perks arent' bad, the boost to a lot of stats for prestige once you have the hall is pretty nice. Worth 4-5 weeks of grinding out instances? I'm not so sure yet. It really boils down to league size. The more you have the less hard you have to work to get the benefits. Though in my experience the bigger the league, the less you actually do as a league. People tend to form 'clicks' and always group up with eachother even within a league.

    Edit: typo lol, meant weeks not months
  14. GregDawe New Player

    It's just you in my eyes.
    I think this is a great Idea.
    The WT doesn't really make me feel apart of the JL since we can't team up with their members, but this is fitting for a world where everyone has powers.

    I want it to be expanded on, much in the way someone mentioned a few weeks ago in a thread, by making more Account Bound content, rather than character bound.

    I started this thread about the introduction of the choice of between 1 single Lair for each Alt, and the option to instead have 1 account bound Lair.
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  15. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well - if I had to choose between the 2 - I'd say you're a waste. But I'm prepared to compromise and say that neither you, nor the League Halls are a waste.

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  16. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    This is so true... My Ice, Quantum and Mental toon all have the same rotation. It's just so boring
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  17. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Saying it is a waste because one person or one league won't receive it is like me saying that adding new Legends characters are a waste. I don't have a chance winning, everyone is better ... etc etc.
    Doesn't make sense. And that is just what I got from it.

    I can understand that the gaining of prestige is a bit misleading, I still get asked on a daily basis how people can get prestige, even though they managed to already do so without knowing. It is not any different to what it was like before. You play the game and in addition to marks and loot you gain prestige. Some time down the line you will have enough to spend that on a hall, tada - League Hall!

    Whether you want to get it and just continue the game like it was two weeks ago or buy one and continue on the next goal, is up to you. Many people and many leagues have been looking forward to this, so how can it be a waste now that we got it?
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It seems to me that you're vaguely aware of League Halls and that it costs prestige to get and maintain one but you haven't bothered to read a single post describing how you earn prestige. You might want to look in here to learn a little (it's VERY easy to earn prestige ESPECIALLY for people with lower level toons). If your league is small (just you and your alts, or 5-6 people) you will have a longer climb to get a league hall...but it is doable. But not with the attitude you're currently harboring towards the game.

    Speaking of how you're feeling towards the're in need of a LONG overdue break. Maybe even a break from gaming in general. You've lost the thrill of the chase (going for gear not just for stat progression, but for the style), and it doesn't sound like you run with too many friends/leaguemates worth coming back to this game every day. Not saying that your leaguemates are a bad sort or anything like that...just that you seem to be finding yourself with no reason to log in and play much. You sound burned out (or at the cusp of burning out).

    But to answer your thread title: No...league halls are not a is just you. To many of us, this is long overdue and another welcome in-game goal to work towards that doesn't involve grinding for gear/marks for stat progression.
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  19. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I'll chime in and say that, being a solo player, I KNEW from the very beginning that I would have to grind endlessly to get to the top- and I did. I've had to run solo challenges and open world missions THOUSANDS of times for progression, but I NEVER, EVER complain about it... because guess what, this is my choice to play an MMO that is geared toward multiplayer content. I've spent a couple grand on mostly replay badges just to re-run those solo missions over and over and over again... and I'm not complaining. The ONLY time I complain, is when players like me become excluded from DLC content- because without solo "open world" missions, I have no means of progressing. So as others have said, perhaps DCUO is not for you if grinding isn't something you want to do... for me, I honestly find the repetition fun... then again, I also work 12-hour days in a factory. :D
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  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I just don't get these ranting posts ?? this forum was intended for game play discussion not venting frustration because you are bored and need a break and/or wanting to quit.
    If you want to quit, then quit...if you want to take a break, then take a break. Why is there this need to tell everyone why you are frustrated because the DEVs developed content for a league which it seems you are frustrated about because you will not be able to take advantage of it.
    Folks, this is an MMO game and by definition means you play with other people. If you are so frustrated because you like to "lone wolf" it then perhaps you need to start playing a single player game that suites you, not constantly complain how you can't achieve the same results as others do not running with a league.
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