i have a question for the DEVS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Aug 9, 2018.

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  1. Plowed In Loyal Player

    That’s fine if you think that’s how it should be. It just seems like you have end-game tunnel vision. Stat Points (or what used to be Skill Points) were, and continue to be “icing on the cake.”

    Chasing them extended the lifetime of older content. You used to chase them to finish style sets, to get enough to be able to do the speed feat, to knock out x amount of people, win so many matches. They were longer term (secondary) goals that had a reward. The reward for long term goals can’t be equal to or greater than the primary progression of a character...the gear.

    They weren’t ever mandatory and won’t ever be, by the game itself. Groups and leagues can set their own requirements, that’s up to the player base.

    You’d effectively be putting a mountain in front of any new(-er) players, and for a 7+ year old game it’s not a smart move.
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  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I guess you have missed the other points people are trying to make.

    I will ask another question since you avoided my others. Do you help people get those easier feats that they missed? Are you just looking to make yourself seem better then other players because you have more SP? Once again SP does matter. It helps. You want it to do more, but it does alot already. The only thing might be for support roles.
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  3. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I want to add this. I'm making a suggestion and I'm being called names b/c I'm not falling over accepting others opinions without discussion and a debate. Yet, everyone else whose posted is doing the same thing to me. I'm not agreeing with people in this thread or any thread, I state my disagreement and reasons, they say I should stop. But the reverse is true also. Yall aren't agreeing with my opinions (or even trying to help refine the idea in a way that might make it work) and calling me names for it. If you don't agree, just don't respond to the thread. If you just want to troll....that's all yall are doing now.

    The population of the game has greatly decreased due to OC and the revamp. People are still leaving the game in droves. So what they are doing isn't really working. They are bringing in new players who get bored fast. Across several accounts I've been playing the game since beta. Almost all the people I used to play with have gone away. DC has become a cash grab pay to win game where if you have a good paying job and alot of free time, you can be top teir everything and get feats done.

    Also, Feats tied to TCs need to go. There are players who can't afford to buy the number of TCs it takes to get all the feats out of there. It's not fair to those of us who do stuggle with money and don't have hundreds of dollars to buy stabilizers. And running the stabilizer mission every day doesn't get you enough to open enough TCs to get all the feats out before the next one comes out.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    The biggest problem stemming from the feats in time capsules wasnt the feats themselves it was the inevitable exponential manner in which they were going to increase and the inevitable failure resulting from a lack of redundancy system.

    Mepps implied a while ago that they were looking again at the quark vendor for this so hopefully soon we'll see some improvements.

    As for sp currently I'm pretty happy with where they're currently sitting, I have a number of alts that have 200sp and they're very noticeably different in terms of performance compared to my main assigned 415.

    So I think anyone saying they're already worthless either doesn't have 400+ too see the difference or is being just a little disingenuous ;)
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  6. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I just feel to incorporate gear stats and SP stats, again, is to make gear stats boost up defensive stats, and SP to boost up offensive stats and/or support stats (depending on role). That way they both are equally valuable and work with each other.
  7. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Now wait a minute before you say that your alts are not performing at the same level as your toon with 415.

    Each power performance is different and are your alts the same as the one with 415.

    While you maybe awesome with multiple powers, my alts would not be the same as my main due to the lack of knowledge with the layout and rotations from the lack of time it would require me to relearn another power.

    So of course I would see a difference, which could also why there are so many bad players with higher SP,... Interesting I never thought of that part of the argument.

    To many variables to say why one would be stronger as far as alts are concerned to actually say it proves anything.
  8. dresserball Dedicated Player

    You say that feats are the only challenge left in the game, but I still believe that not many are challenging and the ones that are you can skip until you gain more stats.

    I am not disagreeing that SP should be utilized better, but I am disagreeing that because of a "challenge" you should get as much as gear.
  9. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    your gear are always the measure of how strong your character is, not SP, it's been that way since day 1... SP are nothing but icing on your character... something that make your character more efficient but it's not what matters...

    also feats are not challenging... most feat is just nothing but grind fest.. what is so hard about killing 5000 paradox demon? or salvaging 5000 gears?
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Nope identical power, lack of performance evident in lower skillpoints.

    The other things making a distinct difference are generator mods and artifacts.

    So the people that think these items make next to no difference are lying to themselves and others.

    The difference quite quickly becomes night and day.

    Now I'm not saying this would necessarily prevent content completion, but if people are going to sit here and say they don't matter or make a difference, then nope sorry you're lying and in denial
  11. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    well completing content is still completing content even if you do it slower than people with 400 sp... so in that case, SP dont really matter because you dont really need them to complete content.. =D
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    That doesn't mean you're not being carried though.

    You stick a bunch of low cr, low skill point players together into a hard normal raid or even elite content, even the easiest of elite content and you watch that turn into a smoldering *********** train wreck.

    Even more so when they're lacking sp and generator mods and artifacts.

    When I say completion of content that comes with some obvious caveats.

    I get it if the characters are alts, cool, but if it's your main, have some pride, make at least an attempt to level up your ****.
  13. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I think it's important for people with other opinions to post in this thread. Silence could be misconstrued as agreement, and since I think the idea you're proposing would be detrimental to the game, I hope it's clear from this discussion that there is not general agreement. As many others have stated, this would be very bad for new and casual players and very bad for the game.
  14. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    “I really hope you don’t take my statement the wrong way, I really mean well.”

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion
    if you look into it I sure you'll understand. and people voicing their opinion may say something. "and if that person looking for a specific vote may say something to it.
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  15. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    I mean you no harm but look.. what do you have? Why come to make this page, not simply to make skill points matter again?... Oh, you have a purpose here. Perhaps you are "trying" something? No... trying to get *with skill points*. What you need Savior, you already have. Unfortunately, you seem to be letting it all go.
    with everyone and their charts. Skill points really don't matter. They help make your role a bit stronger. But, but Sp are important, yes, but not too important they aren't suppose to give a huge advantage or else it would isolate new players.
    If they make SP matter more, they'll just throw out more easy to gather SP per DLC. They can't make the current number of SP matter significantly more because then they'd have to design content with that in mind...which means people would need the SP. You can't expect a new player to put in as much time as a guy that was here from the start to reach end game. You just can't. It's not even an issue with dedication or lack of it. Players who were here from launch have a years lead over someone just starting. By definition, experience alone will be enough to overcome a new player. SP will make that fight ridiculous.

    As for leaving in droves, the content is debatable. Someone else may feel differently, its all subjective anyway. When you have an expansion attract a certain type of player or player who likes the theme of that expansion and you do something completely new or different in the next one, it is only natural that many of those same players may not like that theme and leave. However, they always come back when they find something they like. You can't prove that people are "leaving in droves" because we'd be held to a standard of proof that we can't meet. People may not be logging on as much, but they aren't going anywhere. Or it could be something to do about lifetime, relationship, jobs, hmm all that ya know.

    I guess some people would get upset and leave over *looks at notes* minor class changes, but I imagine they'll come back, along with others who took a break.

    It's good to voice your complaint about the time gating or the lack of content. But let's not exaggerate to make a point, it doesn't help the argument.

    please I mean you no harm. But I think you really don't understand how business works for sub based income. Sure, the sales pay for the dev time to make the game possible, which is why they keep adding content rather than create a sandbox style MMO where content is added in far less often and in small quantity. However, you fail to truly understand the cost that goes into maintaining equipment, upgrading it, combating security threats and network intrusion, paying for electricity for all that equipment not to mention the bandwidth to not only run your servers but to also pad yourself against most DDoS attacks...realistically I would say they probably keep about 50-75 cents of that $15 a month as profit *maybe* can't say..

    I can understand with the time capsule but that's it..

    nothing i say can change your mind as you seem to be set but those are the facts like them or not.
  16. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Don't discount them generator mods, I did and found they can play a bigger role than i thought.
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  17. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    It is the internet I totally agree.

    I got the jest of what you were saying as well and I try not to guess as to the feeling into what is said by what I read.

    To many thoughts can go into that, I just base it off what I read and go from there.

    Open dialogue is great but when it starts going personal or degrading ones opinion it then becomes another animal.
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  18. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    Warframe is free with no string attached... so if Digital Extreme can do it, no reason why DCUO cant...

    Digital Extreme dont even charge people for DLC.. while DCUO relies on virtual gambling to survive....
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    It all does and people neglect it all to their own detriment.
  20. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    i get what you are saying ** Gotta respect 'em .

    Uh, No, no, no. But it could be if that person was once a member in an league and then that person got cast aside! Abandoned because that person said no to run raid. and many other things
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