Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I'll see if he recorded it, but one of our best ice players (Trickz) last night as we were discussing this hit those numbers on single target.
    I just sent him a msg asking. If he has it recorded I'll link

    I think Rokyn or Doc has the right idea, maybe get rid of the sustained 3 second window?
    Personally I'd rather keep it, have them adjust the damage in range rotation and just do something about the Inspiration clip. Dunno, I just want it fixed

    Nevermind, just reads Tunso's msg
  2. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    Ok that gets rid of the consistent 40k reads. However, someone had me test a rotation without reapplying the buffs and I still hit 37-39k at midrange on just being able to do the minigun/fan clip. Technically that clip needs to not be possible as well. Do you want me to get footage/dcuolog of that specifically?
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  3. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    close range or mid range btw? Most ice dps's I see use close range, I was at mid and hit those numbers.
  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

    At very edge of melee
    Still waiting to hear back, but it even surprised him. He is one of 3 people that I know that can either compete or beat me in a raid.
    The other 2 are NotAgain (Sorcery) Heartsbane (Gadgets) One of the reasons I've been so vocal is baseline everyone says is there
    actually isn't when using more advanced techniques and rotations because at least with Sorcery & Ice just my numbers are quite a bit ahead of the baseline.

    But I'm getting off topic so Let's go back to HL. If and when he shoots me the number I'll PM you
  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Earth I hit for over 75K when I use my Pet Super charger for 3 ten second parser. Did a test with a Gadget troll who simply used his Battle Drone...With three battle drones and my two SC, my Earth toon had over 2 minutes around 75-80K DPS.

    Sorcery DPS with a Gadget troll when using their SC can break over 150K DPS for 3 10 second parsers.

    I already provided you how strong other powers are without much effort.

    Now onto Inspiration discussion. What does it do exactly? It gives all players in the run an increase in precision, and critical chance. So the Ice DPS that is at 30K mid range currently, how much would more damage would Inspiration provide Ice at mid range? Can you tell us? It is not as high as Ice Elemental increase and we all know that pretty much doubles the damage of an Ice toon. Let's say it increases Ice damage by 30-40%, that would put Ice damage right where Light is with the buff.

    You need to test how Inspiration impacts other powers damage out prior to stating that Light is OP with Inspiration.

    If Inspiration was a self buff like Reinforce, your point would be more valid, but as a group buff, it benefits all players, not just DPS and not just the Light toon.
  6. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    that's flat, no supercharges, no trinkets.
  7. Fies Committed Player

    Using a power inbetween from tray like MG in the vid will be fine?
  8. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    How are you going to compare inspiration to a SC xD
  9. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    and as a side note the fact you have to use SC's to even try to beat my damage shows how strong it is xD
  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Fairly certain he means anything that interrupts your combos except interruption since he specifically mentioned mentioned only interruption as the exception.
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You missed the point didn't you. The point I was making is that Inspiration gives all players a buff to critical chance. A 10% increase in critical chance should give you roughly at 30% buff in damage. That would put your Ice 30K mid range to about 39K mid range. That is almost identical to the 40K you do with Light in your testing.

    Your request is invalid until you test other powers out after they get the Inspiration buff, because the power buffs all 4 players in an alert and the Light Player and 3 others players in a raid.

    Get other powers to test mid range damage when Inspiration is buffing them to validate your points that inspiration is making Light strong at mid range. If you do not want to test this out, than stop trolling please.
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  12. Delta796th Loyal Player

    It's a moot point now if I'm understanding Tunso correctly...Can we get back to the purpose of the thread?
    Tunso said:
    “Unfortunately, the fix I checked in last Friday didn't make it out to the build you all were playing this weekend. It's not intended for you to suddenly gain the ability to clip all your weapon buffs and then get back to comboing. That will obviously result in higher than intended DPS output.

    It's only intended that you're able to continue comboing after interruption. So once that fix makes it out to PC Test, roations like this one will reset your damage like they should.”
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  13. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    I didn't think you could code it to look for an interruption only. I figured it would just be a "pause" in damage that it looked for.
  14. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    And where's the math to support a 30% damage increase or is that just a number you made up?
  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Thank you Tunso for fixing this. That was my concern around having the ability to stop and use Inspiration. I would like to point out that, even if you leave this as is, it would benefit more than just the Light player as Inspiration is a group buff and not a solo buff. Just wanted to point that out for you and everyone in this discussion.

    I would like to leave it as is, but if you do change it to only interruptions, that is fine by me as well.

    Thank you for all your hard work you are making to Light.
  16. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    And if I really wanted to, I could take out inspiration from my loadout and still hit 37-39k as HL which screws your ice dps over anyway since he no longer has a buff xD
  17. Tunso Committed Player

    Yeah I just verified that one doesn't work either. So the fix that's waiting to go out takes care of that one too.

    I assume this rotation is Minigun (tray), Fan/Ram, clip w/ tray back to Minigun, correct?
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  18. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    yes. so we will only be able to continue our combos after we get knocked down/lunged? If I stop combo'ing for 1 second or say make a tap range attack by accident, I won't be able to go back into combo'ing and still do AM damage right?
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  19. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Using a supercharge is not supposed to be taken into consideration during these tests. Stuff like weapon buffs are though if they can be used. If this weren't the case then rebalance Celestial since not only does it use multiple weapon buffs but several clips and all of that is taken into account. In fact rebalance every powerset since they all factor in weapon buffs and any damage over time they can muster in. Now of course only damage that is allowed to happen is accounted for (ie what Light can do with clipping turns out to be unintentional).

    Begnals these "extras" you are talking about are not "above and beyond" they are all looked at if they can help produce more damage. The only real exception are supercharges since they cannot regularly be used or equally used by all powersets.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    it does not matter how Inspiration impact Light or other powers. They are removing stopping and continuing as a way to buff Light from the AM. What you presented will be fixed.
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