Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Tunso Committed Player

    Please use this thread to discuss Light mid-range adjustments. Preliminary update notes are below:

    • Increased both the base damage and the power interaction instant damage for following Light powers when used directly from the tray: Chainsaw, Light Claws, Fan, Chompers, Spikequake, Boxing, Hand Clap.
    • Impact: Increased base damage when used from the tray. When used as a Construct Combo it will always hit three times.
    • Ram: Increased base damage when used from the tray. When used as a Construct Combo it will always hit three times.
    • Light Blast: Increased the damage caused against enemies with low health when used from the tray. The amount of damage inflicted now increases with closer ranges.
    • Construct Combos:
      • Melee Construct Combos now caused increased damage. This specifically affects: Chainsaw, Light Claws, Boxing, Chain Whip and Swing (Entrap)
      • Ranged Construct Combos now cause increased damage, with the most damage caused being caused within 13m of a target. This specifically affects: Fan, Minigun, Ram, Snap Trap, Grasping Hand, Hand Clap, Impact and Light Blast
      • Controllers may now take advantage of advanced mechanic damage from Construct Combos.
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  2. Greenchain Well-Known Player

  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Thank you tunso ! WER testing atm.
  4. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Why is Whip Thrash not in the Melee Construct list?
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  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    While increasing the base damage is nice, I'm not sure how much this is truly going to help.

    Without having a shortcut via Inspiration (or another way for all I care) to activate our AM the moment we get countered we have to start all the way over. I suppose the reason why is because if they did this than powers like quantum could get "left behind" since they have nothing to use as a shortcut.

    Perhaps at least lowering the requirements to activate the relentless precision mod would be able to help?
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  6. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    That's a valid point, especially since it currently moves us, rather quickly, towards the enemy were targeted.
  7. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I'll report this in the bug sections but I wanted to put it here as well

    Light blast and grasping hand animation is way too thick and it looks like it coming out from my hand not my ring .
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  8. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    The Time Bomb is still going to go off. Typically, I lose one power cast IF that. Ice and Quantum also have excellent CC ability even in DPS stance. While the descriptions may include Vulnerable to X it is an uncommon occurrence while using these two powers.

    HL Mini Gun and/or Light Blast should have the same advantage.

    Similary, the Might based power sets obtain far more benefit from Escalating Might neck mod than HL or any other Precision power does from Relentless Precision. I don't even use it on my Celestial toon since his hit counter will only get that high using weapon attacks.

    I realize these ideas go beyond the scope of the Mid Range adjustment but they are practical issues for effectiveness on Live.
  9. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Alright here comes my list

    1) whip trash no in the listen , please add it since it's doing low damage .

    2) we need to work on the AM system , it takes for ever to get a good damage compare to other powers that do boom boom BOOM !

    3) fan is still not hitting harder

    4) rotation still slow and lack the damage .

    5) change insp position So we can have it and use other verity of combos .
    • Like x 4
  10. TheInheritor New Player

    Thank you! Thank you! It's about time.
  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I haven't had the chance to test, but with the Tutorial changes I might make a second Light toon, anyway I also don't understand why Whip isn't included since like HC it isn't part of the AM combo. On a side note if activation timer is the same then it must be looked at, or as I suggested must be removed and an alternate way to activate the AM must be added, and I suggest making Inspiration that way. Don't need to move it from where it is, players are forgetting it's a damage boost and those are always top tier attacks (lvl 16), but it should be incorporated into the AM to server it's original purpose which is to give us extra damage during it's duration, but that only applies to WM and really that's not viable now days were everyone has to use AM because no one uses trolls outside of raids. Not saying forces us to use trolls either, just saying the attack was meant to be used to help our damage all the time, not on a specific and disadvantageous way.
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  12. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    DAng it Test Server Update Faster!!!
  13. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    The activation time is killing our dps, still making HL lag behind quite a bit still.

    Please Adjust or remove the ramp up time.
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  14. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Tunso did say preliminary in the notes as there was no mention of the Combo AM for the troll side. So hopefully more information is still to come.
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  15. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Can't wait :) but it seems a little slow compared to the rest of the AMs, I think having inspiration give the next combos top dmg lasting for 5 secs. That gives time for the full AM dmg too start up
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  16. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Back with more update

    I stated this already and I will , please make the activation time for HL faster , it's taking for ever to do good damage and if you are running with earth and mental dps , there is no way you can beat any of them .
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  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    The AM isn't bad Tunso but the damage is seriously inconsistent.

    I'm seeing numbers of 15k, then sometimes it drops down to 2 to 3ks.

    CR 126 with 160 SP
    Might: 8900
    Prec: 4889
    Mods: Full Prec, Core strength chest, Relentless Precision neck, and max damage for hands.

    Fan, Combo into light claws, tap a few times, then into final claw, Entrap swings, into boxing, then chainsaw, then back into lightclaws rinse and repeat.

    This parse was done at melee range, with 30 ten second parses.


    So the damage its self needs to be more consistent, if yall want HL to hit 35,500 at Melee.

    I'll be back to see were HL stands at Mid and Long range.
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  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Here's HL at long range, I got inconsistent numbers here too.

    Chompers, fan, impact, lightblast, minigun,(give these two sometime to get full ticks), Ram, back into Fan.

    I had to use the same rotation for my mid-range parses because the melee combos will lunge you into"melee distance" if that makes any sense.

    Here's what I got for mid-ranged.

    Something seriously needs to be done about the inconsistent numbers, it happens during near my 25-30th parses.
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  19. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Controller damage.. insane.

    I'll take a more detailed look later on.
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  20. biggiedarkghost Active Player

    I have said this time and time again.

    The whole problem with the LIGHT power has been here since L&W with the LIGHT mechanic.

    For precision and light power to work we must have or keep the hit counter above 9, when the devs are creating content that has the group stop and going all the time whether its dodging hit moving etc... the light power has to keep resetting the hit counter, so by the time we get interupted or we have to block then try and get the DPS dmg going again its too late.

    And in my eyes it shouldnt be called a HIT COUNTER should be called a TIME COUNTER because the hit counter does not count the hits, it counts the time of hitting.

    My advice get rid of the wind up AM dmg mechanic or make it shorter, otherwise you are all wasting your time with this power, as it will be a useless powerset as it already is right now for doing damage, just makes no sense.

    Think about all the latest raids now from the start of T6 to T7, nearly every boss fight we have to stop DPS'ing in order to do something or we get interupted by the bosses moves (ie UM) that the light powerset has to keep resetting the hit counter where other powers are not bothered by it that much at all.

    it would take more skill to keep the hit counter high, so i believe every 10th count increase dmg by 5% or 10% so it works kind of like this,
    20 +5% - 30 +5% - 40 +5%
    or somthing of that nature as it would require more skill to keep that hit counter up then any other powerset, so there for it should do more dmg.
    • Like x 7
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