Equipped combat rating needs a toggle option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by rival exe, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I think a big part of it is that this kind of visibility just started happening. We went for the better part of the lifespan of this game with nothing showing but level. Then, with very little discussion started by the devs and even less warning, the apps came online. Now this.

    Had that kind of information been visible from the start, and had the devs started something like a work-in-progress/idea-bouncing thread for players to give some feedback, I don't think there'd be the amount of pushback that's taken place with these decisions. But that didn't happen, so you're gonna get some people that are disgruntled as a result.

    Not really much of a fan of those particular decisions, personally. They aren't enough to drive me from the game in a fit of rage, or anything, but I don't like them. If anything they may push me more towards keeping to myself. The chances may be remote, but the last thing I want to do with my in-game time is explain myself to someone who decides to get nosy and then questions why I play my characters the way I do or anything even remotely related to that.
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  2. EP Ice Loyal Player

    OMG!!!! My time machine works!! I have traveled back to this old age discussion! Seriously, this will not make gameplay any more difficult than it already is. This community will find ways to segregate and discriminate no matter what is available to be seen. Besides, a quick inspection of the person can give you an idea of that persons CR, so, this will be just faster way to see it.
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  3. Nodens Dedicated Player

    ...Whereasd I'm one of those who are just the opposite. I would never join a group that demands a higher CR than the mission requires. I'm in this game for fun, not the scoreboard. -and skill beats out CR any day of the week, anyway.
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  4. SomebodyGiveMeAName New Player

    The whole idea of showing CR in this game is going to be horrendous for the community that is trying to move up. People are already excluded from content for not having a high CR or refusing to reveal their CR and SP. With that information readily visible to everyone in the group a lot of people are going to have a rough time moving up. My CR currently is 101 and I wouldn't be able to get into a great number of raids because of people shouting "NEED ROLES FOR NEC(or any other current level raid) 108+ ONLY". Instead of broadcasting my CR I just say I'm a troll looking for these raids and get an invite. Under this system I'll most likely get the invite and get kicked as soon as they see my CR. In any other game this would be a good idea, but thanks to the community DCUO has created this will only further create an environment where exclusion of lower geared players can flourish while those trying to make their way through the ranks will be left to the grind of solo/duo content and never be able to catch up/
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  5. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Sadly, those threads either get full up with "form your own groups" as if the leader wouldn't get kicked.

    Even though your OP doesn't say anything about kicking, I hope you don't mind talking about it. Kicking has always been a problem. It's a problem because it's too easy to kick someone, in my opinion to kick someone before even starting any instance is just ludicrous, but that's just my opinion like I said. You're kicking the person, and they didn't even do anything, yet that is, once again I said at the start of the instance.

    We ( in general ) all want people to have experience with their powers, how to play their role properly and to learn the content, but how on earth do we ( in general ) expect that to happen when we ( in general ) won't give them a chance. Some are even so scared to ask a simple question of what does this do, what's POT, HOT, debuff, because of the fear of getting insulted. I would go on, but I don't feel like repeating myself and not getting anywhere.
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  6. DialH New Player

    I don't think there needs to be a toggle option but if they implement one, that should be a Legendary-only feature.
  7. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    You've got to be kidding me right?
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  8. chipzes Committed Player

    The people who would discriminate anyone based on ECR are the exact same people who already discriminate off other stats. Discrimination won't get worse, just as it didn't get worse after the census apps.
    Also, a simple gear inspection tells much more about a character than ECR does.
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  9. DialH New Player

    Nope, there's been talk of adding more Legendary benefits so I could see this being one of those.
  10. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    .....I can't say certain things on here, I really don't know how some people hold back.

    When a premium ask for something everyone loses their minds, when legendaries do, everyone is all dandy and ****. But that's a thread for another day. Not really.
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  11. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Not worth the effort. Even if you do get an option to toggle it off, you'd still get API'd.
    "You are wrong."
    ― Jack Ryder
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  12. Twilight Man New Player

    I think that type of toggle would be best left available to all players, despite membership status.

    So from me and Cesar it's a...
    ...to that idea.
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  13. rival exe New Player

    Technically you don't have to even wait for the instance to start to get kicked. I've been invited to groups before and the leader asked me or someone else for high CR and sometimes I will tell them I got a tank or troll, they pass me lead and then I kick them out. lol
    Like you said, kicking is too easy.

    For me it's not even just about kicking and discrimination, though in a way I think being able to hide CR will help me weed out players who need to rely on high stats instead of knowing how to play. And it will save me time of being in a group with them, failing at middle or last boss and then leaving on my own or being kicked because people like to place blame. If they can't see my CR they won't invite me in the first place and won't even be on my radar. Then I can continue to play with the better players, the ones who are in to have fun and know that high CR/SP isn't everything.
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  14. DialH New Player

    Wait, what's the problem? I'm honestly confused.
  15. rival exe New Player

    If you toggle it off in the game then the API should reflect that as well.
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  16. rival exe New Player

    Why don't you like my idea? What's so bad about me hiding my CR?
  17. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry for the confusion, what I said isn't targeted to you, so don't worry, it's a general thought.

    When a premium ( in general ) asks for something "go legendary" then we have the legendaries ( in general ) asking for more benefits as if the benefits aren't good enough.

  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Because it should only be a legendary tool according to your other reply.
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  19. Twilight Man New Player

    Re-read the posts man
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  20. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Thats never gonna happen. I like your idea, but its not gonna work.

    inb4 FESTER and his statistics.
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