Episode 28: Another Update to Rewards

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, May 31, 2017.

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  1. C4spinn Level 30

    I'm sure she was referring to the price of the a collection piece or plan that will net you the op item.
  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I don't know that you can say this change was dishonest. It may not be what everyone wanted, but asking for the gear progression timeline to come in from 3 months was a moon shoot (however nice it would have been).

    As for the time capsule, it was completely expected. The last one came out 8 weeks ago, and the new episode has a feat like divine favor, particle powered, and Sori not Sori. So it was only natural for the to be a TC introduced as an alternate was of obtaining that feat.
  3. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    It still doesn't balance the enjoyment of the gear it takes a non replay user 90 days to acquire the full suit once it's been completed boom a new dlc drops we don't even gain time to enjoy the suit we worked hard for and this is why the game is dying in so many eyes the complete imbalance of how things are setup nothing wrong with cash grabbing getting paid for doing the work but you give those who pay legendary no type of boost in this grind whatsoever we sured be earning extra marks just for being a member premium should be earning less as we get what we pay for but that never is the case when it comes to this game but it's is with others. every game DBG has listed when the customer pays the customer gets ( MORE ) when the customer on dc pays and the premium buys a dlc they rates are the ( SAME ) $4.00 VS $14.99 are not the same but boy they are treated the same.
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  4. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    Thank you for listening to the community, it's appreciated. Now about buffing the content a little?
  5. Hurtyman Active Player

    Here's my problem with the adjustments: I don't think anyone minds running six open world missions a day up to a point, but you initially rigged it to where we had to grind every day for the next six months and it's just too much. What we wanted was a cost reduction and being able to finish in a reasonable time frame. Casual players want to be able to stay relevant without sacrificing their home lives to this game. The kinds of players who obsessively grind are going to obsessively grind regardless of the rewards (it's what makes them obsessive.) I think a lot of players would be happier having the option of doing six a day, but not making it a requirement to complete the collections. They would also like to stop or take a break.
    What players like to do is finish things and cross them off their lists. If you make it too hard or, more to the point, too boring, they're going to get frustrated and quit. Speaking for myself, in the AF3 I hit the point where having to do "Raising Hades" was so painfully tedious I just won't do it anymore.
    It seems to me the devs interpret the community's feedback as "The players seem to want this in the worst way possible," and that's how we get it: in the worst way possible. Every time you give us something we want, you take away something we wanted to keep in the name of "balancing the game." You did it with crafting, and now this. I shudder to think how you're going to "fix" PVP. As a paying customer, I resent being punished like that.
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  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Problem - Too much grind everywhere
    Solution - Reduce the grind and adjust vendor prices
    Effect - Nothing at all since they could just have just as well said "we're leaving the same amount of daily content but raising the amount of Bonds you get, but also raising the gear costs", so you get more rewards now, just have to spend about the same to buy gear, BUT YOU GET MORE REWARDS but have to spend almost the same on gear.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Except this new TC gear is not granting that feat for AoJ. The "chronon active" feat. 1st thing i did today when i logged on was buy the entire mid-nite suit off the broker. Put it on and no feat.

    Ive asked about this and no answer has been given yet. I never saw a single person ask for this to be changed. Because it didnt need to be changed. If its intended then its clearly done for a few different reasons i wont go into. 1 of them would be the feat being tied to the OP collections dropping. But it may be a bug. I hope it is. Hoping mepps or any green name can give an answer about this sometime on friday.
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  8. Playah New Player

    It's better be just a bug, otherwise there is barely any point of getting the time capsule gear right now in the beginning of the DLC.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea and im a little perturbed that i spent a good amount of ingame cash on that TC gear today. Figured its working like AF3 and id be selling some OP collections to make some $ back. We get update notes and streams and announcement letters yet if this change is intended it gets left out of all of that. I never understood why communication seems to be an issue. Pretty simple, here is whats changed and list em. But i am hoping its a bug. We shall see. If it isnt it also means we maybe need to grind the vendor gear before we can even attempt to do the OP item grind ;)
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is a bug. We are looking into it.
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  11. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    I rarely do alerts. Same with raids. Groups of people, sometimes as many as half the group having enough pets and trinkets and beck-up, etc. to practically be a one-player raid party all attacking one enemy in a hall or doorway isn't my idea of fun. So imagine my delight when I checked out the new content on test and not only did I love the maps (especially War-Torn Village), but that there were plenty of daily missions to give me something to do, and also knew there'd be alerts and raids if I felt like running them.

    Now that's gone. So's my enthusiasm for the new content after just a couple of days after it drops on live. Shame.
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  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    hey hey everyone. how many solo missions are we supposed to get a day? I'm getting just the one. go in, can only talk to Lady Blackhawk, she gives you a mission, you do mission, report back to whoever it tells you to report back to, & that's it. no more missions. is that working right?
  13. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    Love the new episode, not the grind so much but the look and feel is great:cool:
    I have 2 questions that are burning at me and I bet many others "The Stat Rebirth & Water Powers" 1. Water has been on the burner for a long time we have been patient but deserve some info as to when its coming ?o_O How many players already have Water Named chars just waiting for the power to switch? A lot.:( 2. Stats Rebirth coming soon? :confused:
  14. Meandmyapples New Player

    Yall are just proving what I said as TheTacos. Content is a service for the customer, and your customer service sucks. I should have waited before going back on talking trash about your decisions with this reward **** because I know how much your development ideas suck. I told you, email addresses are a dime a dozen. Banning me for spam, you should have banned me for questioning the mods my guy, stick with your guns man. Of course, you could not stick with your guns and apologize for ignoring me. Then I might not make it my goal to dissuade every individual I come across who questions your game from playing it. You truly do not understand the resolve I have to ensure your player base gets the content they deserve, the rewards they deserve, and the entertainment they deserve for the money they pay. I have tried getting other people to play this for the story, but they take one look at the glitches, the crappy development, and they only thing they have to say is this game sucks, but they don't see the potential I do for this game, and apparently neither do you. Its sad really, you're sitting on a gold mine with as popular as DC is, and your squandering not only money that could be made, but by lives you could change with our platform. The stories of DC Comics are meant to inspire, and your game only inspires people to close their wallets. That's why I unsubbed, because I can no longer support a company that refuses to put the players best interest at heart.

    I hope you who called me a troll as TheTacos now understand my preemptive frustration, their RND is lacking because they don't like to listen to their players. If they did, they would have left it where it was when y'all were happy, rather than trying to suck your wallets dry from replay badges.
  15. Meandmyapples New Player

    Maybe if more people boycotted they would get it, we don't need your service, we want it, or we don't.
  16. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Working as intended.
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  17. amazombie New Player

    My mission in Time-Torn Area 51 is glitched. It tells me to complete the mission for lady black hawk. However i can not pick up a mission from her. Jut the other 2 ppl and now i can not close the mission for completing a mission from all 3 ppl in area 51
  18. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Yep , The community complained about the vendor gear cost and rightly so , Daybreak did the right thing and lowered it which was great but at the same time they took the open world content as recompense for the lowered vendor cost so we really didn't win in if you think about it.

    We have less content to run per day and still a roughly 3 month grind for a full set , plus a further 6-8 week grind for the helmets , this is pretty much the same as it was before the cost was reduced.

    Moral of the story here kiddos is ................
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  19. Kurama Active Player

  20. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Is this for real that we are only getting 1 daily solo now from each open world? I mostly enjoy solo content, so going from 6 daily solos to only 2 really isn't worth the sub. From bounties aimed at large group, alerts and raids aimed at large group, elite content aimed at large group, there is practically nothing to do for those who prefer small group content. I get you guys cater to those who enjoy raids, however with a ever smaller growing friends list and leagues dying out left and right due to many who jumped ship after questionable additions like Gamble Capsules there is less and less reason to log in, and less reason to pay for a sub when the playerbase that enjoys small group content keeps getting further ignored.
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