Episode 28: Another Update to Rewards

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, May 31, 2017.

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  1. Xibo Loyal Player

    So, since will take 6 months to complete the vendor gear with the OP items we will get the next episode only in 2018, right? Which now means 2 episodes per year. This is boring my friends. If you cannot give us again the quartely content for whatever reason so give us again the monthly content and if you neither can give us the monthly content people certainly will leave.

    2 episodes per year is unacceptable.
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

  3. SilkyPawz Bunny

    This is a wolf in sheep's clothing, not to be rude, but nothing really changed. When you do the math it will take the same amount of time same grind an less content. I know people are all happy but it's like people aren't reading what you all did properly. I understand everyone was upset an I was there with everyone else. I feel you all dropped the ball on this DLC.

    1: DCUO has gotten too much of a grind. You gave out cr100 tokens an made it an alt friendly game. Content is not alt friendly!
    2: When we had Monthly Content we got 2 instances. (not that I liked monthly content) but 2x6= 12 instances. We are down to 6 instance for 6 months. Not worth the membership price.
    3: Less Gear , why isn't there a purple gear style?
    4: New Content means New, not recycled which it is. (except war-time area).

    I don't see how hard it would have been to add 1 daily 2 duos, 2 alerts an 2 raids, make your customers/fans happy instead there is a mad rush for the exit. :(
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  4. Korvyne Committed Player

    Thank you.
  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    This is what I've been trying to tell the devs for awhile now. Did you see how happy people were when they just saw lower mark numbers? They didn't think about anything else.

    People want smaller bites. It's like E.T. and the Reese's Pieces - he'll eat them for miles as long as they aren't spaced too far apart on the ground. That trick worked here with mark costs, and it would work on LPVE feat counts too.

    To the current issue, it doesn't really matter to me and that's why I haven't really spoken on it. I see pros and cons to all the grind options that have been looked at; but it's all doable as long as the content is playable. There's the key - you don't get marks at all if you can't finish.
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  6. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    The big thing here is that there is less that has to be done everyday to get the max number of marks. That is what some people complained about (myself included) when they said the grind was getting unbearable. I myself called it "extracurricular work". Now that there is only 2 dailies it will take less time to complete the missions and alerts each day. I really wish we would get more than 2 DLCs a year, but as it is right now I don't feel like I have to spend 8 hours a day in DCUO to stay on track with the CR / gear progression for each of my toons. Hopefully I can still do this with my 7 characters, we'll have to see. Essentially we will have to spend 1 hour a day doing content per toon for 3 months instead of 2 hours a day for 3 months or something like that example.
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  7. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    I'm glad to see I was wrong about the lack of humanity at Daybreak! My apologies and a big THANK YOU to all the devs team and also the community for the changes!
  8. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I agree with that aspect, but it will still be a grind nonetheless. There is a lack of content, less fun, less gear, less actual New content ;)
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  9. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    Yes, it will still be a grind. And yes, I agree there is less content delivered than what we want. But I think a lot of people thought this change was about gear cost when in fact it was about relieving the grind pressure people were feeling.

    Honestly, I think daybreak should wake up and realize they can leverage alts to generate replay badge sales instead of pushing Time Capsules. But they haven't seemed to figured that out and went with the faster cash grab methods we are being bombarded with. TCs really should be included in our membership benefits just like lock boxes are. That way premiums and F2P players are more included to chip in for the cash revenue instead of bleeding members for even more cash.
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  10. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Thank You!!!
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Didnt even think of those feats. IIRC i saw one that was do mission 26 times. Cant remember if it was a specific one or just any of em 26 times. I also thought there was a feat for doing every daily there is. But yea with this change those feats become tougher to get.

    Imo all they needed to do was reduce the time for the gear by 2 weeks and the OP items by 2 weeks. Would of brought the grind from 6 months to 5. Ultimately id rather see quarterly dlcs tho. Im not really understanding why the same amount of content is supposed to last twice as long or takes twice as long to develop. I think its the whole large event thing. Cause if it takes 2.5-3 months to gear up in a dlc and then a large event drops for 2 months thats 5 months. If we had a month to enjoy being geared then its 6 months and annually thats 2 dlcs and 2 large events. Imo the large events happened because of all the clamped content requests. Interesting how some of the most vocal people wanting that never seem to post on here at all anymore ;)

    Id much rather go back to quarterly dlcs and forget the events. The problem tho that will always remain is the people who spam replays will then complain they are bored and not enough content, like they did before. I thought the 1.5-2 months to gear up and 1-1.5 months to enjoy being geared and SM was perfect. Spamming replays to finish in a week and then complaining of boredom is silly imo. Because it isnt sustainable. If we got new content every week these same people would spam replay and finish in a day and then complain of boredom. If we got new content everyday these people would finish in 8-10 hours and then say they are bored.

    This problem^ will remain as long as replays remain. Replays obvious cost money so ultimately who is gonna be listened to? The people spending for replays or the people who dont? Ive said this before, dcuo is the only MMO i know of that has replays. So if they are so great why havent other MMOs adopted them? I think the answer is obvious ;) People should really be careful about what they ask for.
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  12. Playah New Player

    2 missions and 2 alerts / day is just way better regardless how long it will take to get anything / everything. Now those who has extra time can also play other DLCs/R&D/PVP/LPVE/etc. or just playing this newest one with multiple secondary characters over and over and even if a seasonal or a limited time event drops it won't be such an issue anymore.

    Thanks for the adjustment and you basically just saved the game with it i guess.
  13. Vicious Well-Known Player

    If this game is active enough for you to personally know hundreds of people that are planning on quitting, then it doesn't matter if they leave, because there are probably millions of active players.
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  14. Vicious Well-Known Player

    I wish you'd leave.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    so um.

    whens the next dlc coming out?
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  16. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    What are you people on?

    Nothing got better here for the casual at all. It's worse. Now less bonds per day. For anyone who plays weekends only this kept it exactly the same if not worse in time to get gear.
    There isn't a new style in purples to enjoy and the vendor looks like average stuff already in game so loss there in a reason for gear.
    Next it's still going to take 6months of everyday logging in to multiple characters for alts to get gear and that equals more time spent daily.

    I don't get this community. You complain it is too much a day. You complain it isn't alt friendly. You complain it's too long with 7 months.

    They adjust the cost down and then what you can get down and y'all rejoice?!? It's the same. You didn't win as a community y'all just fell for smoke and mirrors. All they did was give you less to do per day. LESS. For guys who don't play alts they will log off sooner...ie less to play with. For those like me with alts then it's even more repetition for SEVEN MONTHS. That's if you wanna be ready on multiple toons for SM. Stats matter but gear still gives the most stats people.

    Sigh. After 6 years daybreak finally broke me. Sub is turned off and ill just buy the dlc and delete alts. That way I can log in when I want without worry.....wait no I can't. Ive subbed my who time since game came out. So that means turning off sub losses me EVERYTHING. NEVERMIND. Im done.
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  17. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Don't delete the alts. You'll need them for the Seasonals and Events.
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  18. Playah New Player

    Let's say you can wrap both alerts in 25m (without focusing on any feats) with a premade group eliminating the waiting time and you can finish both daily quests in about 10m. Then we might get a seasonal event next to it taking another 10m, and you also want to contribute to both of your 410 weekly quests for like 20m. You already spent a hour of your day in game without doing anything else just wrapping your daily scheduled tasks on 1 character.
    Then you can spend another hour trying the new feats, doing LPVE/R&D/PVP or just helping your league mates assuming you already have 300+ SP and have nothing else to do.

    Isn't it enough? Let's assume you can afford to spend even 3h+/day with playing the same game/or just playing anything, but you cannot expect everyone can afford to do or actually want to do the same just to keep up with it.

    If you are hardcore it is optional to spend another 2 hours just to do LPVE, and another 2 hours to flying/running around Gothma/Metro to gather exobits and additional hours to do every single challange mode and duos for simple and complex materials, but the keyword is that that is optional.
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  19. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    It's a shame. I was super proud of the devs when I read that first post. I hadn't expected the change, but it was a really nice surprise. Then I read the post, I thought it was a little oddly phrased, but I thought it might just be me or an innocent typo.

    Now I see what they did. The grind is still there in time, just reduced in action. This means that yes, replay badges retain a bit more value. However, what I was really hoping for (when I saw a very impromptu message from a dev) was an actual reduction in the prices.

    It's not a price reduction if you're making less bonds. It's an effort reduction, but time (the only commodity that can never be replaced) is not reduced as you're still waiting the same amount of days. It's a real shame. I've always understood that this game was theirs to do with as they wish. I had no hope for them to reduce the prices, but when I saw that they said they were reducing the prices, all it served was to raise my hopes to gut them almost immediately.

    I guess you can't get crushed if you had no hope. This time, I really do feel as if they were trying to pull a bait and switch. I still like this game, and I do defend the devs a lot more than other ppl because I recognize the game is actually their livelihood to do with as they please.

    But I do feel that they're trying to deceive ppl this time, and that's extremely wrong. You're not reducing the prices, not really. These war bonds are a fake currency that have no value until you assign it value (yes, like any currency). If you wanna argue that you reduced the numerical number of bonds needed, than yes, that was done.

    But if you wanna say you reduced the price, the worth which was and is a virtual representation of the time and effort the players put into their toon, all you did was change a 12 pack for two 6 packs. It LOOKS and FEELS like a big difference, but really you're still talking about the same amount of time and effort, it's just packaged differently...
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  20. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I am very glad that the grind is being reduced.
    Thanks for listening. Now if we can get back to 3-4 month DLC's that would be SUPER GREAT.
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