Episode 28: Another Update to Rewards

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, May 31, 2017.

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  1. leer49 New Player

    Come on guys,
    I can understand lady blackhawk handing out the missions,but one per day? This isn't even worth logging in for. I was looking forward to playing all my toons this time but with only one per day is just not worth doing. Let alone I can't find the other content that's supposed to be here. I've been a loyal member since this first started and have enjoyed the game muchly, but if stuff like this continues you won't be getting my money much longer. I thought the starro event was just a fluke and you'd fix it but it looks like I was wrong.
    • Like x 5
  2. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    So in the end, all that big talk about reducing the prices from the vender was all smoke and mirrors. What's the point of reducing the cost if you slowly take the dailies & weeklies missions away?
    I congratulate you (the guy that handles this kind of stuff, not Mepps ofc) of giving us a little spark of hope to then crush it.
    • Like x 2
  3. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player


    Not happy with this. I rather have prices as original and have more content to play, than a price reduction with less content.

    This is the kind of stuff that makes me think of dropping my sub and change to premium.

    Not happy at all.

    • Like x 5
  4. RockNFire Level 30

    And taking away content makes me want to sub how??

    Just another case of asking for something and having it twisted by this team of DEVS. :rolleyes:

    It's called smoke and mirrors.......Now how is that going to get players to subscribe??

    No way is this worth a subscription.
    • Like x 2
  5. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    When DCUO released they made a promise to all players they would release content every 3 months for the first few years of the game they barely held to this agreement. right around the T4 days they introduced the replay badges to increase the money they made as they made the mistake of offering the content they couldn't afford to release during these times and after the gear cost was all the same.

    Sunstone T3 Suit ( Marks Of Krypton ) before it was changed to the universal mark than changed again.

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 55
    Shoulders 50
    Hands 45
    Belt 45
    Feet 45
    Back 40
    400 Marks Total Gear.
    No Accessories dropped in raid.

    (T3) 1 Player Missions Reward (1) Mark Each Reset Cost (12)
    East End Regal Hotel
    Star Labs Facility
    Circe's Stronghold
    Sentinels Of Magic Base

    (T3) 1 Player Missions Reward (2) Mark's Each Reset Cost (12)
    Police Station
    Cape Carmine Lighthouse
    Ferris aircraft
    Old Gotham Subway

    (T3) 4 Player Missions Reward (5) Mark's Each Rest Cost (29)
    South Gotham Courthouse
    Stryker's Island Penitentiary
    Coast City
    Arkham Asylum
    League of Assassins Stronghold

    (T3) 8 Player Missions Reward (10) Mark's Each Rest Cost (87)

    The Chasm
    Power Core
    Sunstone Matrix

    This content took 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $35.00


    Battle for earth T4 Suit ( Marks Of War ) before it was changed to the universal mark than changed again.

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 55
    Shoulders 50
    Hands 45
    Belt 45
    Feet 45
    Back 40
    400 Marks Total Gear.

    Trinket 30
    Rings 20
    Neck 25
    Mask 25
    Weapon 70
    190 Marks Accessories.

    Content available
    (T4) 1 Player Missions Reward (1) Mark Each Reset Cost (12)
    Was never added even so we got promised content

    (T4) 2 Player Missions Reward (2) Mark's Each Reset Cost (12)- (3) Duo's
    The Watchtower. An Opportunity
    STAR Labs Satellite


    (T4) 4 Player Missions Reward (5) Mark's Each Rest Cost (29) - (2) Alerts
    Soul Alchemy
    Inner Sanctum

    (T4) 8 Player Missions Reward (10) Mark's Each Rest Cost (87)- (4) Raids
    The Gates of Tartarus
    The Prime Battleground

    Added over a year later still used the same marks.
    Unpaid Dues
    Seeds of Rot

    This content took 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $35.00


    Manta T5 Suit ( Marks of Reality ) before it was changed to the universal mark than changed again.

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 55
    Shoulders 50
    Hands 45
    Belt 45
    Feet 45
    Back 40
    400 Marks Total.
    No Accessories dropped in raid.

    Content available
    (T5) 1 Player Missions Reward (1) Mark Each Reset Cost (12)- (2) Solos's
    The Hunt
    Test Subject #1

    (T5) 2 Player Missions Reward (2) Mark's Each Reset Cost (12)- (3) Duo's
    Kinights Arena
    Tennel Of Lust
    Ruined Cathedral

    (T5) 4 Player Missions Reward (5) Mark's Each Rest Cost (29) - (3) Alerts
    Trigon's Prison
    Family Reunion
    Brother In Arms

    (T5) 8 Player Missions Reward (10) Mark's Each Rest Cost (87)- (2) Raids
    Paradox Wave
    Nexus Of Reality

    This content took 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $35.00


    Ramshackle T6 Suit ( had it own mark ) before it was changed to the universal mark than changed again.

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 55
    Shoulders 50
    Hands 45
    Belt 45
    Feet 45
    Back 40
    400 Marks Total.

    Trinket 30
    Trinket belt 30
    Rings 20
    Neck 25
    Mask 25
    Weapon 70
    220 Marks Accessories.

    Content available
    (T6) 1 Player Missions Reward (1) Mark Each Reset Cost (12)
    Circe's Trial
    Aegis Of Truth

    (T6) 2 Player Missions Reward (2) Mark's Each Reset Cost (12)- (2) Duo's
    Supply Lines
    Port Of Paradise

    (T6) 4 Player Missions Reward (5) Mark's Each Rest Cost (29) - (1) Alerts
    Themyscira Divided

    Added in the next dlc release still used the same marks
    League Hall: Security Breach
    Intergang Crime Wave

    (T6) 8 Player Missions Reward (10) Mark's Each Rest Cost (87)- (4) Raids

    This content took 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $35.00


    Vender T7 not actual suit reason for reduced cost.

    Chest 60
    Legs 60
    Head 52
    Shoulders 47
    Hands 42
    Belt 45
    Feet 42
    Back 40
    388 Marks Total.

    Trinket 30
    Trinket belt 30
    Rings 25
    Neck 25
    Mask 22
    Weapon 70
    202 Marks Accessories.
    Content available


    Vender T8 Increased cost excessive cash grab.

    Chest 130
    Legs 130
    Head 120
    Shoulders 105
    Hands 65
    Belt 75
    Feet 65
    Back 85
    775 Marks Total.
    This content took 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $70.00

    Trinket 55
    Trinket belt 55
    Rings 45
    Neck 55
    Mask 30
    Weapon 140
    380 Marks Accessories.
    This content will take 3,480 replay badges 40 runs to complete the entire suit $35.00

    Content available
    (T8) 1 Player Missions Reward (1) Mark Each Reset Cost (12)
    Time-Torn Area 51
    War-Torn Village

    (T8) 2 Player Missions Reward (2) Mark's Each Reset Cost (12)- (2) Duo's
    No 2 Player Content for this DLC

    (T8) 4 Player Missions Reward (3) Mark's Each Rest Cost (29) - (1) Alerts mark's have been reduced by (2) marks
    Saving Justice
    War Crimes

    (T8) 8 Player Missions Reward (10) Mark's Each Rest Cost (87)- (4) Raids- You can only choose (2) raids.
    Ultimate Soldier
    Ultimate Soldier Elite
    Justice For All
    Justice For All Elite

    Some say us asking for a reduction in gear cost suits the reduction in marks earned overall but it's apparent that some don't seem to realize the standard mark over the last 5 years have been pretty much set in stone as a standard for us to expect that a Solo yields (1) mark a Duo yield (2) marks an Alert yield (5) marks and a raid yields (10) the last dlc pretty much followed the footsteps of this new content except the prices were not only doubled but the marks yielded have been reduced. and the cost to complete has increased by 75% overall it would of costed you $35.00 to complete a T3 , T4 , T5 , T6 suit now it's costing you $70.00 plus addon the accessories needed to complete the suit fully $35.00 more for a grand total of $105.00 if that not cash grabbing then please explain what is.

    Now let's not stray off course here. First they stated they would no longer be using any new mark types everything would stay the same. they went back on that word to a new universal mark after later down the line changing that mark again to the current mark system in place today

    Sure we can add more content more raids to the equation but why do we need to do that knowing the marks earned change based on the current combat rating needed to move forward not allowing you to look back as you grow out of a current TIER you are currently still in LoL this makes the cash grab even greater but clearly
    some out there can't do math or don't understand what inflation is or why most yell cash grabbing. it's clearly simple to say you are killing your own game.

    With the amount of mark earned how do you expect someone who works 60+ hours a week with limited time who doesn't get all the content run in a single day to complete this context with the rates you have set forth those who have extra time don't have this issue those who have time to sell buy and trade their way through the game don't see the struggle for they can barter to gain replay badges on content spend extra time making sure they got all the content complete and are able to meet the mark before the content expires completing the entire suit and accessories by the deadline of the next content being released.

    This is not going to work there is no possible way to gain all the required marks in this content in 90 days and it's clearly easy to see with the content value for gear and accessories and marks eared this is based on a 6 month DLC release settings the next coming DLC for January of 2018 or else why add the accessories
    in the vender than rather just allowing them to drop in the content instead. so players are able to reach the max combat rating of 201 by the end of the 90
    day cycle.

    Those who run the 411 wait til next week when you go to run the 411 don't expect to be running it twice you will pick up the mission run the mission complete the mission and if you wish to continue the next 411 you will be asked to pay over 160+ replays just to reset 8 mark. double the value of a single raid yielding you 10 marks perper 87 reset allowing you to lose (4) extra marks.

    It's sad to say this is not NEVERWINTER the direction this game is going if it continues it will end up like the pc version of NEVERWINTER DEAD and yes I repeat DEAD I played it on both pc and console and PC is DEAD it's been hacked and cheated so much do to cash grabbing it killed the entire game.

    Maybe that is why players are now looking for ways to glitch and cheat the system by duplicating the base items so they can earn the cash needed to buy replays needed to even be someone on the game as the cost goes up the population goes down the trading reduces the market crashes and the game dies that's not what
    we expected after playing this game for going on 6 years now.
    • Like x 11
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Spot on. Hope this stays on topic. Because threads like this in the past usually end up with people trying to turn it into a discussion about a completely different topic to avoid admitting or discussing whats going on. Its happened before. Ive made my opinion known about all of this. I feel the sub i pay for has been devalued. But i feel no amount of feedback is going to change anything.
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  7. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    I hate it when i'm right. Mepps said there was going to be TONS of open world content that's the reason for no q up solos or duos in this joke. So apparently 1 per zone daily is TONS. As for lowering gear price how does it make sense to these derps you drop the price but you take away content to get marks to get the gear. I know they think we're stupid cause we keep resubbing to this garbage but we can tell when you're not lubing up the screw over machine. So unless you're going to magically pull some solo's and duo's out of your butt this is by far the worst episode you've ever created. I've tried and tried and tried to support this game through every horrible decision that's been made i bought episode bundles, replay badges, stablizers, booster boxes in hopes that it'll help pay someone to do a better job but this makes me me want to rip my hair out of my head and use that hair as tinder to set my ps4 on fire just so i'm not tempted to ever play this game again.
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  8. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    "promise"? lol
    This looks like another useless "angry customer post"
    Useless cause we all khow how bad the game is ... we are all aware of that not need for a reminder ....6years the game is broken and you are not the only one who noticed it thx but a lot of guys before you already did and those massive amount of player left the game 4years ago(any1 remember clip mechanics ? me neither) and it didnt change the dev's plan about this game
    Being a customer doesnt make you the co-leader or the co-developper of the game bruh you are just the sheep paying for this game (and i would be mad too given the current state of the game dont get me wrong)
    I feel like DC community are always threatening devs but never applying those threats lol
    • Like x 1
  9. Drew Ludwig New Player

    I REALLY WANT AN ALEN SCOTT GREEN LANTERN EMBELM!!! i mean all this going back in time stuff and as a lantern myself and collector of lantern base items to wear the OG scott lantern emblem would just be amazing please make it happen
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im sure some dont, but Im sure some that are dead serious do, I have yet to and will not be renewing my legendary til the game becomes better again. If it ever does.

    If Marvel drops villains soon I'll be playing that instead over this
    • Like x 1
  11. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Maybe this explains why I can't complete the mission after the Lady one? Doesn't show up for me to talk to the guy, but it's in my journal to complete. Sad how there was so much emphasis on looking out for the players, but all you did was adjust the amount of rewards we could receive daily to accommodate the reduced vendor gear prices. What a crap move...

    I never thought that the day would come that I'd barely even want to log in after new content was released...I've literally spent about 1 hour playing since this new content dropped.
    • Like x 1
  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    The whole point of the large content releases, well actually in part, is to give the player base something to play for the next 6 months. Here's how it works, folks:
    Unless you're spending a HUGE amount of money on replay badges, you're not going to get everything from this content until closer to the end of the 6 month time period. Which means if you're not spending the replay badges, you're going to remain legendary for the duration of that time, to get all the gear/etc. That's $$$$. If they set the prices lower, for gear, and left all of the mission available, then that would be "counter-productive" towards their wallets. So their concept is, "You want lower vendor prices?, Ok, less content."
    I haven't logged in to play this new Episode, and am not going to. I've canceled my Sub, and am leaving this game, for the second time.

    Reality: once you've completed all the seasonal feats, the only reason to do the seasonal content is for the few new feats added each year. However, once you've accumulated seasonal currency from not having to spend it, when the new feats come each season, you've already got the currency to buy them all.
    I doubt that anyone on the game, did not at some point, get bored with AF3. Starro was a joke for content, a level/stat clamp? Seriously? No challenge at all. So, for me, knowing that this new content is expected to "satisfy" the player for roughly 6 months, leaves an "unsatisfactory" feeling within my thought of whether or not to play.

    I see a lot of people posting up, that they are simply tempted to just not play: I vote that you act on that temptation. I don't know how many of you have ever played any other mmorpg, but there are plenty of them out there, and many of which are more highly rated than this game. Many of which have a "very equal" playing field, to where you literally cannot pay huge amounts of cash to advance beyond another player. Many of these other MMORPG's have balance, equality, and actual construct to their content and group/team designs. Try one! If that one does not seem to be your cup o tea, then try a different one. I've looked up the game ratings on a global scale, to see what games are more highly rated by player bases than other games. This game, DCUO, does not even have a 5 star rating by player base of the world. From what I've seen, the top rated games of MMORPG, are:
    Neverwinter. ...
    EVE Online. Available on: PC. ...
    Rift. Available on: PC. ...
    Elder Scrolls Online. Available on: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC. ...
    Star Wars: The Old Republic. Available on: PC. ...
    Guild Wars 2. Available on: PC. ...
    Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn. Available on: PlayStation 4, PC. ...
    World of Warcraft. Available on: PC.

    ^^That's just to name a few. With DC, you are limited on powers as well, you can put 6 powers on your tray. As an example, with Final Fantasy 14, you have 8 (yes, that's EIGHT) hot-bars that each have 16 slots for putting commands/powers/actions in. That's 128 total slots for powers/commands/actions/etc. All are easily and quickly changeable, and even "in combat" you can quickly switch roles/stance back and forth without having a cool-down timer preventing you from switching back.
    So, everyone that is saying this Episode sucks, or is the worst yet, or that they feel like this content/updates are simply a stab to the back of the paying player base: YOU'RE RIGHT!

    When was the last time that PVP was properly adjusted and working rightly? If you have CR-100 gear for PVP, jump on in there and watch how fast a CR-5 is going to paddle you down the river! You busted your rear end to get that 100 gear, only to have your stats clamped in PVP to match someone fresh off the ship! That's not right! You should be able to pound the daylights out of that fresh meat, and force them to bust their rear to come close to your prowess!

    You got 300SP? So what, who cares! That CR192 guy with 75SP can preform just as good, because at this point, STATS DO NOT MATTER! Sure, they say they're coming out with a stat revamp (18 months ago was it not?) but seriously: how much are stats going to matter when they are still keeping the differential to Combat Rating?!?!
    I know plenty of you, and myself, have been asking for a more balanced game, since they started swinging the N-E-R-F bat around YEARS AGO. Has it happened? Have they tried? Nope, they know that the flavor-of-the-month powers are going to bring in more money. You pay to switch powers, they get more cash, and imbalance continues.

    Yes, there are people who greatly enjoy this game; and absolutely there exists people who are very displeased with the directions this game has went. So, my suggestion is, stop expecting that DC is going to magically turn their tables to consider the player suggestions and ideas! As long as you "believe" they are going to try to make positive changes, you remain a "paying" player, with hope for better gaming experiences. Wake up, it's not coming.
    • Like x 1
  13. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    I haven't spent an additional cent on this game after the second set of TC's dropped with feats tied to them. I'm sure that there's a small group of people who have done the same. The inly reason I still play is because I renewed my annual membership last year at the discount rate. Certainly will not renew again once it expires.
    • Like x 5
  14. DemiGodRick Active Player

    First off i cant believe i just sat down an read that entire thing :/ i must be really bored. 2nd i 100% agree. I let my sub run out this month didn't even bother to finish play the game during my last week. Every time i bring myself to give it a try. i log on in my base. the depressing music playing reminds me why i stooped. I would support dc if i wasn't taking a gamble. Stupid TC ruined it for me
    • Like x 1
  15. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Amen dude.
    • Like x 3
  16. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    So with the majority of community complaints I can understand why they fall on deaf ears. Don't like Time Capsules? Then don't buy them! Oh, but there are feats attached? And, your point is what exactly? It isn't like they don't give you a DAILY mission to earn them. I admit that I threw a TON of cash into them at first, but I was super new to the game. After learning what exactly was in them, myself and the majority of the friends I brought with me from GTA just open the free ones, swap duplicates, and get the same feats as people spending hundreds. It may not be on the first day they come out, especially since we are selling what we find to the "Gotta have it first kids" for 100 times what they are truly worth (I mean seriously I got 600k out of one of those puppies on day one, and up until day 4 I got 100k minimum). Even now you better believe I will come off one for 25k since I find them seemingly every 5 minutes. Again, maybe it is not the nicest thing in the world, but there are ways around it without a doubt. Worst case scenario is wait until the next TC comes out, and the odds are that those overpriced items will become dirt cheap on the broker. I frankly do not see why people are surprised about it. Does Apple not charge out the wazoo for the new iPhone? Yet you can wait until the next one comes out and get the previous version for a little of nothing? Same goes for everything.

    Then we have the stats matter stuff. Looks like players will get their way with this as well, and I bet you money that when it does come they will be lining up on here to complain about it. In my opinion the game is absolutely fine as it is. Thanks to those with 300 SP complaining that they don't get enough out of them though we will get the same stuff that has been here for years taken back to square one instead of something new. I mean really. Stats matter? Tell me how on Earth, Mogo, or even the Multiverse do they not already matter? Don't say that is because of CR and blah blah blah. I am 198 CR and it does not matter what I do I cannot out damage a person with 300 SP because I only have 135. Really that whole thing is redundant. Because in case you haven't noticed what you ask for is not going to be what you get. You should know this by now, but you have to learn things the hard way. You really need to learn how to pick your battles. If they were going to change this it would have been as simple as adding some extra numbers to what you get per point invested. Instead of +7 precision per point they would have done +20. What you will get is (And go read up on this) your SP will still mean exactly what it does now, but without an AM you will either have to invest them into more power (You know, so you can actually use the powers that you chose) or into "Low cost" powers. All in all you can bet your bottoms that it will be like your "reduced AoJ vendors", and you will end up putting out the same damage or whatever you think you aren't getting because you will be using weaker moves. On to the point....

    So I know all of that may get me some hate. Doesn't matter. It is just my opinion and I have only played 71 days, but I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure it out. My point was that with the majority of stuff I don't see validation for the complaints. However, with the AoJ vendor prices I absolutely agree with the vast majority of the players. Don't get me wrong. Initially I did not agree as I seen the reason. I was fine with the original prices simply because it should take work to get the best gear with the best stats. So that people who got it had to earn it (Or spend a ton on replays which would hopefully keep the game alive). Like many I saw the prices reduced and thought "Nice". This was even after reading the OP statement of:

    I assumed that we would at least get four open world options just as we had with the coins, and that there would be some more rewarding/challenging missions on reset day. From all the posts it seemed that AF3 was pretty much the measuring stick. On day one I was busy, overwhelmed, and it was a lovely feeling to be honest. I should have known it was too good to last. Now we get one open world per area every day? I still don't have a precise total of the daily amount of war bonds possible to obtain (For just the 6 days that aren't reset days and without replays), but I still know that it is definitely not a suitable compromise. At the least it was worded to seem as if we would have a choice of which mission it was we got to replay. Nope. This reduction of prices DOES NOT WORK if you also reduce the amount that we can earn. Let me see if I can word this so the devs will get it. That is like saying you are going to make half a stabilizer open a Time Capsule, but you also make it so that $10 gets you half as many stabilizers. Or selling a legendary membership for $7 but you only get 2 weeks of membership. It cancels itself out. I tried to organize everything into one post so you could see that you have conclusively failed on this one. See with Time Capsules or Stats Revamps there may be different sides, but I am pretty sure that everyone is upset with these changes you have implemented. Keep in mind that you have tons of players in the game who don't read the forums, social media, or any other way to communicate their opinions. Go monitor the chat within the game and look at the response. Most people think it is just a temporary glitch or something that is going to be fixed. If they knew you would get even more negative feedback. Again, I don't mind grinding. I think it is the point of the game. But at this rate are we even able to gain one item a week? Again, I don't have the math present but I mean come on. One mission per day is a colossal waste of the time spent making this content (Which from the way it sounds has been a pretty long wait).
  17. warmachinneDC New Player

    really two missions per day and one in the other area.
    the first day the thing worked better with all the daily
    • Like x 3
  18. xD25x Dedicated Player

    This is a spot on assessment. We were never told "big content" dlcs were supposed to last 6 months. This is coming from a time when we got monthly content. The grips with monthly content were that maps were rehashed, storylines were weak, and the overall quality had diminished. Nothing has really changed. The art team generally does a really good job but all the other complaints are still here. The lack of real content, events are content but let's be honest the starro events duo and alert were a joke, is a problem.
    • Like x 2
  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    In spite of the thorough math done in the OP and the case made, there's just one little detail from it all that stands out and kind of undercuts the "cash grab" arguments for me:

    Replay badge use isn't required, especially when talking about episodes/DLCs.

    They are a convenience. They are an option players can use, but using them is far from mandated. If a player wants to use them to hurry along their progress, it's no skin off my nose but to me it means they need to own that choice.

    If the discussion was more about seasonals or events like Starro, I could understand the complaints a bit more because those have a time frame on them (beginning and end). But the episodes/DLCs don't. They don't get removed from the game or come and go as the year progresses. They're always there, so the only way someone can feel rushed to get it all done in a certain amount of time is if they rush themselves.
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  20. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    it's clearly a cash grab when they increase the cost to get the gear by 75% from $35 to $100.00 that's what's called a cash grab an increase that isn't justifiable and it's easy to see the time that players given to get all the gear and accessories will take more than 90 days in fact makes this a 6 month dlc or as they now call it an episode.
    • Like x 4
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