Economy fix idea. (Opinion)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So what about the player that just recently came back after a break to find out that a glitch happened. I was away and didn’t even benefit from the glitch. So I should get my cash wiped to even thou I had 0 benefit from it?

    A cash wipe should not be an option. Why is it so hard to do an IP ban for the people who did the glitch? This way even if they used a dummy account the IP address would be picked up and flagged so all their account would be banned.

    For those who have roommates or share IPs with a building or what ever. If they can prove they didn’t do anything than they would be allowed to come back under a cash wipe.

    But to punish every single person for the actions of a few is terrible. And what would that fix? The people who were innocent would have incentive to quit the game while those who were guilty who were prepared to be banned get to stay and find new glitches to take advantage.

    A cash wipe is not the fix. It’s a bandaid. If you want a real fix than fix the glitches and IP ban those responsible so that they can’t just simple make a new account and return.
  2. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Don’t wanna sound rude, but if a cash wipe is going to fix the economy and drain the massive amount of “dirty money”, they should do it. Fixing the economy and making the game better is more important than losing pretend money. Just earn more money.
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  3. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Look at what you just typed. It would do absolutely "nothing" to fix the problem at hand. So you ban the IP address of the hackers right? Ok, 1) there are ways to change your IP address and I'm sure if these people are smart enough to hack the game they can get around a messily IP ban. 2) Even if the people who have hacked the game were banned, how would that stop the new wave of hackers who are hacking on a fresh start? Your suggestion would not stop the repeating cycle of money glitch inflation.

    If you are upset about the possibility of your money being taken away from you I can understand your frustration. But this needs to be done for the greater good of the game. A lot of people don't realize that by wanting to hold on to your in-game money, it is a "selfish" decision that in the long run will affect the entire community "AGAIN." Your way of thinking would only get us back to square one "again" when it comes to the money inflation. Be selfless for once and let these Devs fix the game so we can at least try to have a permanent fix to the economy.
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The same argument could be made in return. It’s just pretend money so it’s not a big deal.

    The issue isn’t the money. The issue is that people who glitch the game keep coming back and inflating the market. That mixed in with the very low drop rates means that the few people who do get items have full control of the broker.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You realize that people aren’t actually hacking the game right? The people responsible found a glitch and exploited to make trillions. That’s very different than hacking in trillions. My suggestion of handing out perma IP bans will actually fix it. A lot of games do IP bans because it works. Doing a cash wipe does nothing at all. The people who did the glitch will still be there. And knowing that they get a slap on the wrist means they will just look for more exploits. If they were perma banned based on their IP than those toons are instantly banned.

    Glitches are always going to happen. It not because hackers made glitches. It’s because the code was messed up or something was overlooked. Then people found those and used them. Having a perma ban will discourage future glitchers. That’s how the game gets better. Not by punishing those innocent. Even people who never sold anything will be affected.
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  6. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    I feel that to suggest it is unfair.

    I believe the dev’s won’t wipe everyone’s money as they know that most people like myself have accumulated their funds with real dollars, hard saving / sacrifices and wise investments. The reason they’re taking their time with this is to track the players who exploited the glitch and stop it from happening further.

    Unfortunately that may mean making rare items account locked and not tradable, which will only stir people who invest money into the game extremely unhappy and also stop people from even sharing / gifting rare items to friends (because believe it or not, some of us like to share our wealth and not just greedily profit from it).
  7. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I have given three alternatives on how to fix the game's economy so I don't know why you are so focused on only cash wiping? And again, there are ways around IP bans so it won't do any good. Also, all the money you supposedly made in the broken economy was also inflation drawback. So technically, your money isn't fully legit either. Your money was made because of the glitchers in the first place that were inflating prices. Most people who are over $1 billion might think they are "innocent" and have nothing to do with this wave but its like them sneaking drugs in your food and you don't know anything about it but feed it to your family. Throw the food out and start cooking again. Your money is as dirty as theirs. Just not as much money.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Did you even read what I wrote? I didn’t benefit from it because I just came back to the game and everything was broken. I came back because I found out about where new dlc and the new artifacts. So according to you i along with other people similar to myself who just came back have to have all their previously earned money because something happened during a time I wasn’t playing? Sure very fair.

    And your example of why the cash should be wiped isnt even accurate.

    People didn’t hack the money in. If they did that would the equivalent of counterfeit money. No. The money was exploited because of a glitch that happened in the coding of the game. If you want to be accurate than it would be someone in the treasury department made a mistake that allowed specific few people to gain a large amount of money. Than business owners who already had money made money from those people so now everyone in the country has to loose all their money.

    That’s the equivalent of what happened.
  9. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Are you a new player or something? The money inflation was wwwwaaaay before the latest DLC. You are in denial about the whole situation my friend. The money inflation has been going on for more than half a decade now. Again, you were selling things on the broker for prices that were inflated to begin with. Even before you left and after you came back nothing has changed in that department. Only thing is that everything is now out of "everyone's" reach so now its an issue. Our money is dirty and so is a lot of other people's even though you think you were playing legit. Blame the people that exploited the game. Hopefully, this will never be an issue in the future after this is resolved.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The money issue is because of the glitches exploit thats happened recently. If you want to talk about past glitches than maybe the whole game should be shut down. What you want makes no sense.
  11. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Wait...what? What are you having trouble understanding?
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I completely understand what has happened and what effects it had on the game. And I also know that what you are proposing won’t help but instead hurt the game. No I’m not confused
  13. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    a full cash wipe does nothing to actually help the problem..... its at best a bandaid and that's if the bandaid lost its sticky on the one side so its just flapping in the breeze.

    inflation is natural in ANY economy, the unnatural portion of the cash came from glitch exploiters, spammers(and the other players going wtb psn etc) and good old fashion player greed. Now Glitchers will always be there regardless of what happens and theres no real way to prevent that(DB isn't known for perma banning and its like a Hydra, cut off one head 2 more grow back in its place) and the same can be said of the gold spammers.

    now can they be slowed down yes which is about all a cash wipe would do as well as affect population of the game (yes realistically ppl will leave over it, how many eh that's up for speculation) but a more long term solution would be as follows (and keep in mind the numbers involved are just a starting point ok)
    and in no real specific order here

    1) character cash caps of say 5b max: broker cap of 1b: mail cap of the same (1b): and a trade cap of 1b
    2) cash sinks that are worthwhile, yes please give ppl a reason to not hoard cash and give another real reason to chip in for that membership every month(unlimited cash access is great...but it would be nice to have something other then the broker to spend that money on.
    3) and probably the most important step is eliminate the glitched cash and yes im sure after well over a week of "investigations" its fair to say DB knows how much was glitched and where it ended up.
  14. Disruptor Well-Known Player

    In my personal opinion:

    The way to fix the economy is the Quark Vendor.

    Get the prices on the vendor down quite a bit and add in things that were in the capsules such as collection pieces.

    A material cost 200 Marks in game but a material on the Quark Vendor goes for ~5000 Quarks It costs 100 source marks to get 25 Quarks. If a material on the Quark Vendor went for 200 Quarks, people would be doing replays a lot more often. Probably have to put a third vendor: Skeets handles the collection pieces, Booster handles the armor and the Soder Machine handles everything else. Armor would go for the same amount of Quarks that an alt character would spend in Source Marks on an armor set the main already bought. The collection pieces would go for 100 Quarks each. Sidekicks, Orbital Strikes and Henchmen would go for 150 Quarks The prices currently are way too high on the Quark Vendor, since Quarks are account bound.

    That glitch put Daybreak between a rock and a hard place, but their greed keeps them from seeing a way out.
    Making money account bound as well preventing of sending cash via the mail will also help. You could up the in-game currency costs on those vendors, to give a reason to get a membership
  15. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Probably just as bad as people will feel about cancelling their subs because of it.
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  16. unitedmeck Well-Known Player

    This is hard situation with a split what needs to be done no matter what they decide it will be the wrong decision. The only bigger mistake they could make is giving people another chance like they did before. They need to look long and hard at the current system and figure out an alternative but the fact remains most likely nothing will be done money will still be here in excess and the economy will be horrible.
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  17. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Say we IP ban all the people who did the glitch and had 100+ billion on their accounts. What happens to the accounts of players that opened TC's and sold neon mats and sold OP collections while the glitch was going on and now are sitting with 30-60 billion on their accounts? In your logic they should get to keep all those funds because they are legit players who didn't do the glitch? But they 100% profited from it and the only reason they have billions is because others glitched.

    You say a cash wipe isn't a fix but then just completely disregard that part of the actual problem in that once they turn the broker and trading back on players still have 10's and 10's of BILLIONS of dollars to once again drive up prices to insane and unrealistic amounts because the game has been flooded with duped money.

    A cash wipe to a certain value is the ONLY fix
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  18. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    A cash wipe will fix precisely NOTHING. It risks driving paying customers away (and this game can't afford to lose more population), while the people who broke the economy are sitting on piles of stuff that they bought with their glitched money during the weeks when everybody knew something was going on (before the broker was closed), ready to start rebuilding.

    Meanwhile, the gold sellers are ready to sell money to the rest of the remaining population so that they can buy all of that stored stuff.

    There are a lot of other things that need fixing before the devs consider pissing off honest players.
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It risks driving paying customers away if they don't do it, either. No matter which way you spin it. On the other hand, i'd rather see a few stuck up's "quit" because they couldn't keep the entirety of all the excess cash they took advantage of an exploited situation to get a hold of, rather than seeing actual loyal, paying customers walk out of the door with an insanely broken economy going unfixed.

    It's funny how you are trying to "represent" the honest, paying customers. Actual honest and paying customers didn't take advantage of the exploit or the situation it created. Actual honest and paying customers are those you piss off by not fixing this.

    The insane amount of excess cash that has entered the economy through an exploit needs to be taken out, whether you like it or not. If players are truly going to "quit" because they can't keep an insane excess-amount of money that they were only able to earn due to an exploit being present, then those players are free to go as far as I am concerned. If anything, that is just empty threats in a desperate attempt to keep their winnings. It shouldn't be catered to.
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  20. Controller Devoted Player

    Please define what you mean by "Insane amounts of cash"........

    I see some players calling for 'Complete" cash wipes then I see some calling for wiping the insane amounts of cash fromthe game......

    I see some players calling for BOTH in their posts...

    It is quite confusing.

    Put me in the group that SOMETHING needs to be done. I get that. But I am "NOT" in the corner of complete cash wipes.

    My several hundred million (less than 500 Mil atm) was earned by opening TCs and selling the contents on the broker. This method of mine has been my ONLY way of earning in-game cash since they revamped the game and I cannot blind queue into Paradox, Nexus and other raids and SELL the items from that content......

    I see TOO MANY folks calling for complete cash wipes. IMO this punishes ALL playing payers - whether you glitched or not. It comes across as being angry at players for actually CONTRIBUTING more to the game other than the monthly membership.

    It comes across as punishing "The Whales" of the game. The vast majority of us "Whales" did not cheat this game.

    I have been a proud "Whale" for DCUO since 2013.


    I intend on being a contributing "Whale" - as long as there are no COMPLETE cash wipes.