Development Update: Deluge!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by NerdOfPrey, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, i like it but i dislike it at the same time. I won't give my final thoughts without seeing the preview, but i expected a little more from this episode, after all it looks like the Starro event mixed with a episode smaller than RwC. I hope the raids are fun, challenging, theres no RNG in the OP items and the elite rewards are worth it and don't have a 1 in a million drop chance, if we get this things, then it'll be good episode for me even if it has less content than i expected, otherwise i'll be skiping this one too :(.
    I think the environment will be cool and thats great, but not enough after waiting so long, we'll see.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    “A new boss creature”

    I do like to kill big beasties. Colour me intrigued. ;)
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  3. timetracker2643 Active Player

    This whole thing sounds amazing and extremely interesting at the same time. Personally I'm wondering about the underwater rooms and how a speedster might work in one of those rooms, but I look forward to seeing the preview today.
  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    I can't be on the livestream but would like to know if the spores from last year's event will be usable in any way. I had to stop playing mid-event so I have a number in reserve.

    I guess nothing much can be done at this stage but if they aren't usable directly atleast some ability to convert or cash them in would be appreciated.
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  5. hero turner Well-Known Player

  6. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    Yes, they will convert to the new currency.
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  7. candiFloss Active Player

    will the member rewards be available on all characters on the account or only equip for one? thanks
  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The new raid look like something out of Elder Scrolls and really not a fan of the puzzle room.
  9. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I really liked the new raid, but thats all the episode has to offer. Every piece of elite gear ppl farmed in Earth-3 will be basically useless, since theres nothing new about progression. They also removed the crafting and made it RNG just like the ones we have. Really devs, you can do better than this...
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I really, really liked what I saw in the new raid so far. Finally there's some seemingly interesting mechanics and objectives going on instead of the same, tired out formula. More puzzle type-mechanics are long overdue!
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  11. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    The spores will convert to the new episode currency (Atlantean Crowns). The conversion ration is 1:1, so if you have 100 spores, then you’ll convert to 100 crowns.

    Also, the Starro OP items (face, ring and utility belt) have a small chance of dropping from a reward box you get at the end of every instance in the new episode (solo, duo, alert, raid). No more crafting materials will drop - removed from loot table. The new drop OP items had item level increased to 188.
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  12. Schimaera Devoted Player

    So do I get this straight: If I have saved all the spores, I am done with the DLC on day one? Not sure if I'm diggin' that...
  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Last years OP items will be full on drops now (no crafting) and will be scaled up. A new OP Collection has been added for a Shoulder piece, and it will not require a gear feat to unlock the drops.
  14. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Well, that depends on the vendor prices. Also, you won’t be able to buy elite gear until you get full renown won by beating the two elite raids (Spindrift Station and an updated elite version of the old Starro raid with new mechanics).
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  15. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    So...IF We have those items Still. Will they Scale?
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Highly doubtful. But you will get a leg up on things. Plus there's also Elite.
  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Mepps said something about last years items, but I never quite caught what he I guess we'll find out soon enough what's happening with those.
  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Initial thoughts:

    Love the styles and base items. Although I feel there was a bit more potential with the base items (unless there's more than what was shown)
    The Spindrift Station raid looks awesome. The puzzle should be interesting.
    Love the last boss, though he kinda reminds me of the Chaos bosses from Sonic Adventure 1.

    Why only 2 boss fights? Unless there's a 2nd boss fight that was skipped?
    Only a solo and raid new, otherwise all Starro event? Quite a small episode considering over 60% of it was already there from near a year ago.
    People with a lot of Spores saved are going to have a massively unfair advantage on gearing in this episode compared with those with little or no Spores.

    If you're someone who done most or all of the Starro event stuff, and have a lot of Spores spare, this episode will be minimally time consuming.

    (Of course, feel free to correct me on any of the above if I've made any incorrect assumptions or missed anything out)
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  19. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    They said no.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    3 Boss fights....Black Manta, Puzzle Room (which they skipped after showing some stuff), Mogwar Water monster is last.