So Dead by Daylight just became Cross Play capable being able to play with friends on PC/Stream, PS4, XBox, And Nintendo Switch. With a growing list of games already Cross play capable and becoming capable, I Wonder when DCUO will expand theirs and allow all players be able to play with one another between all platforms they are able to operate on. Especially with New Gens PS5 and new XBox gaming systems coming out which DCUO might not be able to Operate on(or at least they haven’t announced yet). If thats the case now would be the best time to introduce cross play for all platforms. To keep Viable, money flow, population up, etc
In the Dimensional Ink FAQ, they state that their official position is that they want crossplay and will do it as soon as the platforms permit them. You need to go ask Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo to allow it. Right now you're asking permission from Mom, when she already told you that it was Dad who said No.
Nope because Dead by Daylight just became capable today wasn’t yesterday. And they got approval from all platforms why cant DCUO. And there’s a growing list of games that have gotten approval
Umm no, better yet why wont the DCUO devs just tell us why those companies refuse to approve DCUO but approve other games
Actually this was a good read: And this: So basically we need to harass Sony until they give in to our demands.
They wont nor cant tell us for legal reasons. Devs want it but there's a hold out. Maybe 1 or 2 or even 3. Like others have said, if you want it, call Sony, Micorosoft, Nintendo, and even your Congressperson. Couldnt hurt.
?? The Devs cant tell us why themselves why they cant get approved?. If it’s a legal reason why cant they just say it’s because its a legal reason instead of just telling us waiting for approval from those platforms. If it’s a legal issue why they haven’t or can’t get Approved at the moment. When other games are getting approved but they possibly can’t right now because of legal reasons
Yeah other games get approved but not yet DCUO and you want me to ask Sony And others why they are not approving DCUO instead of the devs giving us telling why they can’t get one too?
Why isn't it enough to know they can't??? What difference does it make if the end result is still the same??? I get it, a lot of us want or need that cross-play, but knowing the exact reason why we can't have it won't change the fact that we can't. If we the players had any actual power to change that, they would have found a way to let us know so we could make it happen.
Naw keep xblock away from me. Back when Xbox was the more popular console Microsoft didn’t want to cross play. But now that Sony is destroying them they all of a sudden want to play with others. Hell naw were petty and hold grudges right Sony!!!! Let’s smack xblock in the next gen console and watch them suffer
Or...we could just accept that opinions change over time and realise that console warring is asinine.
Its Legal Reasons that they cant go over the process in the more detailed reason that you seem to want. All they can say is "hey, we are waiting approval for the fix and will push it out when its done." They are still working on the fix and will have to get approval. Every game on the consoles go through the same approval process which is about 2 weeks. When you see a game push out an update or new feature, they went through the same 2 week process and if there's a bug thats on the client side, its another 2 week wait. Mepps has explained more about it here: Also, its not that they cant get approval and when they dont and the fix gets pushed back again, they will tell us. Sony has denied an update or two before but again, for legal reasons, they may not be at liberty to say how or anything within that Approval Process is done. Its gonna suck to hear it but ultimately, the Devs have stated they are working on a fix and once ready they will push it out for Sony to approve. In terms of Crossplay, DCUO can't do it because some where in contracts is blocking it and of course, they arent at liberty to say who. All we can do as players is go to social media and voice what we want from the Gaming Companies. DCUO Devs want Crossplay, we as a community want crossplay. The only thing stopping it are all or either Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. Until that moment when either contracts get renegotiated or they expire we will possibly then see true Crossplay. already talked about in depth
?? Come on don’t give me that we are not discussing the time Company’s approve a patch. We are talking about them approving cross play for DCUO and why haven’t the devs given us a better reason then its awaiting approval. DCUO is a Older game then some of theses games getting approval so why is it taking so long to approve. Dead by Daylight game just got there’s Approved what is the reasons why Nintendo Xbox and PlayStation haven’t approved haven’t approve DCUO yet? Is it one Company holding it up? Why have XBox approved to cross play with Nintendo switch players If say it was just Sony holding things up. But for all three to haven’t approve to cross play with one of the others or all of them just makes it seems like it might be Something on DCUO’s side that might be holding up the approval for one of these’s to give the ok. The Big Gaming Companies are giving all these other games the green light. Why not DCUO. And Why haven’t the Devs given a better explaination
at this point i have to wonder if the hold out in the cross platforming plan is holding out because of the toxicity of the game in general and ps/pc side in particular......
Development Team: We would like to offer cross-platform play to all of our customers. Platform Executive: No. Development Team: Why not? Platform Executive: Because we said No, and that is 100% our decision to make, not yours. Development Team: But why? Our customers are angry at us because we don't offer this thing that we have no control over. Platform Executive: Because it's our console. If you want to offer cross-play, then invent your own Dimensional-Ink-Box console and do it yourself. Players: But why won't you at least tell us their reason why? The reason is literally because the console said No. It can be as arbitrary as that. It could be that they offer it to games like Dead by Daylight because they're new(er) and an established game like DCUO is seen as "not needing it". It could be that a new game like Dead by Daylight is still scoring larger numbers of initial digital purchases, so on paper they produced more money last quarter than DCUO did, therefore they get treated better. It could be that DCUO makes more money than Dead by Daylight, so they view DCUO as doing fine, and they only want to offer this feature to games that appear to be failing. It could be that it wasn't written into the original contract and they want Dimensional Ink to now offer them 90% of the profits from all Marketplace transactions before the console will agree to this contract amendment, since they are the ones with all the power. It could even be that the executive in charge of Microsoft or Nintendo actually plays DCUO and believes that a server merger might mean his character loses his name, so he'd rather not risk it. The reason can be anything, or even nothing at all. In the end, the answer is simply "because they said so". It's not a joint decision reached by Dimensional Ink and the consoles. We don't get a say. It is 100% up to them. So they never have to do it unless they want to, and they don't have to explain themselves any further than "That's not what the contract we agreed upon says we have to do".
IMO, it all has to do with money. The more money a company has, the more power it has. Look at what Epic is doing to Apple. They are going to have an ingame troll of the company for being a monopoly on Apple phones. This is the same company that when Fornite was first released accidentally turned on cross play. Obviously it wasn't an accident, and helped pave the way for cross platform. Question to the OP. How do you think cross play would help this game? The switch and xbox do not have the kind of ingame money most of us do. That right there is game breaking for.them, not PC or PS4. Is there a sizable population on those platforms? I don't believe there are. I've seen threads about how no one plays on either much. It has to be worth it for them to want to push for something like this.