Collections/Briefs/Investigations - Post Bad Locations Here

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Millbarge, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. BlazingTornado New Player

    Marker on Arkham's been spawned in an area between some trees blocked off by an invisible wall. It's been there since yesterday.
    Pretty frustrating seeing how best I can figure, only one collection marker is ever spawned on the island at any time.
  2. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    Hall of Doom T1 alert briefing.
    I know alert breifings aren't really worth it since it's only JUST ONE mark, but this one is at a pillar, where you fight the two statues (i think).
    The thing is, if you're not a flier, and try to cog the brief, you can fall down from the position you're in. Takes a little while to finally cog it so you can complete the rest.
  3. BlazingTornado New Player

    So the first "invisible wall" problem got fixed... well the collection piece vanished at least. The invisible walls remain.
    But now it spawned AGAIN in another unreachable area:
  4. exil3d New Player

    Oolong Island t2 alert
  5. DoctoerWolfina New Player

    'Invisible Box' at Ace Chemicals near Processing Vats and Agent Wellumson. Collection unreachable by anyone. pic to come soon. on PS3
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  6. Millbarge Committed Player

    I moved the 2 nodes that are getting a lot of reports in the Wrath area. Both of them were close to the world boundary so I moved them further from the world boundaries but in the same vicinity.
    Once these get through QA we will push them to the Live Servers.


    *Disclaimer*: We can not guarantee the above changes will be pushed to the Live Servers any sooner than soon™.
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  7. Millbarge Committed Player

    The investigation FX was actually being used on that item which is the Manhunter Parts. This should be removed now so it shouldn't cause any further confusion.

  8. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    There is a briefing from the STAR Labs alert in Fight for the Light, it's in the Willpower corridors, and inside a pipe up above in a room, with 2 ladders leading inside either end of it. I am blocked by an invisible barrier on both ends and cannot acquire this briefing. :(

    EDIT - Sorry about the lack of a screenshot, in class right now, and can't get into the game at the moment to do it. Hope the description helps.
  9. Millbarge Committed Player

    Wow...that took forever to find...but I found it and moved it outside of the rock.
    Once this gets through QA we will push it out to the Live Servers.

  10. Millbarge Committed Player

    I found one node that was floating. If there are more please submit screenshots with the map so I can get a better idea of the locations.

  11. Millbarge Committed Player

    Apologies for not finding this earlier. The issue that you may be having is that you must choose your reward before you can click "complete". There is a list of rewards in the Journal.

  12. Millbarge Committed Player

    I checked all of the collection nodes on Stryker's and didn't find any that were hidden. If you can - please submit a screenshot with the location.

  13. Millbarge Committed Player

    we are investigating this. We'll get it resolved asap.

  14. Millbarge Committed Player

    All collision issues on Arkham Island should be resolved on Live now.

  15. Decree New Player

    The tube right before the first boss in Star Labs alert is open but glitched. The open spots don't let the player in to get the briefing that's inside.
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  16. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Yep, that's what I mentioned earlier. They said they were looking into it. Thanks for confirming it wasn't just me, or lag, though. :)
  17. Millbarge Committed Player

    This was reported earlier by Splinter Cell - it is currently being looked into.

  18. Millbarge Committed Player

    A screenshot would be much appreciated. there are a lot of spots to hide in that area.

  19. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I found this screenshot linked on facebook (This is not mine!). "How can I reach it up there now?" it says :D.

  20. Lady Thren New Player

    I just took some pics of the location with my phone but for some reason the forums isn't letting me copy and paste the image codes from Ugggh.
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