Clinging by a Thin String

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by StillDeathern, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Tarif Committed Player

    No, it actually isnt about perception anymore. You get a 10% increase in damage for running with a troll who switches to dps even if he likes later in content. Dps get a 14% decrease in damage for any one after the determined number. Ive heard that controllers have it bad, and healers arent happy as well, Ill give you that, but over all this has pretty much decimated the stats mattering in our game, and dps have been pretty much laid to waste. Its sad, because dps is, like it or not, one of the four roles we have, and by far the most popular in game to play. A dps should not be getting any kind of clamp or damage reduction to coddle other roles. We earned every sp we have in game, like anyone else. No way shape or form should power be tied to might, so that every role now has access to a dps stat along with their own. Thats an imbalance, pure and simple. They have access to our damage stats but none of our clamps? Nope. Not going.
  2. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    You can add resto, dom, health, and various other stats to your DPS, which are all considered other role stats, in turn, actually increase your survivability....

    In other words I don't see why DPS should be the only class that has a monopoly on a particular ability, such as Might.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I used to be completely against this and as a tank i wanted to do juggle etc... bu ive changed my opinion on this

    Other then a physical pull to pull the adds to me ... that way trolls arent having to run around and physically encase and put the adds next to me... tanks should not be CC'ing anything that should be a trolls role ... that way tanks would need them to help give them breathing room and trolls can be more then just a battery... so i agree here...and dont really care if other tanks disagree...

    As for ....

    I have to respectfully disagree i want the support roles to have more damage ...and use less power... that way trolls dont have to be just batteries especially if as you said above made trolls be the only role that can stun and juggle and encase etc. they wont have to worry so much about healers and tanks power it would really just be the dps... who are going to give trolls plenty of reason to keep them powered...

    If the other two support roles could put out the damage numbers an atomic tank can do ... balanced groups would be more prevalent cause why stack the dps if there is little difference between the two types of group make ups...

    I really feel like support roles should get a big precision/weaponization boost..that way their damage would mostly come from their weapon and not have to waist power to do it and use their power to do the things their role needs..... minus atomic obviously
  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    fixed it for you
  5. Tarif Committed Player

    Sure, we can access them...but they dont come for free along with the support roles stat like POWER. Thats one of the imbalances, right there. If I want extra power as a dps, I should have to pay for it. A tank, controller, and a healer just shouldnt be able to max out on might and become a "Battle role" for free because they have to have power as a stat. They are getting the might for free, with none of the damage reduction clamps dps are getting right now in content, if there are more dps than a set determined number.
  6. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Dont you get "free" power when you spec into Might now? That allows for pftt? Seems like it helps a DPS too.

    Try looking at the other side of the coin, Trolls, tanks and heals have all been beaten to a pulp by the community with the role less buff and PEW PEW PEW DPSUO for years....
  7. Tarif Committed Player

    This is also the reason why we are seeing so many "Battle Roles". By clamping dps, yet allowing support roles access to our main stat for free with a power they need for their roles, it has created a nasty imbalance to the game I have enjoyed and loved for years. Dps are literally, FACTUALLY clamped in content when there are more of us than a pre-determined set number by a 14% damage reduction last time I checked. Couple that with the support roles getting a 10% increase for playing more than a dps in a group and what do we have here? Aint right, and its nothing but a horrible imbalance. Content is the least of our problems, our ROLES and POWERS need to be balanced quickly, and our stats need to matter again in relation to roles and to content. There are 4 roles to this game. Not 3. Dps is one of them, and this is an imbalance, pure and simple. A huge imbalance at that.
  8. Tarif Committed Player

    Absolutely not. With a mind set like that, we shouldnt have a 4th role? Should there be a...Hm...whats it say in the ROLES DESCRIPTION? Damage Role? I said if I wanted extra power, I should need to pay for it. Controllers give us power. Tanks taunt and aggro. Healers heal. Guess what a dps does? They Pew Pew Pew, like you put it. But some dps actually enjoy playing the role right. I didnt demand that all my dps stats suddenly give me free heals or defense like a tank for free did I? No, thats an imbalance, and thats what the majority of us are upset about in game right now. The Imbalance. STATS ARE NOT MATTERING. A dps is clamped in content for what its stats are supposed to do, but support roles have access to our stat pretty much for free without any of the same clamps and restrictions? Thats not a Role and Stat imbalance?
  9. Tarif Committed Player

    Dps are hindered on OUR MAIN STAT that support roles are now getting pretty much for free when they put stat points into power that they need. DPS dont have a monopoly...ITS OUR MAIN STAT and support roles are getting it for absolutely no sp expenditure if they are buying power anyways. Dps are being clamped by a large damage reduction in content if there are more of them than a set determined number. So support roles now have pretty much free access to our primary stat, but we also get clamped for doing what we do best while support roles do not? Nope. This wasnt intended, needs to be fixed.
  10. Dene Devoted Player

    I have Might/Power maxed out on my troller - I 100% troll no battling in there.. it is the loadout/rotation that people use with those stats that makes them a "battle support", if i troll, purely as troll, my damage out - as % of the teams's - is about the same as it always was
  11. Dene Devoted Player

    You want dmg msaximised, I get that but when you buy might you are getting power too.. does that mean, as a troller, i should demand this be separated? Because you can play from the tray and i'm not needed.. of course not.. goes both ways.

    Might/Power being combined does not hinder DPS at all. if these stats were separated, most dps would go pure might and have no power, because they would want to increase damage and the result would be ppl complaining that they'd want power added... earlier in revamp, they did what you suggested and it didn't work..

    you say "Dps are being clamped by a large damage reduction in content if there are more of them than a set determined number" - that is a separate issue - taking might from support will not magically mean they'd change that %
  12. Tarif Committed Player

    I can understand that, but there are alot of people in game that are abusing the way the stats are laid out with these battle roles. I for one like playing a dps, and now in content that is set wrong compared to its intended tiered level, I get clamped for being a dps if there are more than a certain number of dps in the group. Its a 14% damage reduction. My dps mods and gear have been lowered to the dirt. These things go hand in hand with horrible imbalances with different powers, changes, and the content not being scaled to its appropriate tiered level.

    The only saving grace that would allot anything special to me for my role would then be my Primary stat right? No problem, I have 308 SPs right? Well, if I play from the tray, that primary stat is my might. For super powers. Lo and behold though, they have might allocated for power as well, so all the support roles purchasing the power stat to effectively play THEIR ROLE, get the main core stat of our role, with none of the drawbacks and clamping. This isnt a balance. It is a horrible way to do us as players. Im clamped in content as a dps while support roles who get my stat for next to nothing arent? Again, thats not a balance. There are 4 roles in this game. If someone wants might for some damage as a support role, they should be required to buy that stat seperately and not just get our main stat with something they are already purchasing for their roles. You want to dps, you can spec for and play as a dps. This is an imbalance, and has left far, far too many of us in game unhappy and wanting a real balance brought to our game quickly.
  13. Tarif Committed Player

    I posted many times on that topic. Yes, I do believe its unfair to trollers. If I want more power I should have to pay for that as a seperate stat. Now, there isnt a way to be unique at all with our primary stat. All support roles just get it for free when buying power they need to run their roles effectively. Thats insane, and imbalanced. We get clamped in content as dps but these support roles with whats supposed to be our primary stat, that they got for free, are now on a level of damage that we are, without the clamping hindrance. Again, lets talk about that lovely balance? No cigar on that either. There are 4...4 roles to this game. A Dps is the damage role. Not the support roles who now have access to our primary stat for nothing and are filling our game with "Battle Support" roles as damage dealers. They want extra might for damage, they should have to use their own SP to make that happen, something they have had to actually earn in game. This is the true definition to role imblance, and its worse than I have ever seen on this game right now in 5+ years of playing.
  14. Dene Devoted Player

    Most dps players actually need the power stat to do any decent damage.. esp in solo stuff or anything except a raid. So the easiest way to ensure this happened was to pair them. Most DPS would not sacrifice might to balance it with power, which would strain trollers way too much, in effect it is forcing you to balance things

    The revamp made it that power is needed by all roles.. so power can no longer be said to be a "support stat"

    The only way i see this working - like you want - is have might + power as separate. but if you click on might it automatically gives you power stat too (spending 2 sp as you need that power , otherwise DPS will be useless and a strain on support) orrr you can just spend power as 1 sp, but it automatically detracts how much might is available, meaning might is not added to your stats at all and is blacked out, allowing you to use that on other stuff.. eliminating the dmg potential of your support role, if you don't want to do dmg - but im not sure why you'd want this.

    If Might & Power are separated - do you think that DPS would balance it themselves? Of course not, they'd maximise their might and say it was support's fault they had no power.

    re: Content - They will adjust content.. i think that is a time issue - give solid feedback to them re : tiers or instances - not just a general sweep of "all stuff is harder now" as that tells them nothing

    The % of mitigation seems to be the issue for you... and you want to stack dps with no consequence... the issue is that it is risk/reward - you want more dps then there needs to be some kind of negative, otherwise, balance gets even more lost still.
  15. Dene Devoted Player

    If they are doing their support role effectively.. why do you care ? If anything if im supplying power, as a troller, and debuffing but i happen to be doing more dmg then how is that not good? IF it is meaning the support side of their role is being neglected OK i get that

    I think the whole battle thing is silly BUT i will not tell others they cannot do it - especially if they are doing their main task effectively - if they aren't then they need to change how they play until they CAN be effective.
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I somewhat agree, but you never get anywhere dealing in absolutes. If someone has the knowledge, experience, stats etc to try something different and have it work, even if it is a small elite group that can do it....more power to them for thinking outside the box IF they're successful is all im saying
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  17. Tarif Committed Player

    I have no argument about them wanting or with them doing it. Just not at the expense of what makes the damage role unique already. Controllers are unique in their own skill sets, tanks and healers the same, but by not seperating power, support roles who are buying this power to play their roles effectively are getting the DPS stat that makes their role unique for free. Thats not right at all. Even further, the support roles getting our dps stat pretty much for free dont get the same clamps as us for doing damage? If they want to play dps, they should, but not at the expense of the dps role. It should be them playing as a dps role themselves, OR paying into the stat on its own for damage output. Not for free. Not at all. Support roles would primarily be spec-ing into other things for the sake of their role, but with just getting the might for free along with power, theres an imbalance Im seeing game wide. Its the largest imbalance in the game as far as Im concerned. If my stats are supposed to matter, dont first and foremost minimize my role by giving everyone my damage output for nothing while dps are clamped in content for being dps as well and they arent. Thats nothing to me, but a horrible imbalance.
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  18. Dene Devoted Player

    OK. So if as a controller do extra damage you see this as unbalanced and unfair. To who? If they are performing their role well then who cares? Only thing that happens is maybe the instance finishes quicker

    And when my troll gets free might your dps gets free power. That is balance.

    You want those stats separated but don't see the consequence. Which would be very high might DPS with no power

    I would refuse to troll a DPS who was total might to increase damage but had no power.
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  19. Tarif Committed Player

  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Lol, people complain about content taking too long then complain about support roles doing more damage to speed up that content. Forums crack me up sometimes.