Celebrate With Us! Anniversary Gifts!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Microwave Well-Known Player

    Do the character advances expire or can I take a month or two to decide which character I want to advance because it's going to come down to two and it's a REALLY hard choice between them. Or best to use right away? TIA!
  2. Mercwithamouth25 New Player

    as a switch user I must be missing something because I don't see an option to advance I don't have the Hera Style and the episodes up to 35 are not open so what exactly am I doing wrong?
  3. myandria Item Storage

    As long as you have logged in during the Anniversary Event, you can claim the free CR skip when you want to; no rush.
  4. Lumpy New Player

    And none of it is tradeable. So all the chromas have to be used by one character, you can't e-mail chromas to your other characters.
    Great job at offering something that would have bee really cool and then screwing us over. AGAIN. God you guys suck!
  5. Jasont3rry New Player

    Aware. Just shows devs haven't learned their lesson. Also a bummer how the devs don't talk about the importance of sp and artifacts.
  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    The chroma sets are account bound. Stick them in your shared bank, and your other characters can use them.
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  7. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Damn dude I didn’t know what I was opening I just thought it was a chroma gift that I could trade to my alts, I opened it with my 290 character, f ing blows what a waste. This is is the the worst game for communicating what the hell is going on.
  8. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    How hard is it to label gifts, thought I was just getting some random augments due to the open missions. I normally research the crap out of gifts before I open it but so much stuff was happening this weekend I literally just spoiled one of the best gifts you’ve ever given because you can’t take two seconds to explain this IN game.
  9. Big-Daddy_Serius New Player

    It might be just me but i think if you get the members gifts all of you toons should get them but like i said it might be just me thinking that
  10. Big-Daddy_Serius New Player

    You can trade the stuff to you other toons
  11. Shalandor New Player

    First of all I just wanted to say thanks to the DCUO Team for the amazing gifts this year.The CR boost and amazing new chroma's are amazing and the artifact pack is a very welcome boon.And secondly thanks for another year of content ingame:)

    Lastly I have a small question about the new Chromas.Are there any plans to add these to the Marketplace in the future or have them appear in a time capsule?Because honestly they're pretty sweet and I'd be more than happy to buy a few of them for my Alts if possible.It'd be a waste of the time you guys spent making them if they were just a one time thing.
  12. Multiverse Creator League

    No they don't.
    Each Chroma is Account bound.
    So you can give each Chroma to a different character if you want to using the Shared Bank.

    For those who need help to decide which Chroma to use with which character.... I made a video or two that might help. ;)
    Yes there are a few Images showing some of the Chromas..... but a picture is worth a 1000 words.... and a video is worth 1000 pictures. ;)

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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Here is the rest of them Chromas. ;)

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  14. OG party New Player

    The chromas are awesome I just wish I could get them on all of my characters
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  15. TheWickedSpark New Player

    Tks dev team for the gifts also for though's of us that where part of special closed beta invites. we all bin playing since 10 years now as the release date was pushed back and we all started testing the game a year before hand =)
  16. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    We need these Royal Chromas boxes in MP so we can buy them for alts.
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  17. speedster1981 Committed Player

    it would be awesome if the royal chromas were put in MP redeemable for all toons on the account especially for future toons to use on the account
  18. BigPete7978 New Player

    New player (well not new, but haven't played really since launch). I just used the CR255 advance. Yet my player is listing as Level 30. I am on a free account, does this mean I won't be above 30?
  19. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    In you inventory you should find a crate with gear in it. Equip that to push your CR up.
  20. vonhelsong New Player

    Was going to say the same thing, you have to actually open the crate and put on the CR255 gear. You also have to have access to the relevant chapters but I think they have enabled them anyway for this month otherwise no free players could use the advance.