Celebrate With Us! Anniversary Gifts!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There is no intention to add a 4th artifact slot.

    The double artifact XP weekends are *really good* and so they come around very rarely.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It should be the same new style on Switch, too. We will take a look.
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  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

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  4. Mobius Twist Active Player

    Thanks - I posted pics in the Bug forum. The entire set is the base Hera's Strength except the belt was set to House of El Warsuit.
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  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    thank you, so much, guys. straight up, I wasn't expecting all that, & I gotta say, though I am not one for the chroma / shiny thing on the whole, that Black Royal looks absolutely gorgeous on my witchy toon! & the CR skip came in super handy this time 'round, too. so, top banana all 'round, Mepps & gang! again, thank you!
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  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    SWEEEEET!!!! Now I just have to decide which character to use it on. :confused:


    Just 2 quick questions, please:

    1) Which Chest, Leg and Shoulder Styles are we seeing on the character(s) with the Green Royal Chroma Material? I don't recognize them. :confused:

    2) But sinceriously, green and gold TOGETHER? What are y'all, Green Bay Packers fans?!? :p
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Apologies, the discount is for US PS4 only, not EU. Are you on EU perhaps?
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber


    Chest & Legs seems to be Abyssal? I'm not too sure though. This is a picture I have of the female version on the Gazette.
    So it might look a little different.
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  9. iWiezzler New Player

    So if I bought the advanced to 210 cr for like 4,500 marketplace cash a week ago I wasted my money?
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  10. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I love you, man!
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  11. Werlynn New Player

    How do I claim the free skip? I can't find it.
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  12. MrPECager69 New Player

    happy 9th !!! thanx for the gifts !!! 'preciate ya !!!
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  13. Jasont3rry New Player

    But the real question is, will this also give these people leveling to 255 the sufficient amount of skill points they need to actually be effective in T9 and T10?
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  14. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    NO... Far Far Far From it
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  15. DevilInMyPants New Player

    dude! i love that gif!

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  16. NotStanLee Well-Known Player

    Membership Sale! 25% off!! That's what I'm talkin bout!!! $90 for a year (that's $7.50/month)!!!! Can I buy this two times so 2 yrs for 180?
    Might have to buy another 15000 MC now also. Bring on the Sony crossover episode with the Sinister Six Spiderman 3 sequel.
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  17. PassionsQuietRage New Player

    I assume the free cr 255 skip is for everyone? I'm a non-member with premium benefits and neither the skip or the free gifts are showing up for me. Is this a bug or something?
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  18. BreakerXI New Player

    Team, the anniversary gifts are awesome, thank you.

    There is however some unrest on the switch pop. Many were waiting for the cr skip to come back to the game. The majority of our players are people from other platforms who then came back on Switch.

    They want to play but this cr skip to 100 isn't what any of us were expecting.

    Pls rethink
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  19. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    I'm not going to lie, I appreciate any and all stuff, especially to those that have the membership. There was lots of complaining about the sales toward the end of last year and stuff, and some of it was understandable. I'm still a bit upset that neon chroma is a feat reward that seems to have a HORRIBLE drop rate, however, this, almost makes up for all of it :D Thanks for keeping up the good work devs and happy anniversary. Please start using the MP a bit more. I'd love to be able to pick up styles and things that would be great for looks/accessories.
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  20. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    So chromas are just for legendary people? Great -_-