Didn't see if anyone answered you yet. If you see it available now (you logged in at least), it will remain available to you past the 31st if you don't 'use' it. They just mean you need to get in so it's applied to your account. I still have my 170, 210 and now 255 available on one account....waiting for another new power before creating and advancing a new toon. Reinheld
The character advance is for everyone F2P, Premium and Member, so go ahead and claim it and use it as premium or free. With open episodes and the Event content for Metal 2 the only thing you will not get access to is your full cash, promethium boxes and Metal 1 content (it's bettween your CR level and the event content). I'd suggest playing till Jan 29 or so and then decide if you wanted to sub. The sub will get you the 'member' rewards box, which has the chromas (worth a lot or nothing depending on your POV) and some artifact related stuff (Artifact XP, cats and seals) arguably worth 30 odd dollars in MP cash, so much more than the $12 sub (on sale now) it will take to get it. Reinheld
Crap. I logged back in to give the game one last go before next gen hits. (Dunno if this game will go beyond PS4) Lagged when receiving mail and ended up skipping over the anniversary gift message. I didn't know it was one per character and opened the chromas (which you can't preview) on one character. Figured it was like past anniversary gifts where every character could redeem it, so I hopped on my dusty alts and realized they weren't getting any mail. Blagh. No way to use replay badges to unlock these particular styles yet? Auras look like they can be used this way, as can accessories, but this particular tab doesn't seem to have the UI elements to accommodate the option. Might it be planned, or no?
How can i get that skip? When i try to get it from create character and select character screen it says that i need to buy it.
Late reply, but while you are correct that it 'can' be done, to trade items or list in the broker you need to be Premium, meaning a $5 spend per account. The value of the tradable items is around $8, so yes....you can make a 'profit' from the transaction, but you are laying out a lot of real $5 to get some virtual items you may be able trade to make some virtual cash. Much more efficient to make free accounts and run stabilizer runs and only spend the $5 if your account hits the RNG jackpot with a Neon or whatever. But hey...if someone wants to create 1000 accounts and pump 5K cash into the game...cool. Pizza party at Dimensional Ink offices! Reinheld
So basically, when it says "Everyone gets to celebrate the anniversary with one FREE Character Advance to CR255", what they really mean is "as long as you are a subscriber, you get to do this, and as long as you have about 5000 coins, you get to do it." Cause I just logged on for the first time in a few years and I am not getting to upgrade anything without a ton of coins. I've never paid for this game at any time. Always been free-to-play here.
Make sure you log a character all the way into the game (which claims the gift) then back out to character creation or select to use the advance (for free).