Build and Play Your Characters Like Never Before with Armories!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Dene Devoted Player

    16 means 4 bases with 4 armouries
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  2. Flair Well-Known Player

    Armories look and play pretty well. I'm enjoying my 3 different specs.

    I'm still not happy about the price and not just from a pocketbook standpoint.

    The higher cost is restricting play style for a lot of players. Example. I spent 20 bucks on four armories. Using 3 on my main (heal, DPS and PVP heal roles. Gonna save the other 2 for alts. It would have been much more fun as a player to be able to have say 8 for that price. Then I could mess around with other min-max type specs and SOE would still get the same amount of money.

    at $6 a pop I'm not very likely to buy anymore than I have now so congrats on getting my $20. At a lower price I may have bought more for stuff like
    -My little used PVP DPS spec.
    -Min/Max setups such as DPS for multi mob encounters vs. single target ones
    --RP styles such as alter egos

    All that stuff would have been nice to play with, but for me its not worth the cost. Yep. SOE's choice to price it where they did. My choice not to make indulgent purchases on over-priced items. Lower the cost and more folks will be likely to dip back into the armory pond in the future.

    I do like 'em though!
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  3. Flair Well-Known Player

    Armories look and play pretty well. I'm enjoying my 3 different specs.

    I'm still not happy about the price and not just from a pocketbook standpoint.

    The higher cost is restricting play style for a lot of players. Example. I spent 20 bucks on four armories. Using 3 on my main (heal, DPS and PVP heal roles. Gonna save the other 2 for alts. It would have been much more fun as a player to be able to have say 8 for that price. Then I could mess around with other min-max type specs and SOE would still get the same amount of money.

    at $6 a pop I'm not very likely to buy anymore than I have now so congrats on getting my $20. At a lower price I may have bought more for stuff like
    -My little used PVP DPS spec.
    -Min/Max setups such as DPS for multi mob encounters vs. single target ones
    --RP styles such as alter egos

    All that stuff would have been nice to play with, but for me its not worth the cost. Yep. SOE's choice to price it where they did. My choice not to make indulgent purchases on over-priced items. Lower the cost and more folks will be likely to dip back into the armory pond in the future.

    I do like 'em though!
  4. MercPony Devoted Player

    You can own 16 armories on a toon but only place 4 per base (max amount of bases is 4). 4 x 4 =16 :)
  5. Dene Devoted Player

    And I only have 1 toon and don't wanna pay $10.00 just for one :)
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  6. Aly Crime New Player

    I have a headache and have been sick for the last week so I really don't
    have the ability to search for the answer if it has been posted ... but how
    do we get the armories to activate .? Like - I set it on the D-Pad... now how
    do I get it to come to me outside of my lair -.- Sorry for being sick and lazeh ;-; ♡
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  7. Whisper Well-Known Player

    i would like this option too. please make this happen!
  8. Circe New Player

    I don't see a problem in giving 2 options - a $10 account-wide armory (redeem on 1 toon, get it on all toons on account) and a $6 character bound armory (buy 1, redeem on 1 character). This would promote alt play.
  9. MercPony Devoted Player

    Hold R2 and L2 at the same time and press whatever d-pad button you got it to set to :)
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  10. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    The forums are powered by the tears of it's users. (I know, weird.) It's a shame, but w/o them the forum servers shut down.
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  11. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Why would anyone (unless they truly only have 1 character) ever buy option 2? That would be up to 16 armories (more if you bought character slots) for $10 or one for $6.
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  12. Feenicks New Player

    Yeah......I know. :(

    But sometimes it's like if the Devs ever were to crap out shiny golden pennies SOMEONE would complain about the mess!
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  13. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Yep, "What's with all the GD *** pennies devs!"
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You can have the same gear in two different Armories. What error were you getting when trying to switch?
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hold L2+R2 to activate in the field.
  16. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Damn you armouries!!!!!!!!

    Now I have no excuse and have to learn about this Dee Pee Essing that people speak of. This is going to be a rocky road.....
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  17. Circe New Player

    Did you read the post I quoted?
  18. TheFoeYouBowTo New Player

    ... so, to wield the awesome might delivered via possession of 16 Armories (minus the 1 they gave us, which is really no more than a glorified Base/Lair item because YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH JUST ONE!) each of us must necessitate to hemorrhage an additional $96 total into the SOE coffers...

    Good for you DCUO; you follow in the infamous steps of your great masters... Gollum, Larfleeze and B. Gates.

    "Guile, craft & avarice. These are the weapons of a Villain."

    Ah well, business as usual.
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  19. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    I posted my own thread saying this, but just thought i'd drop in and say it here---thank you DEVS!

    For someone like myself looking for more 'RPG'-customization this feature is absolutely amazing.
    Not to mention my QOL... No more frustrating down time or underproductive hybrid builds!!

    one of my favorite features is that you allowed us to have 3 or so 'unspent' Skill or Power points.
    Even for players with just one free armory, this allows us to keep a basic spec but with a few situational possibility points to spend on Supercharges and the like.
    --- Basically everyone has about 18 Power points now!!
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  20. MetaMax75 Devoted Player
