Build and Play Your Characters Like Never Before with Armories!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    um bud after you been on the game a year or two or three you find anyway possible to stay interested or you lose interest. personally I am had four toons and the goal was indeed 6. 3 toons per faction but between this and ofcourse the exobits alts are less and less useable. not good for the game long run
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  2. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    I think you should be slightly troubled that something as high-profile and utility as Armories is treated as a pay-per-item. Not an update bundle like a DLC, not included via a subscription, and not even a one-purchase-per-account like a Legends character.

    DCUO used to be very fair in its pricing with reasonable offers for Free to Play, for DLC buyers, and for Legendary subscribers. But its shifted to a situation where Premiums need to work around the escrow cap and Legendaries need to put in extra Station Cash to be Armory users. If you're OK with this, just wonder in the back of your mind what directions future updates will take if it's deemed acceptable to charge money on top of what you're already paying.
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    there is a valid point. if a perk of legendary is additional toons over 6 then you should not be punished by having 7 or more toons. try buying armories for 7 toons and worse what is it like for the households that run more than one legendary account. he who is the most loyal gets milked the hardest. worse this is a growing trend and going forward it can only get worse.
  4. Feenicks New Player

    I think they were very fair with this. Well worth the price!
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  5. Feenicks New Player

    Saying you are being punished because you choose to run more alts is like saying you are being punished because you ate that extra slice of pizza! No one twisted your arm to make that many alts!
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I break it down to all the people I speak to as this. any move you make that angers and potentially lowers the amount of legendary members is both stupid and bad for business. any move that grows legendary is the best for the game and ultimately profits. every legendary guy who signs up is suddenly a new $120 to $180 annual profit. yes you can make a quick 20 or whatever off armories but to add it to legendary and to of done it while the free legendary was in progress would of been a gold mine. if you are back on after being away and you spend your last day or two able to save your armories (I mean 2) then when your free month expired wouldnt you be chomping at the bit to keep it. wouldn't that be a better way to aim for profits. it to me benefits the community the actual game and yes sir profits. t5 armories and the leveling revamp has shown me they don't care or are simply incompetent. either way maybe we should make a change.
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  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

    if you have a lifetime membership as I think you do because it says so and your on uspc I say it probably is not so bad. if you pay to play monthly not as good to go. if dcuo wants to open the lifetime membership to us ps3 guys and let the deal be the deal the pc guys get I bet it would be better and taken advantage of
  8. Feenicks New Player

    I am lifetime and I do wish they would open up that offer again for others. Best gaming money I ever spent!
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I would think to assure long time profit gains you should aim at pleasing the legendary guys. you %100 should do whatever you can to buil the legendary community. does this accomplish either. adding a second build pulls in some new members most likely but most important would not of made any legenday guys mad. would not lead to anyone quiting. cant say how many but surely some amount of legendary guys with view this as to much and leave. I know even if they stick around once competition show up this game is in major trouble with how these guys run it.
    legendary guy pays a minamum of $120/year if he pays the whole year in 1 shot. otherwise he pays almost $200. making them guys mad bad business. raising the legendary population good business.
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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    maybe we are different in our thinking. I thought the idea was to rope in the people then entice them to go legendary and then get them to stay legendary. my goal is not a quick profit. I aim for a good long sustainable business and to do something that limits a persons gameing is not good. I understand if a second build would only cut profits buuuuut this would almost garuntee an increase in legendary customers. how is a guy who pays for a perk like 7 toons or more going to have to pay most? if you view that as good business...... well bud I don't know what to say. If you don't understand how alts affects keeping interest I am not sure what else to say.
    maybe finding all kinds of ways to suck more money out of legendary guys is a better idea to you than attempting to grow the legendary community but not to this guy. good news for you going forward you will be paying for all kinds of stuff. maybe next year it cost 10 cents or a quarter to log in. charging for an armories is equally ridiculous to me and a portion of the legendary communtiy
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  11. Feenicks New Player

    But this new feature enhances your playing, not limit it! It's a plus that wasn't there before. I'm not seeing this game limiting you with this.
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  12. 00accord New Player

    If I buy mc cash will it be added to my loyalty points? Sorry for the of topic question! :)
  13. Mr.Me New Player

    Your missing the point that legends already paid for this content, and now are being forced to buy it twice instead of being given an option that lets you acquire them through game play alone.

    Legends aren't even being given a reduced price pr an extra armory, nothing, just the exact same thing every free and prem member gets. In this citation there is no benefit to being legends, and no return on the investment of the monthly Sub. fee. It must be nice to have guarantied profit from sub. customers that have already paid locked in before you drop content bundles that aren't included with the cost of the sub. (nickel and dimming...)

    In all fairness Armories should have been part of the Home Turff DLC, but weren't even though most of the work was probably done around the same time HT was worked on. If they couldn't be finished in time for HT then that whole DLC should have been pushed back until they where ready, and other DLC's should have been launched. Either way legends and people who bought HT DLC should get at least 2 armories, and have a viable option to have at least 4 armories thrrough game play.

    I'm sure the fact that they will make more money doing it this way had nothing to do with why they are just coming out right... Anyway you look at it if you Sub. to the game your being over charged here.

    Really looking forward to those multi part DLC's you guys are planing. I'm sure you won't tone them down and with hold content just so you can sell it to us later and make more money.

    You do realize the the only reason they "Need to make profit," is so that investors can receive a nice dividend check. Its not so much so that they can pay the staff and keep developing the game. If the game made an extra 10 million dollars this quarter do you think they would tell the Dev's to divide it up amongst the staff, or invest it back into the game?... No they would split it up and use it to pay out corporate bonus checks to the same people that force the Dev's here to give us the shaft so that their profit margins stay on the up swing.

    I'll never understand why anyone would defend a companies right to over charge someone else just so that a board of investors can keep making money. I don't get a cut of the profit and neither do 99% of the game, but half the people playing are convinced that not only do they have to right to operate like this, but that its whats best for everyone.

    Last time I checked I Sub. to this game and that's an investment also one that factors into the companies budgets when they make them. So where exactly is the return on the investment in this case? Oh I guess that's where the 1 free armory comes in huh, guess we paid for everyone to get 1 instead of the paying customers getting more than one huh, or is that out year end bone-us?

    If all the profit the games already made doesn't afford them adding a new system to the game every now and then, solely for the purpose of entertaining your customers with out milking a little more profit from them. Then why bother to sub in the first place? I mean that's literally why you subbed so that you could have access to new stuff when it comes out with out being restricted. Now you have already paid, and your still being restricted, and your trying to tell other people that being over charged is a good thing, like its saving the game, or guarantying that the game will be here for a long time to come... Asinine!

    The only thing this proves is that the game will be around as long as they can keep squeezing money out of you, and that the moment you ask form some return on what you already put in you'll be recited the line, "But they / we gotta make money some how!" Cause you know they haven't already been paid or anything...

    How about giving us a raw number as far as how much profit you guys need to make, and then once you make that for the year then you put out content just for people to play and enjoy.

    Wonder what the likely hood of that happening is? Oh wait it won't happen cause then they might miss out on a chance to make 10 million and 1 dollars instead of just 10 million huh?...


    / walks away now
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  14. Mr.Me New Player

    None of this will matter soon when ISP start charging gaming companies, netflix and and their own customers tons of extra charges just for data useage, and because they can.

    Their already saying that soon ISP's are going to start charging you an extra 50 cents to allow people to access netflix. They can't make up their minds tho if ti should be 50 cents a month, or per week, day, or 50 cents every time you want to use netflix. Hope you don't like **** sites, torrents, or anything else that uses data, if you do get ready to pay extra.

    Why are they doing all this you ask? Its because people are trending away from TV witch has stuck to an old and poor business model and is now suffering because its customers don't want to pay for an outdated service plan. So instead of changing the model and making people happy to keep their bizz, cable companies want to keep making the same profit with out it costing them anything at all. So because their getting $200 a month per person with cable and net, and only $100 a month from people with net only. Their going to charge people with net only the same $100 a month and also start charging them for every little thing they can to make up the other $100 a month and keep a $200 a month per person income in place.

    Its a bright new world we are moving into isn't it? One where you have no right to defend your or ensure your own financial proceedings and your expected to pay for everything, and everyone.

    I for one can't wait, and thanks to all you people out their who hooked that up for us by being to lazy to even attempt to work and earn your own keep. Have no fear we are all here to work hard and pay for your way. I mean isn't that why we where all put here on this earth?

    Gonna be so glade I paid all these extra charges so they could "Make profit," when they put out the announcement the games closing cause ISP are eating into the "profit," to much to justify continuing to keeping the game open.

  15. Potent New Player

    You can make 40 Characters on Final Fantasy and each one is allowed to have 1 Saved Gear Set for Each Class it has unlocked(That's like 15 or 16) plus an additional 8 for anything else you want like Vanity outfits or what not.

    This feature is included in the game subscription along with the ability to changes classes at a whim.

    The only thing an Armory does different than DCUO is that it will change your active abilities, but you don't really change your Hot Bars once you have them set or if you do it's probably just a couple abilities because you're doing PvP.
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  16. lukelucky Devoted Player

    bud I love your post. what upsets me most is how slow LFG had gotten to before the free month and the holidays when everyone was off. its all speculation but to me the chat and population was in the worse shape I have ever seen it. I played with no breaks since mid year 1. I just can not believe anyone uses making money as an excuse for this. the best profit is by growing legendary sales. the way this is set up look how many legendary guys are upset and how many leave? they made a move moe likely to shrink the legendary community than to grow it. worse our legendary community on some degree are not pleased. personally I hope xbox 1 brings us a nice fighting based mmo. my fear is once their is competition this game is in trouble
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  17. lukelucky Devoted Player

    ok i will give you that. thing is my gripe is legendary morale and growing legendary. this does nothing good for either and over a long term window not the best for profits.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, MC and LP are separate currencies for separate stores, even though they have the same items.
  19. Feenicks New Player

    My moral is quite high......except sometimes on the forums. :)
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Armories are not a part of the Legendary membership, but a monthly grant of SC/LP is, which you can put towards Armories or any other convenience item in the Marketplace.
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