Armories Arrive in DCUO Next Week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Dametria Loyal Player

    Wow! lot's of feedback...and mostly constructive (always a plus:))
    Hopefully, this will be viewed as adding to that...

    I love the player bases and I decorate mine obsessively (true story)...I looked forward to Home Turf probably more than all the other DLC's combined. I have been eagerly waiting for the release of armories just on their awesomeness as a base decoration. The added functionality to gear & re-spec on the go...really good icing on an already tasty cake, for myself anyway.

    There was no doubt in my mind I was buying a truckload of these as soon as they were released, however...I will be delaying my purchase until at the very least a reasonable explanation can be given for A) armories not being account bound (i.e. Lair Themes) or B) priced more inline with the other 2 "base" items on the MP (deeds & themes).

    I want to support this game, not only with my beautiful smile and admiration of the DC characters housed within it, but also with my money. I understand, as I believe a vast majority of the players posting here do, that it requires resources to create the game and it's content and I want to be one of the reasons this game thrives for years to come. Please reconsider the release price, or making armories account bound.

    $10 for an armory unlock, I can support that. $3 - $5 for additional armories (like deeds for bases), I can support that. And I will support it with real world money and a smile.
    However, the current $8 for one armory I can only use for one toon (and I have many) I cannot support that.
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  2. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    I can agree... But where did this expectation come from?? Did I think, the value of a samsung 55" 3d led is $500..... But when I get there they are charging me $800... Is that fair??? Of course it is... Because my expectation is a guess based on what I'm willing to pay for a slightly bigger screen... But my expectation and guess is wrong because it was created in my mind... How are we angry at an incorrect guess we have created?
  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    bud I am with you %119 on the extortion and with the second build. add a second build to legendary. doing that you don't have to change any of the prices because honestly we will buy them once we get a taste. more importantly it grows legendary which is good for profits and the game. win for the legendary community, dcuo team looking for profit, and the game. I feel they extorted us to buy replays upon t5 release or finish second. repedative extortion. bad buisness
  4. B0NE DADDY Well-Known Player

    They really need to stop people from commenting in announcements.
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  5. Oel Em Well-Known Player

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  6. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    I can't get on board with the idea that Legendary members get a second armory for free. Yes, this is despite my being Legendary since launch. This is a product/feature that the devs spent extra resources creating (regardless of whether it should have been available from launch or not), and the company needs to recoup that cost at the least and should make a profit on it at best.

    They're more sure to make a profit by making the pricing more reasonable, or by changing the consumable nature of the armories, though.
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  7. a3Ro New Player

    it looks pretty good...
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  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I think they attacked this completely backwards. why not just add a second legendary build to legendary accounts? you can still sell armories at a high rate but you also sell additional legendary. legendary sales is a bigger bang for their buck than armories one and done profit
  9. Jamie New Player

    We made assumptions based upon previous pricing for what we believed items of similar value. In my analogy it would be as if you came up with the $1,000 price tage by looking at all of the other tv's out there. You looked what other companies were charging for a similar tv and you saw how this tv manufacturer priced other tv's in the past. If you thought you were going to buy a 70" tv for $1,000 and it was only $800 you would be thrilled. If you found out that the tv was actually $1,600 you might decide that your 32" tv is good enough for the time being. You could also go to the store and see that the 70" tv is sold out and that a 90" is only $1,200. You were only planning on spending $1,000 but you feel that an extra $200 is worth the extra 20".

    Most of the cummunity feels like we found at that the $1,000 tv was actually $1,600. A small portion of the people found the tv to only be $800, and some of us are saying we'll take the 90" for $1,200 or we'll just enjoy or 32" tv for now. This is where we are at now and we are just waiting to see what the sales person comes back with
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  10. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    "She" not "he" , but thank you! ^.^
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  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    I actually agree wholeheartedly, though I've been commenting plenty. Threads like this can be made in other places. Commenting in the Announcements makes it nearly impossible to know if there are new announcements, unless you actually go to that section of the forum.
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  12. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    The difference is the tv has already been bought and now they wana try & sell you the remote it should have come with.
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  13. Campor Well-Known Player

    The issue with that example is that those consoles have tons of functionality and a lot of future enjoyment. Varied future enjoyment. You can play hundreds of different games on them. And your friends can use them with you.

    A more accurate example would be, say, a wardrobe. A wardrobe even that other people got in their houses/apartments for free for the most part. You wouldn't expect to pay half your rent to afford a normal wardrobe to put a change of clothes in. One change of clothes, at that.

    Sure, armouries have the spec/loadout changes, but that and costume saving has been in many other games for free. Even for free players for the most part.
  14. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    This is incorrect.... There is nothing similar to armories.. The only similarity is that it's sold on the market place for a base.... It's like google glasses... Their is nothing on the market similar... So everyone is guessing that it's going to be $500 based on laptop/tablet costs and functionality... However how would we be upset if it gets release at $800?? Ur analogy is equal to shopping for a tv comparing it wit another item sold at best buy used for living room entertainment (which entails many items).. So I'll choose a blue ray player... So the tv price should be $300...
  15. Jamie New Player

    I wish we would get a 2nd one as a Legendary member. That would be sweet for us I think it would be the wrong move unless they also dropped the price. Premiums spend a decent amount of money on this game and most are against these prices. As a Legendary member I am willing to shell out a few extra dollars here and there if that means premiums are going to be shelling out more as well. My subscrpition revenue is a drop in the bucket for SOE and means nothing to them if I don't resub. If the majority of the premiums won't buy the item that means SOE lost money on this venture and we all pay the price. Soe will be more hesitant to do something like this in the future and they will have less money to work on current projects. This leads to longer waits between DLC's which are long enough as it is. I would love to think that if we got 2 armories for subscribing then many premium and free members would subscribe giving SOE more than enough money to cover the expenses for the armories but I'm not sure if that is true.
  16. TrueOlympus New Player

    um... re-spec chambers are literally a slower version of armories. Maybe you are just confused.
  17. lukelucky Devoted Player

    bud the way they get the most profit is growing the legendary base. take a 15 pack. that's a quick $60. however that's all of 4 legendary memberships sold in the same month. month two armories sales earn you oh yeah zero dollars when legendary sales still pump in that same profit. anyway you cut it grow the legendary sales and treat your customers well. my way I would still be legendary and have my money in for my 15 pack despite the two free. they are that cool of a feature bud. however when you tell me I have to pay to utilize a feature I feel and most feel should of been here all along is a deal breaker. my legendary gone my money locked in my wallet far from soe and dcuo. you sir are entitled to your opinion but I garuntee you they need a win after t5 and now this. I have presented them one. lowering the cost may work for some but truth be told some pay to play guys will still feel cheated. most are not ok with this being a pay to use feature and a lower price helps but my way is a way bigger win. I ALSO THINK IN THE BIG PICTURE THE 2ND ARMORIE BUILD FOR LEGENDARY IS A MORE PROFITABLE WAY TO GO.
  18. Oel Em Well-Known Player

    Well other threads were started multiple times and mepps closed em all and moved em here, sooooooo.....
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  19. Jamie New Player

    This is incorrent. Many others have already posted that this sort of feature is included freely in a lot of other games. So you now know what your competition charges. Since the dev's stated before that we would only get 1 free we knew that there would be a cost associated with it. Mepps also made the comment about getting a free armory from your monthly benefit of subscribbing. I'm still looking for the exact post. You can also look in the market place to see how other items are priced. What items are in the Marketplace that cost more than $5 and are not redemmable by all toons? Bundles need to be excluded since we are looking at item cost. All of these things point to armories being $5 at the most. Clearly my analogy was lost on you but that happens. Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.
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  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    the way you use percentages and your example shows you have knowledge in sales. I ask why not simply add a second armorie build to legendary and ride bot a slight increase in legendary sales and the high dollar spenders still by armories as is? selling one and done items is nice but to make legendary guys really happy and ad something to sell legendary its a huge win. certainly will not have the pay to play guys pissed
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